Byron Bay Public School Newsletter TERM 3 | WEEK 1 | 2024

Respectful | Responsible | Fair

Member of the Lighthouse Valley of Schools

Byron Bay Public School acknowledges and pays respect to the Arakwal people of the Bundjalung Nation, the traditional custodians of the land upon which the school proudly stands.


We believe in excellence, innovation, opportunity and success for our students. We are a dynamic school community committed to delivering a broad range of quality learning experiences, in a nurturing environment where all students have the opportunity to achieve their personal best. Students will become successful learners, displaying confidence and creativity, along with the knowledge and skills to become active and informed citizens of the future, living and working in the 21st Century.

Term 3 | Week 1

  • Thu 25 July | Playgroup cancelled
  • Thu 25 July | Intermediate Band - 8:15am - 9:15am

Week 2

  • Mon 29 July | School Athletics Carnival for Years 2 - 6 (Students who are turning 8 years or older in 2024)
  • Tue 30 July | Senior Band - 8:25am - 9:15am
  • Tue 30 July | Beginner Band - 9:25am - 10:15am
  • Tue 30 July | PSSA Boys Soccer Round 4 Knockout - 9:00am @ Skennars Head
  • Tue 30 July | Tissue Fairy Visit for Kindergarten - 1:50pm
  • Thu 1 Aug | Playgroup in the School Hall - 9:30am - 11:00am

Week 3

Education Week - Monday 5 August - Friday 9 August, 2024

  • Mon 5 Aug | Whole School Assembly @ 1:50pm
  • Tue 6 Aug | Whole School Education Week & Special Parent Assembly - 'Proud to Belong' @ 9:30am followed by open classrooms
  • Tue 6 Aug | Senior Band - 8:15am - 9:15am
  • Tue 6 Aug | Beginner Band - 9:25am - 10:15am
  • Wed 7 Aug | Stage 2 & 3 Selected students to Byron Writers Festival @ Bangalow
  • Thu 8 Aug | Playgroup in the School Hall - 9:30am - 11:00am
  • Thu 8 Aug | Intermediate Band - 8:15am - 9:15am
  • Thu 8 Aug | P&C Meeting in the Staffroom @ 6:00pm
  • Fri 9 Aug | Headlands District Athletics Carnival @ Cavanbah Centre

Week 4

National Science Week

  • Mon 12 Aug | Junior Landcare Planting Workshop & Delta Kay in the Garden - 9:20am - 11:20am
  • Mon 12 Aug | Whole School Assembly @ 1:50pm
  • Tue 13 Aug | Senior Band - 8:15am - 9:15am
  • Tue 13 Aug | Beginner Band - 9:25am - 10:15am
  • Tue 13 Aug | Year 6 Photo @ 10:00am
  • Wed 14 Aug | Year 6 Guest Speaker - Pauline Menczer
  • Wed 14 Aug | Kindergarten 2025 Information Night @ 5:30pm
  • Thu 15 Aug | Intermediate Band - 8:15am- 9:15am
  • Thu 15 Aug | Playgroup in the School Hall - 9:30am - 11:00am
  • Thu 15 Aug | P&C Father's Day Stall in the Library
  • Fri 16 Aug | National Day of Action Against Bullying & Violence
  • Fri 16 Aug | Year 6 Byron Bay Public Library Walk - 9:30am - 12:30pm (6A & 6N)
Please like and share our Facebook page

On Monday 29 July we will be holding our annual Athletics Carnival at the Cavanbah Centre. Please ensure you have signed the online permission by Thursday 25 July for your child to attend the event in School Bytes. Students who do not have permission will stay at school on the day. Students are to arrive at school as normal and will be transported by bus to and from the Cavanbah Centre with their classes. (The cost of the bus is covered by the Voluntary Contribution parents/carers have paid).

ONLY students competing in the 1500m and/or 800m races are to be dropped to the Cavanbah Centre. Marshalling for these races will begin at 8:45am prior to the official start of the carnival. These events are for COMPETITIVE RUNNERS ONLY.

Parents/carers wishing to take their child/ren from the Cavanbah Centre are required to have their names marked off at the recording tent before leaving the carnival. If your child/ren are being collected by another parent, you will need to provide written permission to their classroom teacher. Students are not permitted to ride their bikes or walk to and from the Cavanbah Centre.

Please see the important information below regarding carnival organisation and qualifying for the Headlands District Carnival:

The top three place-getters in each age group will have the opportunity to progress to the Headlands District PSSA Athletics Carnival. The age groups are as follows: Juniors (8, 9 & 10 years old), 11 Years, and Seniors (12 & 13 years old). The events for qualification include the 1500m, 800m, 200m, shot put, discus, long jump, and high jump.

100m Age Races: The top three place getters in the 100m age races will also have the chance to progress to the Headlands District PSSA Athletics Carnival.

8, 9 & 10 Age Groups: For the 8, 9, and 10 year old age groups, students will rotate in separate groups through each event on the day. However, the final times and distances will be combined to select the top three junior competitors (8, 9 & 10 year olds) who will then progress to the Headlands District Carnival.

Field Events: All students will have two attempts at each field event, including Discus, Shot Put, and Long Jump. The top five distances achieved will earn an additional third throw/jump, which will be measured and recorded.

1500m and 800m Events: Please note that the 1500m and 800m events are for competitive students only. Marshalling for these events will begin at 8:45am. If your child wishes to participate, they will need to make their own way to the Cavanbah Centre and arrive before 8:45am.

BBPS P&C are kindly asking for volunteers to assist at the Athletics Carnival next Monday 29 July. We will operating a BBQ and Snow Cone fundraiser and would appreciate any help big or small. Please contact Anna Ockert on 0401 321 858.

Year 3 Feature

3G enjoyed reading the book 'Wandi' by author Favel Parret. We learned about dingoes and the need for them to be protected as one of Australia's endangered native animals. In the narrative we studied, a small dingo was captured by a wedge tailed eagle and dropped onto the ground far from his mountain home. Our artworks show Wandi the dingo and Bunjil the wedge tailed eagle.

During our Science lessons in 3P and 3H, we have been learning about heat and light. The classes explored the themes of renewable and non-renewable energy sources. As an ending to our unit, we made solar ovens using some recycled materials that we then attempted to ‘cook’ s’mores in. A tricky thing to do in winter but they were delicious anyway!

3H and 3P enjoyed creating a multi-medium artwork for NAIDOC Week.

Firstly, students replicated Aboriginal art symbols using clay. As they dried, we painted our backgrounds the colours of the Aboriginal flag and used our hand print (in yellow) to finish the flag off. Once the clay was dry, we placed the symbols artistically onto our backgrounds. How clever is Mrs Holmes! Don’t they look great?

3M are beginning to explore their new text ‘Rowan of Rin’ by Emily Rodda. As they delve into the fantasy novel following the adventures of a village boy, we are learning about the techniques authors use to develop characterisation.


A BIG, warm welcome to all of our new families. Please extend a friendly greeting to these families who have chosen to join our school community. We hope that your time with us is educationally rewarding. We are very proud of our school and want the very best for all.

We trust that all of our families had a relaxing and enjoyable holiday and that the students have returned to school ready to learn and to do their best. Staff are excited about Term 3 and the opportunity to have all of our students at school every day. We know that when our students are at school every day, readily engaged with teaching and learning, putting in their best effort, then they can expect to make pleasing progress, to achieve their goals and be proud of their achievements. In order for this to happen, students need to be on time for school, ready to start learning at 9.20am every day. Students that arrive after this time miss valuable information about scheduled activities. They also miss lesson introductions and explanations, as well as important literacy and numeracy activities that are crucial to overall progress at school. Every minute counts and students who arrive late are not only missing out on their own education provisions, they are also interrupting the teaching and learning opportunities being provided to the other students in the class. Please help us by ensuring that all students arrive at school on time. Thank you to the large majority of our parents who go out of their way to get the children to school on time, ready for learning to commence at 9.20am, we appreciate your ongoing support of the school.

School Development Day

On Monday, staff spent the day completing professional learning on ‘Differentiating Curriculum Needs’, ‘Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL)’, ‘Learning & Support’ and ‘Wingaru Aboriginal Education’, as well as ‘The Writing Revolution’. We really appreciated the opportunity to explore and learn about pedagogy and best practice in relation to these things, which all students will benefit from. Office staff completed training on Tech-Infused Presentations.

Education Week Celebrations

All parents and carers are invited to our Education Week Celebration Assembly at 9:30am on Tuesday 6 August, under the COLA (Covered Outdoor Learning Area). Weather permitting, we will be able to showcase performances by each of our Stage 1 (Years 1 & 2), Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4) and Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6) choirs and our three bands. The assembly will be followed by open classrooms for our visitors. We are looking forward to having you join us for this important event.

Staff News

A warm welcome to:

  • Miss Katy Owen who is replacing Mrs Sherab for the remainder of the year, teaching music as part of our RFF program;
  • Mr Tom Paterson who is on 6W for the next 4 weeks;
  • Miss Molly Phillips who is on 1H for the next 6 weeks and
  • Ms Hannah Husband who is on 5R for the next 2 weeks.

Natalie Lennon is on leave for the next 4 weeks. Michelle Spry will continue to relieve as the Deputy Principal and Kirsty Paron will continue to relieve as the Stage 2 (Years 3 & 4) Assistant Principal. Greg Moran will continue on 4S for the next 4 weeks.

Bec Miller will relieve for Michelle Wright as the Stage 3 (Years 5 & 6) Assistant Principal until the end of the year.

When staff are on planned leave, both the classroom teacher and the temporary teacher work together to ensure continuity of teaching and learning, thus enabling a smooth transition for the students.

Discover the NSW Student Learning Library

The NSW Student Learning Library provides learning resources available for teachers, parents, carers and students to be used in class or at home via the department’s public facing website.

Visit the NSW Student Learning Library to find out more about the library and if you want, you can start using the resources today.

School Arrival Time is After 8:50 am

Students should not arrive at school before 8:50am when teachers commence playground supervision. Students who travel on buses that arrive before this time are to remain seated in the COLA area until the duty teacher arrives. Please DO NOT drop off or send your child/children to school before 8:50am as there is no supervision before this time. The first bell at 9:17am indicates the time for students to assemble ready for classes. A second bell at 9:20am indicates the commencement of lessons. All playground fixed equipment is out of bounds in the morning.

2025 Kindergarten students we are now enrolling

We welcome all new Kindergarten students to Byron Bay Public School for 2025. Now is the time to enrol. We are proud of our learning community and the opportunities available to our students. Our dedicated teachers and support staff provide excellent learning and wellbeing experiences for all of our students.

If you know of any families who may have a child ready for school in 2025 please encourage them to contact us. A reminder to families who already attend BBPS and have a sibling ready to attend school in 2025 please enrol now.

Upcoming events for 2025 Kindergarten families (see flyer)

  • Information Evening | Wednesday, 14 August 2024
  • Orientation Days | Term 4 2024

Stage 2 Information - Child Protection -Personal Development

This term, students in Years 3 and 4 will build their understanding of emotional and behavioural warning signs associated with unsafe situations in relation to their bodies and 'private parts'. They will consider the impact that abuse and bullying can have on someone and explore positive ways to respond when abuse has occurred. Students will apply interpersonal and self-management skills to practise responses and strategies that promote personal health, safety and wellbeing. If you have any queries or concerns please contact your child's teacher.

Kirsty Paron - Relieving Assistant Principal Stage 2




The girls soccer team played Lennox Head in Round 4 of the PSSA Knockout competition last Thursday morning. Unfortunately, the girls lost but they played a strong game with lots of attempts at goal. Summer F was solid in defence the whole game and Lakiylaeh H made some great saves in goal. The dynamic duo of Pia B and Pippa R made many breaks and nearly scored several times.

An especially big thank you to Thiago who volunteered his time to referee the girls game. Thank you very much, you did a fantastic job.


The boys played their Round 3 game of the PSSA Knockout on Friday against The Pocket Public School. They played with skill, teamwork and finesse, and easily overpowered The Pocket to come away with a 7 - 1 win. Goals were scored by Josh D, Cooper K (2), Levi S (2), Benny I and George B.

The Round 4 game against Teven Tintenbar Public School will be played on Tuesday 30 July at Skennars Head.


Congratulations to our Class Achievement Award Recipients for Term 2 Week 8.


Please remember - Flexischools cut off time for canteen lunch orders is 8:30am

If you have any questions regarding your Flexischool Account, please phone Flexischools directly on 1300 361 769 as we do not have access to your information.

Roster | Term 3 Week 2

  • Mon 29 July | Nerida Haydon
  • Tue 30 July | Kyla Egan-Hirst
  • Wed 31 July | Maria Cid
  • Thu 1 August | Val Johnson
  • Fri 2 August | Lindy Simms and helper needed please

Roster | Term 3 Week 3

  • Mon 5 August | Peta Simmons
  • Tue 6 August | Kyla Egan-Hirst
  • Wed 7 August | Briohny Brindley
  • Thu 8 August | Val Johnson
  • Fri 9 August | Lisa-Mae Riley-Burden and Nikita Lee

Please note that the cut off time for orders is 8.30am, if your child is absent we ask that you please phone the school office by 8:45am to notify the canteen to cancel the lunch orders. As you can imagine the mornings are very busy for us in the canteen and once we have prepared or ordered items it is too late to cancel.

Can you also make your child aware that if they are missing a lunch order to please come to the canteen to check with the canteen staff.

The canteen is open Monday to Friday. To place an order, please sign up at (lunch orders must be placed by 8:30am). Cash will only be accepted if there is a problem with Flexischools. All lunch orders need to be placed through the online ordering system. We recommend placing your child’s lunch order the night before to ensure that the order has gone through. Please make sure that you follow the process all the way through to the order confirmation. Please check for a confirmation email after you have placed your order. If you have any problems with the Flexischools App, please try logging on through the Flexischools website. If you would like to volunteer in the canteen (9:00am - 12:00pm), please contact Lou in the canteen or email to

Community Notices

Would you like your child/ren to participate in a healthy whole-body music activity and reduce kids' after-school screen time? We would love to hear from you, come along and join our Taiko Drumming Workshops being held every Tuesday afternoon in the School Hall.

Taiko is the Japanese word for drum, a movement-infused dynamic group drumming, high-energy performance art that combines music, dance, martial arts, whole body workout, and culture.

Please click on the button below to see what we are all about -

School Crossing Supervisor

Our school still does not have a School Crossing Supervisor. Transport NSW have been unable to fill this position. If you or anyone you know is interested in becoming a School Crossing Supervisor, please click the button below for more information. Please take care when crossing the road with your children and make sure they are supervised at all times.

Byron Bay Public School thanks these sponsors of our newsletter who assist with the cost of publication