Welcome to West Meadows Weekly!
This week I want to start by saying a massive well done to all of the children who took part in this year’s drama club which culminated in Thursday’s performance of The Sound of Music at The Academy Theatre. It has been a joy and pleasure working with them over the past few months and watching them grow in confidence. They have been a fantastic team and supported each other brilliantly. Well done to them all. I’m already looking forward to next year’s performance
Do you have any unwanted Lego or duplo bricks? We are collecting Lego, duplo or small world figures for the children to use at playtimes and lunchtimes. We have lots of balls and sports equipment at school but some of our children prefer to play more quietly in small groups on the benches. They love to build and construct so we are asking for any donations of pre-loved Lego, duplo etc that they could use. Please bring any donations into class or to the main reception. Many thanks in advance.
We would like any donations of chocolate, however big or small, towards our chocolate tombola stall for our summer fayre on Friday 5th July. These can be brought into class or the main reception / office at any time. Thank you for your support and we look forward to seeing you there. Fingers crossed for sunshine.
Our performance of The Wizard of Oz is on Wednesday 17th July at The Academy Theatre with years 4 and 5 supporting Year 6. Children will be at the theatre during the day for a rehearsal and then will need to come back to the theatre in the evening to perform. Tickets will be on sale from Monday 22nd June from the box office or online. Adults cost £6.00 each and children £5.00 each. We look forward to seeing you there!
Our Year 5 pupils have been working hard all year to learn how to play the cornet. Next week on Thursday afternoon they will be playing at the Metrodome with other schools from St. Mary’s Academy Trust. I am really looking forward to seeing them perform. Parents are welcome to attend and tickets can be purchased on the door on the day.
Year 6 pupils enjoyed a drama workshop on Wednesday this week with Joseph from the Outreach group. They played lots of different games to warm up and develop their acting skills and then worked in teams to act and direct extracts from Joseph and his Technicolor Dreamcoat. It was great to see them working so well together.
Every Friday we will celebrate our children’s achievements, both in school and at home, including their attendance in school. Good attendance is vital for your child’s education and means they can make the most of all aspects of school life. We really need your support this year to raise our attendance. If you need any help or support please come and see Mrs Maree. You can see your own child’s attendance for the year and the last 4 weeks on the Arbor App. An attendance of 97% or above is considered to be good attendance.
Last Week's Attendance:
F1 AM (incl 30 hours): 81.3%
F2: 94.5%
Year 1: 90.4%
Year 2: 94%
Year 3: 95.8%
Year 4: 93.3%
Year 5: 90.7%
Year 6: 94.5%
Congratulations to this week's winners, Year 3!
27th June - Year 5 to attend Barnsley Music Festival at The Metrodome
28th June - Year 6 Leavers’ Camping Night!
2nd July - F2 Sports Day (1:30pm)
3rd July - Year 1 / 2 Sports Day (9:30am)
3rd July - Year 3 / 4 Sports Day (1:30pm)
4th July - Year 5 / 6 Sports Day (1:30pm)
5th July - F1 (Nursery) Sports Day (9:30am)
5th July - Summer Fair (2:00pm)
10th July - End of Year Reports to Parents
11th and 12th July - Transition Days in school and Year 6 transition to Kirk Balk
17th July - Year 6 Leavers' Show at the Academy Theatre (including Years 4 and 5)
19th July - Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly
19th July - Break Up For Summer Holidays
2nd September - INSET Day