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Lilac Scribbles

Happy March and Welcome to another edition of Scribbles! Happy you're here!

Practical Life

New in practical - clothespinning and "fishing" for shamrocks!


Another vertebrate was presented - amphibian. The children learned that the word amphibian means an animal that spends part of its life in water and part on land. They hatch from eggs, are cold bloodied, some crawl or hop. The amphibian we focused on was the frog. We reminded the children that frogs/toads are not the only amphibians. There are salamanders, newts and caecilians as well. They also learned how to distinguish frogs from toads! We also discussed the life cycle of a frog.

We also discussed what animals are called based upon what they eat, i.e., carnivore (meat eater), herbivore (plant eater), and omnivore (eats both meat and plants).


We visited the continent of Africa. The children learned that it is the second largest continent, hottest continent, the largest land animal, tallest and fastest animals are indigenous to Africa. They also learned how to distinguish an African elephant from an Asian elephant (by looking at the ears) and coincidentally, the African elephant's ear resembles the shape of Africa.

Our focus of study was the east African country of Tanzania where the Serengeti is located. The language spoken in Tanzania is Swahili. We practiced the numbers from 1 to 10 in Swahili. We also discovered that "Simba" is Swahili for lion!

Presenting "Sunset over the Serengeti" (watercolor art)

Walk Around the Sun

We had 2 birthday celebrations. Both took 5 Walks Around the Sun. Happy 5th Year of Life, Troy and Happy 5th Year of Life, Addie!

Troy Kim
Addison Orlans

The month of March has just blown in, to say that Spring will soon begin. March roars in like a lion with a bluster and a slam, and tiptoes out gently, like a quiet little lamb! (our poem for March)

That's it for now! Thanks for being here.

Think Spring!
