
Class 9 Autumn 1 Learning Journey


In Literacy, we have been creating a detailed setting description all about 'The Land of Make Believe'. During this unit we have recapped and learnt a variety of new skills. These include complex sentences, how to use a relative clauses effectively and parenthesis.

We really impressed Miss Culshaw with our attitude to our presentation when we wrote up our final piece.

Next term, we will be focusing on the book ' Hidden Figures' and writing a persuasive letter.


In LIRA this term, we have been focusing on a number of books. These included Darwin's Voyage of Discovery, The Nowhere Emporium and Arthur and the Golden Rope.

During our LIRA sessions, we focused on a range of different activities and questions. We enjoyed making predictions on what we thought the stories will be about.

We also had the opportunity to take part in an Virtual Author Visit. We enjoyed learning about the new book!


In maths, we have been exploring place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, We have really focused on ensuring our arithmetic fluency is great and some of us moved onto more reasoning style questions to further our understanding.


Our topic this half term has been Geography where we looked at the Galapagos Islands.

During this topic, we looked at a number of skills. These included four figure grid references, contour lines , tectonic plates and also how the Galapagos Islands were formed.

We also had the amazing opportunity of visiting the Galapagos Islands through virtual reality. We enjoyed visiting the islands, without the need to even take a flight!


Our RSHE focus has been on Health & Wellbeing. We explored mental health and how we can support it, how we can express ourselves, and why feelings change. Before we completed any lessons, we looked at our ground rules that we will follow throughout the year in RSHE lessons. They ensure that we all show respect to each other and listen to other people.


In Science, this half term we looked at evolution. We enjoyed learning about the Theory of Evolution and how Charles Darwin created this theory. We also looked at fossils and how these can prove the theory of evolution.

During this lesson, we also looked at the different finches and how these have adapted to live on the different islands.


This half term, our focus has been on Dance. We have enjoyed learning new dance sequences.

We also had the amazing opportunity of taking part in a dance workshop run by Peachy Dance Studios.

Sport Visit

This half term, we had the amazing Shoany visit, prior to her trip to Hungry to compete in the World Championships. We had a amazing time and we even learnt a karate routine!

Football Stadium Visit!

We had the opportunity to visit Barnsley FC stadium and had an amazing time.

Things to Celebrate!

Celebration Certificates, TTRs Certificates and Spelling Shed Certificates!


Sport Certificates