Summer Term Highlights 2024 Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust

Innovate, Inspire, Collaborate

Dear all,

It brings me great pleasure to share with you the latest edition of our Trust newsletter.

On behalf of the trustees and my executive team, I just wanted to say a huge thank you for your continued support as we continue to make a difference for the young people in our care.

As you read through the following pages, you will see just some of the great work that is regularly occurring across our Trust, both in schools and in our Central Team. From cross-Trust projects, partnerships and exciting opportunities with external organisations like the Birmingham Hippodrome Network and The Salvation Army. There are excellent examples across the board which are a testament of our Trust values – innovate, inspire and collaborate – at work.

Please enjoy a restful Summer break and we look forward to welcoming you back for another term of outstanding teaching and learning in September.

Sir Mark Grundy, CEO

Trust Project Updates

Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust Receives Keys to Wednesfield Technology Primary

This term marks a significant milestone as Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust receives the keys to Wednesfield Technology Primary from construction partner, Tilbury Douglas.

The handover also marks the culmination of many years of meticulous planning and collaboration since receiving approval from the Department for Education to ensure the new technology primary is ready for its much-anticipated opening in September this year.

A key highlight of this special project is the school’s design to classic Passivhaus standards, emphasising sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Using eco-friendly technologies and sustainable, low-embodied carbon emissions, the Academy has been designed to create a naturally healthy, comfortable and stimulating educational space primed for pupils’ wellbeing and learning. This includes features like improved air quality, consistent indoor temperatures year-round and harnessing natural lighting to enhance pupils’ concentration, wellbeing and classroom engagement.

Claire Keeler, Principal Designate at Wednesfield Technology Primary, said: “We eagerly anticipate the opening of our brand-new technology primary in September and are excited to welcome our first cohort of nursery and reception pupils and their families.”

“At Wednesfield Technology Primary, we’re not only working to secure a better, brighter future for our pupils but we’re also ensuring a better and sustainable future for the environment. We look forward to working closely with the communities in and around Wednesfield and to providing our pupils with a unique and exceptional education.”

Sir Mark Grundy, CEO of Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust, said: “After years of meticulous planning and ongoing development, it has been wonderful to see our brand new Passivhaus school take shape and approach its completion, bringing us closer to a future where education and sustainability seamlessly intertwine. It’s more than just a school – it’s an investment in the future of our young people and our planet’s future.

“As a Trust committed to reducing our carbon footprint, this energy-efficient school embodies our dedication to environmental stewardship. It helps towards securing a better future for all by bringing the best opportunities that a Shireland education has to offer and cultivating responsible and environmentally conscious leaders of tomorrow.”

As Wednesfield Technology Primary prepares to open its doors in September 2024, the school promises to be a redefining moment in shaping the educational landscape of Wolverhampton and beyond.

Explore and Book Our Academy Facilities with SchoolHire

In the heart of our community lies a hub of learning, and now, an open invitation extends beyond our classroom walls. Our school facilities across the Trust, including football pitches and sports halls, are available to hire through our new partner, SchoolHire.

As we unlock our doors to the community, local sports teams, clubs, and community groups are invited to utilise our spaces. This initiative is more than just an invitation — it’s an opportunity for mutual growth. By renting our facilities, you not only contribute to the financial vitality of the school but also support the development of academic programs, extracurricular activities, and the maintenance of our shared spaces. Your involvement enhances the overall educational experience for our students.

Beyond the financial benefits, the impact extends to health and wellness. Accessible sports facilities encourage physical activity and a healthier lifestyle for residents of all ages. Whether it’s local sports clubs, fitness classes, or recreational leagues, our spaces are ready to support a community committed to well-being. As these facilities become accessible, they provide a platform for skill development. Local sports teams and aspiring athletes can utilise these spaces to hone their abilities, fostering a culture of sportsmanship and talent development within our community.

By opening our doors to community events, tournaments and gatherings, we aim to strengthen the bonds that tie us together, building a supportive community that rallies behind school initiatives and projects.

For more details on how you can hire our facilities, click here.

Staff Vacancies

Governor Vacancies

Do you know anyone who would be interested in becoming a Standards and Performance Committee Governor? We have vacancies at the following schools:

  • Thorns Collegiate Academy: Community
  • Wednesfield Technology Primary: Community
  • Tameside Primary Academy: Community and Family
  • Wallbrook Primary Academy: Co-opted
  • Lightwoods Primary Academy: Co-opted
  • Newfield park Primary Academy: Co-opted and Community

If you know anyone who would be interested, please ask them to email Emma Billingham at

Pupils Enjoy a Night Under the Sea at Birmingham’s Sea Life Centre

Pupils were abuzz with excitement this term as they went on a memorable sleepover experience at the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham.

The trip began with a visit to the iconic Library of Birmingham, where pupils explored its vast collection of books and amazing architecture, sparking a newfound love and appreciation for reading and the arts.

As the afternoon approached, pupils’ anticipation grew as the group made their way to the Sea Life Centre, where they were treated to an exclusive VIP tour after dark, complete with fascinating stories about the underwater world.

The highlight of the trip was settling down for a night beneath the centre’s aquarium tunnel, offering a very unique sleepover as pupils drifted off to sleep surrounded by marine wildlife including sharks and stingrays.

The excitement continued the next morning as pupils awoke to a special breakfast experience with the penguins, followed by a special VR workshop where they explored the depths of the ocean in virtual reality. This immersive session helped deepen their understanding of marine ecosystems and the importance of marine conservation.

This was a truly unique and unforgettable experience for the children at Holyhead, who are incredibly grateful to the Sea Life Centre for their warm hospitality and amazing learning programme, which has significantly enhanced pupils’ educational experience.

Pupils Excel’ As Lightwoods Primary Academy Earn Good Rating with Outstanding Features

In its first Ofsted inspection since joining Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust in 2021, Lightwoods Primary Academy has achieved a good rating with outstanding features.

The education watchdog rated the Oldbury primary school as good, the second highest rating, following an inspection last month. Inspectors highlighted the outstanding standard of a number of areas including behaviour and attitudes, personal development and leadership and management.

During the inspection, conducted in May 2024, Ofsted highlighted the Academy’s calm and nurturing learning environment, where pupils demonstrated a strong commitment to learning from early years onwards and exemplary behaviour described as ‘praiseworthy’.

The inspection report said that at Lightwoods children make the ‘most of every moment’ while teachers expertly deliver a ‘broad’ and ‘rich’ curriculum that extends beyond academics. Described as ‘challenging’ and ‘engaging’, the report says that the curriculum provides diverse opportunities for young learners to explore and develop their passions both inside and outside of the classroom. It also said that the curriculum is enhanced by the Academy’s ‘strong’ and ‘positive’ reading culture, which nurtures pupils’ love of reading from the moment they start school.

Ofsted said that pupils requiring extra support are ‘quickly’ identified and provided with tailored support. Staff regularly receive training and ‘expert’ guidance to ensure they have a ‘clear understanding’ of learners’ needs and ‘effective’ support put in place, with Ofsted noting that pupils with special educational needs and disabilities ‘do very well’.

Rob Matthews, Principal at Lightwoods Primary Academy, said: “We are thrilled to have achieved such a positive outcome in our first inspection since joining the Trust, which is a result of the dedication and hard work demonstrated daily by our staff, pupils and entire school community. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support of Lightwoods, without whom this would not be possible.

“While celebrating our success, we remain committed to providing the best possible education and support for our pupils and families.”

Ofsted commended the school’s leadership for its effective management and strategic planning, which fosters a culture centred around the ‘highest expectations’, supported by robust systems.

The report stated that leaders seize ‘every opportunity’ to provide regular professional development for staff, enabling them to ‘excel’ in their roles.

Sir Mark Grundy, CEO of Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust, said: “We are immensely proud of Lightwoods Primary Academy’s accomplishments, which reflect the collaborative efforts of its entire school community. At Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust, we strive to provide an environment where every young learner can thrive and exceed expectations. Lightwoods Primary Academy embodies this mission through its relentless dedication to academic excellence, fostering a love of learning and nurturing pupils’ development.

“As we look to the future, we are proud to support Lightwoods Primary Academy in its continued growth and innovation, ensuring pupils are happy and well-prepared.”

Shireland Technology Pupils Shine at Birmingham’s Poetry By Heart Showcase

Pupils from Shireland Technology Primary were invited to participate in the Poetry By Heart Showcase, where they performed a selection of poems before an audience, including students from other schools across the UK.

Held in May at Birmingham Hippodrome, the Poetry By Heart Showcase offered pupils a unique and exciting opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of poetry and performance.

Pupils were able to freely explore their creativity and expressive talents, building their skills and confidence as they committed selected pieces of poetry to memory before delivering their impressive recitals.

The poems performed included Wes Magee’s ‘The Boneyard Rap’, William Blake’s ‘The Tyger’ and Pam Adams’ ‘There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly’. These were the culmination of many weeks’ preparation and practice, beginning with a special workshop delivered by a professional from the Hippodrome Education Network in March.

Participating in such events allows children to explore and find poetry that speaks to them, offering a transformative experience that can influence and shape thoughts, philosophies and beliefs, becoming a significant and unique part of our identities.

Lady Kirsty Grundy, Principal at Shireland Technology Primary and Director of Primary Education for Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust, said: “At Shireland Technology Primary, we deeply value the importance of creativity and the arts in our pupils’ learning and personal development, including poetry.

“Participating in Poetry By Heart has been an amazing experience for our young people, developing important skills that benefit them both inside and outside the classroom, contributing to their personal growth. We would like to thank Poetry By Heart for involving us in this wonderful event.”

The skills developed when learning and performing poetry are manyfold, with groups poetry recitals requiring co-operation, trust and co-ordination. Managing pace and timing, engaging directly with audiences and using expressive body language to communicate during performances are invaluable skills that pupils develop through these enriching experiences.

Poetry By Heart is a national speaking competition for schools and colleges across England and aims to develop a love and confidence for poetry among young people, making it more engaging and accessible.

The programme allows pupils to discover and connect with poetry that resonates with them on a personal level, creating a more enjoyable learning approach and experience.

Inspiring Creative Connections and Raising Awareness Through Art

Pupils enthusiastically participated in the Sky Arts Week this term, part of the nationwide Access All Arts Week designed for primary schools. The free programme, now in its third year, involved 9,500 schools across the UK and Ireland, highlighting the arts’ value in supporting young peoples’ health and wellbeing.

From 17 to 21 June, the children embarked on a creative journey exploring this year’s theme of ‘Connections’. Using various art materials and techniques, they connected with themselves, their peers, and developed a deeper understanding of their community.

Additionally, pupils participated in Sketch for Survival Junior, an international competition raising awareness about critical global issues such as wildlife trade, climate change, and animal extinction. In 2023, the event attracted over 3,000 entries from 93 countries, gaining significant traction.

In a recent art and history project, pupils explored the newly unveiled portrait of King Charles III, a compelling masterpiece by acclaimed artist Johnathan Yeo. They honed their observation and imagination skills by creating their own versions of the portrait, deepening their appreciation for art and historical figures.

The school is immensely proud of the creativity displayed by pupils and looks forward to partaking in more artistic projects in the future.

Celebrating Academic Achievements and Developing Talents

This term, Wallbrook has enjoyed a vibrant celebration of academic and extracurricular achievements, marked by engaging events hat have inspired and excited our pupils.

In June, children in years one to four were delighted to welcome children’s author and football coach, Tom Oldaker, to the school. Renowned for his book ‘The Adventures of Alex the Pirate: Treasure Island’, Tom led interactive sessions that combined reading with physical activity.Pupils had the opportunity to explore themes from the book while participating in games designed to promote exercise and teamwork. The children’s air was abuzz following Tom’s visit, with the children’s enthusiasm and excitement as they eagerly discussed plan for future games.

July brought an energetic visit from Sprint Active, where children across the school took part in activities inspired by the Euros taking place this summer. Pupils learned new a range of new football skills and enjoyed friendly matches against one another, fostering sportsmanship and camaraderie. The excitement surrounding the Euros also got the children ready for Wallbrook’s Sports Day, which took place a couple of days later.

On 17 July, Wallbrook hosted a Celebration of Culture Day which was organised by the Pupil Forum, including Head Boy and Girl. The day was filled with an array of cultural crafts, dance workshops and culturally diverse lunch menu featuring international dishes that truly celebrated the vast array of cultures that make up the community of the school.

As another action-packed term comes to a close, the Academy reflects on a year filled with enriching opportunities and broadened horizons, wishing its pupils, families and staff a restful summer break filled with quality time with loved ones.

Exciting New Podcast by Pupils Hits the Airwaves

Pupils at Newfield Park Primary Academy step into the world of podcasting as they launch ‘Newfield Parkcast’.

Created and produced exclusively by pupils with support from staff, the podcast is available to listen to across a range of platforms, including Spotify, YouTube and Apple Music.

Newfield Parkcast features short, bite-sized episodes that focus on a wide range of themes and topics, including countries and their cultures, gender equality, dance, homelessness and social media.

Each episode showcases pupils’ ingenuity and creativity as they give up their spare time during school breaks to develop ideas, record and edit content. This has resulted in pupils developing impressive technical and broadcasting skills, making the podcast an ideal platform to showcase their dedication and collective talents.

The podcast is due to run until the end of the summer term, with plans to restart in September when the new school year begins. This ongoing project has not only been a source of pride for the school, but also a valuable learning experience for the young broadcasters involved.

Steve Payne, Principal at Newfield Park Primary Academy, said: “We are incredibly proud of our pupils for their initiative and hard work to produce and launch such an amazing podcast.

“It’s a fantastic addition to our school, providing a unique platform for pupils to share their voices and ideas, while learning valuable skills from storytelling and teamwork to technical editing. It truly shows what our young people can achieve when they are empowered and supported to pursue their interests and passions.”

Shireland Collegiate Academy Receives School of Sanctuary Award

Shireland Collegiate Academy has proudly received the School of Sanctuary Award from City of Sanctuary UK, which recognises the school’s commitment to fostering an inclusive and welcoming culture for all.

The School of Sanctuary Award is a testament to the dedicated efforts of the entire learning and wider community at Shireland Collegiate Academy, including teachers, staff, parents, governors and community groups. Through their collective efforts, the Academy has demonstrated exemplary practice in creating and nurturing an environment where individuals feel valued, respected and supported.

Moira Green, Principal at Shireland Collegiate Academy, said: “We are incredibly honoured and proud to have received this award and to be recognised as a School of Sanctuary.

“At Shireland Collegiate Academy, we believe that everyone here deserves to feel safe, valued, happy and supported and we are committed to upholding these principals in everything we do.”

Becoming a School of Sanctuary is an achievement marked by intentional reflection and continuous improvement, with schools needing to meet set criteria before they can receive the award.

Shireland Collegiate Academy embraced the process wholeheartedly, dedicating itself to learning, embedding, sharing and promoting the values of Schools of Sanctuary across its community.

Upon the Academy receiving the award, a lead verifier from City of Sanctuary UK commented: “It was a pleasure to visit this morning, and I for one was quite overwhelmed by the logistical challenges you have overcome.

“Everything you showed us was so impressive, and the award is well deserved.”

Shireland Collegiate Academy joins a growing network of over 680 primary and secondary schools, nurseries and sixth forms committed to creating a culture of welcome, understanding and belonging for those who may be seeking safety from their unique circumstances.

As the Academy celebrates this amazing accomplishment, it reaffirms its commitment to the City of Sanctuary Vision that the UK will be a welcoming place of safety for all. Through ongoing initiatives and partnerships, including Schools of Sanctuary, Shireland Collegiate Academy will continue to play a vital role in building a more inclusive and compassionate society for all.

Lawyer and Author Tim Clark Inspires Students

Tim Clark, highly respected lawyer and former Senior Partner at law firm Slaughter and May, visited Thorns Collegiate Academy to share his professional experiences and careers journey with students recently.

The visit, arranged by Speakers for Schools, provided a unique opportunity for students to gain insights into the legal profession and learn about the pathways to a successful career in law.

Blending his expertise in commercial law and passion for history, Clark’s visit was particularly poignant as it coincided with the 80th anniversary of D-Day, where he also discussed his book inspired by his parents’ experiences during the Second World War.

During his career sessions, Clark recounted his unexpected journey into law after initially aspiring to specialise in History and become a researcher. Following his work experience and training at Slaughter and May, Clark went on to develop a highly successful career in commercial law. His candid account of navigating the vast array of career choices, seizing opportunities and remaining open and adaptable resonated deeply with students as they contemplate their own futures.

In addition to his legal accomplishments, Clark discussed his extensive involvement in cultural and charitable organisations, where he has held prominent positions on the boards of companies including Water Aid, the Wellcome Trust, the National Theatre and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts.

In line with the 80th anniversary of D-Day, Clark also hosted a round table discussion with a group of the Academy’s history students to talk about his book, ‘Monopoli Blues’. The book delves into his parents’ unique story during the Second World War, including his father’s harrowing ordeal after being betrayed and captured as a prisoner of war during a critical mission, and the impact of being separated by conflict.

Clark’s exploration of his parents’ extraordinary story brought history to life for students, offering them a new profound understanding of the realities and complexities of war behind the headlines of the time.

Tim Clark, reflecting on his visit to the Academy, said: “It was a huge privilege to come to the Academy as part of the Speakers for Schools programme and a huge pleasure to talk about some of the possibilities for a career as a lawyer and discuss part of the history of World War II and how it affected my family.

“I enormously enjoyed my time with the staff and three groups of students – such interesting and impressive groups, who clearly have great potential for their futures. One of the joys of the Speakers for Schools occasions is meeting talented students and hopefully helping to stimulate their thinking about how they might realise their potential in their future careers. I hope that my visit achieved this. I want to thank all the team at the Academy for organising such a brilliant visit and looking after me so beautifully while I was there. Above all, my thanks go to the students who made the visit such a stimulating experience for me.”

Students were captivated throughout Clark’s visit, gaining a newfound appreciation for the importance of perseverance and nurturing interests. They learned that career paths do not need to be linear, with Clark emphasising that the journey itself it just as valuable, often shaping who we become and where we ultimately end up.

Reflecting on the experience, one student commented: “I really enjoyed learning from an expert how I can make it in the world of law. It was even more impressive that Tim juggled his legal career with his own hobbies and interests with history too. I have never had the chance to speak with a solicitor before and I think all students should get the chance to speak to someone in a profession they wish to go into as they get older.”

Nikki Jones, Principal at Thorns Collegiate Academy, said: “We were delighted to host Tim Clark as our special guest and are incredibly grateful to him for sharing his unique insights into law as a career and his remarkable work as an author.

“Experiences like these provide our students with valuable guidance and inspiration as they navigate their future pathways. Having guest speakers like Tim Clark, who are experts in their field, offers students specialised, industry-specific insights that help them better discover their aspirations and how to achieve them. I would also like to extend our thanks to Speakers for Schools for arranging this wonderful opportunity.”

Speakers for Schools is the UK’s leading social mobility charity, dedicated to bridging the educational gap for students aged 11-19 nationwide. The charity offers invaluable opportunities including free, fully paid work experience placements and inspirational talks. The talks, traditionally associated with independent schools, feature high-profile industry professionals who aim to inspire students by sharing their secrets to career success.

Students Shine in Literary Competitions

In July, a group of students and staff from the Academy travelled to Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre in London to support year 8 student Ceyenjae in the finals of this year’s Poetry By Heart competition. Ceyenjae’s captivating performance on the main stage was an inspiration to her peers and impressed both the audience and judging panel, for whom she performed again at the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse.

The event featured some inspiring presentations, including those by Poet Laureate Simon Armitage and Children’s Laureate Joseph Coelho, along with an exciting sword-fighting demonstration by the Globe’s talented company of actors.

In addition to Ceyenjae’s achievement, year 9 student Samsritha also celebrated literary success as the runner up in the National Literary Trust’s Wicked Writers competition. Samsritha’s poetry was published in the National Literary Trust’s Anthology, earning her and a group of fellow students an invitation to attend ‘Wicked the Musical’ at the West End.

Before the performance, students also enjoyed a day exploring some of London’s iconic landmarks, including Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Leicester Square, Chinatown and Piccadilly Circus. The group then savoured a picnic lunch in St. James’ Park before being captivated by the show.

Academy Raises Over £200 For Cancer Research UK

This term, staff from Shireland Biomedical UTC participated in Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, raising over £200, including more than £45 in Gift Aid.

Held in June at Sandwell, the event was a tremendous success for the Academy’s team - Miss Aldridge, Mr Williams, Miss Banks and Miss Smith – who demonstrated remarkable commitment, teamwork and stamina leading up to the race and on the day itself.

Not only did the event inspire students by showcasing the power of collective effort, but it also united the school and wider community in support of this vital cause.

Gulfam Shahzad, Acting Principal at Shireland Biomedical UTC, said: “We are incredibly grateful for the generosity of our school and community. On behalf of the Academy, thank you to all who donated and supported our team for this amazing charity.

“Our staff continue to set an inspiring example for our students, demonstrating that every contribution can make a significant difference and encouraging them to become active participants in driving positive change.”

Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life is a pivotal event that brings communities together to fund life-saving research, support patients and raise awareness about cancer prevention. The donations raised will aid in advancing cancer treatments and improving patient outcomes. Over the past 40 years, cancer survival rates have doubled thanks to the charity’s consistent progress and innovative research, which has played a crucial role in saving millions of lives.

Shireland CBSO Academy Launches Uniform Donation Drive with The Salvation Army

Shireland CBSO Academy in West Bromwich proudly announces its partnership with The Salvation Army, a collaboration aimed at supporting families in need and promoting sustainability.

The joint initiative focuses on recycling and redistributing Shireland CBSO Academy uniforms to families in need, ensuring every child has the essentials required to help them succeed in their education. At the heart of this collaboration lies a deep commitment to supporting families facing financial hardship, particularly amid the cost-of-living crisis.

Part of Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust, this initiative underscores the Academy’s commitment to environmental stewardship and community support. With uniform donations totalling an impressive 100kg to date, the scheme also provides a sustainable alternative to discarding clothing and promotes recycling.

Donated uniforms are sorted and delivered to the school for discreet distribution to students in need.

David Green, Principal at Shireland CBSO Academy, said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with The Salvation Army, which represents a meaningful step forward in our commitment to supporting both our students and their families.

“This collaboration extends beyond education. It champions sustainability and fosters a caring, supportive community where our students and families feel supported and resources are utilised responsibly for the betterment of all.”

The partnership not only relieves many families of the financial burden associated with school uniforms but also fosters a deep sense of pride and belonging among students. This promotes an environment where they feel fully prepared and motivated to engage in their learning.

In addition to supporting families in need, the Academy integrates donations into its daily practices. Students arriving without the correct uniform are provided with appropriate items during the day, ensuring they can rejoin lessons without disruption.

Shireland CBSO Academy welcomes uniform donations, which can be made directly at the school via the donation box in reception or at The Salvation Army Donation Centre in Dudley Street, West Bromwich.

First Steps Nursery and Pre-School Celebrates 20 Years of Nurturing Young Minds

First Steps Nursery and Pre-School is proud to celebrate its 20-year anniversary! Over the past two decades, we have been dedicated to providing a nurturing and exciting learning environment for children of all ages.

Recently, the children have been enjoying learning about the wonders of colours and rainbows. In the Baby Room, the little ones have been discovering colours by mixing paint, engaging in rice play where they have been making various patterns and shapes, and exploring the world with various sensory materials. Meanwhile, our toddlers and preschoolers have been busy matching colours, moulding rainbow play dough and immersing themselves in the delightful story of ‘Elma the Elephant’.

On May 20, First Steps celebrated World Bee Day by creating adorable bees with play dough while also learning about the vital role bees play in our ecosystem, raising awareness about the importance of protecting our environment.

Our preschoolers have also been eagerly preparing for their transition to primary school. They have been talking about their new schools, practicing putting on their uniforms and even going on virtual school searches, helping them feel ready and confident for the changes ahead.

As the academic year ends, First Steps also held its annual end-of-year graduation ceremony for the preschoolers, where we celebrated their achievements and said our long goodbyes as they head off to their new schools. While we are very sad to be saying goodbye to our preschoolers and will miss them dearly, we wish them every happiness and success in their future endeavours. We are confident that they will thrive in their new schools and continue to grow into amazing, confident young people.

Exciting Changes and Sunny Days at Tinywoods

This term, Tinywoods has been abuzz with activity, with the highlight being a transformative makeover thanks to the dedicated efforts of Miss Wilkinson and Ms Koasha. The Pre-school now boasts a fresh, new look, much to the delight of children and families. To celebrate, we hosted a Parents’ Opening Night, welcoming feedback and further suggestions from the community. The positive responses and support were gratefully received, reinforcing Tinywoods’ commitment to providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment for its children.

The newly refurbished pre-school has also become a vibrant hub of artistic expression. Pupils have been diving into an array of creative projects this term, producing their very own animal prints using a range of techniques including painting and collaging. These artworks now proudly adorn the walls of Tinywoods, adding a more homely, personal touch to our pre-schools’ makeover and showcasing the children’s boundless creativity.

With the arrival of summer, our young learners have also been taking full advantage of the sunny weather, where they have been revelling in a range of outdoor activities, enjoying the fresh air, exploring and connecting with nature and making time for friends. These outdoor adventures are always a delight for the children, contributing greatly to their overall wellbeing, happiness and readiness to learn.