
Engaging Stakeholders in Building Climate Resilience Performance and Panel Wednesday 25th October 2023

On Wednesday 25th October 2023, Creative Manchester and Sustainable Futures collaborated to put on an event that would seek to identify how the arts can be used to communicate issues of environmental sustainability and to present an example of how the collaboration between the arts and sciences can help to spur a new way of thinking and evaluating pressing issues.

The Performance

The audience filed in to watch 'The Boxer's Guide to Climate Resilience' Performance by Professor Stephen Scott-Bottoms.

After a short introduction from Dr Tim Foster, the Resilient Futures challenge lead for Sustainable Futures, on the work of Sustainable Futures and Creative Manchester, Professor Stephen Scott-Bottoms made a grand entrance to kick off his performance which was commissioned by JBA Consulting, an environmental consultancy firm.

Find out more about the Resilient Futures Challenge Area

The Boxer’s Guide to Climate Resilience tells the story of what happens when Jo, a lowly planning officer in Madeuptown, seeks advice from the legendary climate warrior, King Cnut. The piece is written and performed by Steve Scott-Bottoms, one of UoM’s Drama professors, and is presented by Vesper Hill – the social enterprise that Steve co-founded as a spin-out from previous practical research.

Professor Stephen Scott-Bottoms performing 'The Boxer's Guide to Climate Resilience'

Boxer’s Guide was commissioned by JBA Consulting (UK-wide environmental/engineering company) as a means to engage both staff and clients with their framework for adapting and responding to climate threats. JBA’s Head of Environment, Steve Maslen, will be one of the speakers during the Q&A panel discussion that follows the performance.

The Panel Discussion and Q&A

Dr Gemma Sou, Dr Tim Foster, Steve Maslen and Professor Stephen Scott-Bottoms (from left to right)

For the interactive panel discussion we were joined by:

  • Dr Gemma Sou, Senior Lecturer in Environment and Disasters at The University of Manchester.
  • Dr Tim Foster, Resilient Futures Challenge Lead and Senior Lecturer in Water-Food Security at The University of Manchester.
  • Steve Maslen, Director and Head of Environment at JBA Consulting.
  • Professor Stephen Scott-Bottoms, Professor of Contemporary Theatre at The University of Manchester.

Watch the Performance and Panel Session Back Here

We would like to thank all involved that contributed to putting on this extraordinary event, our wonderful panel, engaged audience and, of course, to Professor Scott-Bottoms for opening our eyes to how issues of environmental sustainability can be translated into art with your incredible performance of 'The Boxer's Guide to Climate Resilience'.

Audience Reflections

Click here to see what a member of our audience, Ellie Powell, thought of the performance.

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