
Prep School Newsletter Friday 10 November

Welcome back to the second half of autumn term! It is wonderful to see the children back in school and ready for the start of the most exciting part of the year! Rehearsals have already started for the Early Years and Key Stage 1 Nativity on 24 November and the KC Prep Christmas card competition was launched this week.

Chaplain Katie led our whole school community and invited guests in a moving service on Tuesday to honour those who have lost their lives in times of war. Red and white poppy wreaths were laid on the memorial of Sgt. Leslie Pidd, a Hawker Hurricane pilot, whose plane was shot down by a Messerschmitt in September 1940, landing in the grounds of Kent College.

Prep School Notices

Kiss and GO- You are kindly reminded that you should not park in the 'DROP OFF ZONE' outside the front of school.

Parking in this area obstructs vehicles trying to exit the school grounds. This area is reserved for a quick "Kiss and Go". If you need more time to get your little one out of the car please make use of the lower car park.

KS 1 Sewing Club -Due to parent consultations, Key Stage 1 Sewing Club has been cancelled on Wednesday 15 November 2023

Coats and Wellies - Could all children have wellies and coats in school every day as the weather has made the playground and woods very muddy!

What happend in School this week?

Forest Explorers

It is lovely to be back at School with all our friends. Our swimming teachers are super proud of us for our great swimming skills and we look forward to our swimming lessons every week. We are getting much better at using our legs to kick fast and our arms to paddle, which helps us to move across the water.


In maths this week, the children have been comparing size and weight. They searched the classroom finding objects that were longer and shorter than their piece of ribbon. Then we compared the weight of a suitcase and a balloon. We checked the weight of different objects using the balance scales and then we found things we thought would be heavier or lighter than the balloon.

Year 1 and 2

Year 1 and 2 thoroughly enjoyed looking for signs of autumnal changes during their outdoor learning session this week - they also were very excited to see signs of the upcoming bonfire night in the field next door!

They were tasked with making leaf animals from the multi-coloured fallen leaves on the forest floor and were incredibly creative, many working together to make their designs come to life. Some children chose to build a den; these are becoming more elaborate each week as more dead wood appears on the forest floor! The mud kitchen cafe was also in full swing, with delicacies such as chocolate mud cake and leaf soup. Delicious!

Year 3

As part of our science topic on rocks, Zahara brought in her fossil and rock collection. Her fascination was sparked when she found a fossilised bone whilst on holiday in the Isle of Wight and her collection has been growing ever since. The class had lots of interesting questions which Zahara answered brilliantly.

Year 4

Year 4 have been very busy creating Tudor houses over the holiday. After looking at a variety of buildings they came up with designs and produced wonderful models that made a Tudor village in class.

Year 5

This first week back after half term has been very busy indeed. Lessons have included learning about Victorian children working in factories, lines of latitude and longitude, multiples and common multiples, pattern and colour and list poetry. Year Five read and discussed some fun list poems and noticed a number of similarities between them. They spotted the rhyme and rhythm, the punctuation and nonsense ideas. The opening and closing of the list poems was also important, illustrated very well in 'That Explains It!' by Kenn Nesbitt. The pupils then had great fun creating their own list poems about what nonsense items are spotted in a head x-ray. Enjoy a few of the lines they created.

Year 6

Year 6 have started a new science topic and have been learning about Carl Linnaeus and his methods of Classification. Working with a partner, the pupils classified a variety of living things, using the categories that Carl Linnaeus pioneered.


The Intrepid Engineers at STEM were challenged to make the tallest structure possible using only newspaper and masking tape! Undaunted, they had a good think about it and produced some amazing towers that reached all the way to the ceiling. What do you think were the key things that made the tallest towers work?

Reading News

Listening Books is an audiobook lending charity for those that find their illness, mental health, physical or learning disability affects their ability to read the printed word or hold a book.

They stock over 10,000 audiobooks and cover the National Curriculum from KS2 - A-Level, and also have 1000's of daily newspapers and magazines available in e format and with a listening function. Online subscription is £20 a year.

Sport News

Saturday 18th November, 8.45am-11.00am

Join us (with friends and family) for a free, fun morning of sport, including hockey, tag rugby, cricket, netball, gymnastics and trampolining. Meet our PE department and find out about the fantastic sport provision and amazing facilities available for Forest Explorers Nursery and KC Prep School pupils.

Have a wonderful weekend!