Preschool/K1: Float and Sink - The K1 learners have been discussing and inquiring about how materials behave. We started by exploring materials that float and sink. They were good communicators and crafted and created things from recycled materials.
Y1: Customer service stars - The Year One students successfully finished Unit 5 with an engaging performance task. They were tasked with addressing a complaint from the community and collaboratively devising a solution. The students showcased their knowledge and ideas by developing clever and creative systems to address the community's issue. As you can see, they also modeled their ideas by crafting with trash.
Y3: Bones! - Exploring science through creativity, our Year 3 class proudly presents their life-size skeleton drawings. This hands-on activity encourages learning about our amazing bodies, sparking curiosity and discovery in every student as we strive for anatomical accuracy!
Y5: Children’s rights - Year 5 were introduced to the UN “Bill of Rights Charter for Children.” The class chose a bill each, then created a poster to display their understanding of the particular bill they chose. The learners then had informal chats to explain to their peers what the bill that they had chosen. meant. In this way they were able to show that they are knowledgeable learners.
MY: Preparing for assessment week - As we are almost halfway through Term 3 the MY students are hard at work preparing for their upcoming summative assessments.The students will be assessed in each of their subject areas so that we may provide them with feedback on how they can make further academic progress. We will use the results of the assessments for our Term 3 reporting and to update the parents on their child’s progress.
Student success at UDIS (Year 4) - Year 4 learned about Distribution of Wealth in their unit "Sharing the Planet" and they discovered that Ban Nong Tao Don School, near Udon Thani, lost a school building and all materials in a fire. Year 4 initiated a donation drive, creating posters and presenting their plan at our assembly. When we visited the school, it was an insightful experience for our students. The UDIS community's generosity was greatly appreciated by the Ban Nong Tao Don School team.
Thai at UDIS: Learning about art - In Year 1 the students are learning about Thai art and patterns. This activity is designed to guide students in learning how to create and decorate using a variety of lines, which they can assemble to design a T-shirt. It’s an excellent exercise for Year 1 students, allowing them to enjoy learning about Thai patterns while integrating artistic thinking skills to bring their ideas to life.