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Star Board Term One Week Eleven

Principal's Message

Kia Ora Koutou

This term my final assembly speech was brought to the school courtesy of the letter T. I will share that with you all now- with added highlights.

T is for Term one

Now that we are here and looking backwards it has been a long term- 11 weeks is a trawl; but we have all made it. We cannot all boast arriving at this point unscathed but I feel sure that if we have had a scrape or two that someone has been there to pick up the pieces with some healthy words of wisdom.

I celebrate your successes, but I also acknowledge the learnings of your failures. Yes, they hurt but when they happen you must get back up and move on.

T is for Tie

The corporate world is largely abandoning the wearing of ties. However, we are not corporate and we have a tie as a part of our uniform and it should be worn correctly.

How not to wear a tie- those in the Final Assembly audience watched as I donned a tie to show them how this should not and then should be worn. The most important message was that the tie knot should be pulled to cover the top button of the fastened shirt.

It is a small thing in the scheme of a world but it is about: expectations in St Matthew’s, a high standard of dress, and knowing that you will be called out on your inability to follow a guideline.

A cautionary note that no matter how special the Taonga is, it must be removed for sport.

T is for Taonga

Some of you have the honour of wearing a Taonga which has been blessed for you to wear.

It is not a simple piece of jewellery bought and worn as no more than an accessory – if it is Taonga then it is has been imbued with a strength that the individual carries in wearing this.

St Matthew’s values this tikanga and knows that our students who wear their Taonga do so also. In St Matthew’s Taonga is worn around the neck and can be worn on the outside of the tie.

I choose to wear mine only when the occasion compels me; on this particular day I chose to wear mine.

T is for the Anglican Marks of Mission

These are our daily missions to: TEND, TELL, TEACH, TRANSFORM, and TREASURE.

T is for Timeout

Make the most of the Timeout at the end of Friday.

We have all earned the break

T is for Talented students

All of our students are talented in some way. Occasions allow that talent to shine and this term saw sporting talents loud and proud in Cricket, Athletics, Equestrian, Touch Rugby, Swimming and Tennis.

The other night we took the stage with our SMCS and Senior College players for the Sheilah Winn Shakespeare. Shakespeare is not easy and when performed well it is a treat and at this event it was all our birthday treats in a row. Wairarapa College are to be acknowledged for taking the glory for 5 min and the two 15-minute performances- they were tremendous.

But St Matthew’s left with glory from the evening and deservedly so. We won an award for Best Costume Design courtesy of the efforts of Miss Mahony. Bonnie Noble won the Barbara Vinten Shield for Best Comedy Performance and she also won direct entry to the National Schools Shakespeare Production. What this means for Bonnie is a week-long intensive course studying Shakespeare’s works under the direction of leading directors. This is a nice segue in noting the direction of Mr Clarke of this group of young players who worked well together and we are so proud of all of them.

T is for Together

WE are a Team; Our students are compulsorily expected to participate in a team sport. Teams support each other- they should. Whatever is weak in a team requires that we all work to make that part stronger- because that makes us, the team stronger.

T is for a new Tradition

Finally, and please note that I can see that this is an oxymoron, an anonymous donor has gifted the school a Ngāi Tahu Pounamu. The stone once blessed will draw a connection to the school and each year will be worn by the Head Girl. The Head Girl at the end of her year will hand to her successor her Korowai and the Pounamu. The Pounamu may be worn each day by the Head Girl and on events wear she wears the Korowai.

Francesca Shaw was presented with the school Taonga and it was later blessed by Reverend Wendy. It was lovely to have her grandparents present for this auspicious occasion.

Take Care

As we step into the holidays, I thank the people who work with me every day, they will all tell you what a joy that is. I thank the students for their participation and the prefects for their leadership. Your support as a community is always welcome and I thank you for being a part of the St Matthew’s picture.

Have a safe break and take care.

Ngā Mihi


Boarding Note

What a lovely end to the term. Many thanks to the boarders and boarding staff who attended our special “End of Term Dinner” last night. We had several people to acknowledge at the dinner but the first to be mentioned was Mrs Lorraine Keats who earlier this year reached 25 years of service in her role as Senior House Manager (Matron) at St Matthew’s. Mrs Keats is an extremely committed staff member who works tirelessly to ensure all boarders are well looked after and ready for their day ahead. She loves to laugh and enjoys the company of all boarders. Many thanks Mrs Keats for all your hard work over the last 25 years.


Mrs Keats and fellow boarding staff - Mrs Kerry Begg, Mrs Jo Fair, Mrs Emma MacIver, Miss Fizz Harper with Mrs Keats.

Next to be acknowledged were our Year 13 Leaders who have spent the whole term in the Leaders Apartment in Main House. While this was a particular long and busy term, you can all be proud of your leadership and the connections you have made with our younger boarders.

Left to right: Year 13 Leaders Pia White, Frankie Shaw and Sophie Joblin. Absent: Phoebe Blundell, and Anneliese McKenzie.

Thanks also to our six Year 11 Leaders Sienna Chu, Mia Sayers, India Williams, Ava Edge, Annabelle Guscott and our Head of Main House for Term 1, Audrey Hall. You have all helped to get our younger boarders into a good routine right from the start of the year so thank you.

After our tidy room competition winners were presented with their vouchers, the Term 1 Boarding Values Awards were announced. Congratulations to the following students for going above and beyond in boarding.

  • Year 7/8: Charlotte Wallace- For kindness and helpfulness in boarding; Emma Richardson- For kindness and inclusiveness in boarding
  • Year 9: Grace Jaspers- For making the most of every opportunity in boarding
  • Year 11: Audrey Hall- For leading by example as Head of House
  • Year 12: Charlotte Kirk- For helpfulness in Hampton House
  • Year 13: Phoebe Blundell- For excellent leadership in Main House

A reminder that all boarders (Full and Part Time) are to return to boarding on Sunday 28th April between 3-5pm. At 4.30pm there will be a discussion in the dining room around catering for boarding parents/ guardians who would like to attend.

Wishing you all a very enjoyable break. See you in Term 2.



A massive congrats to our tennis teams competing in the Regional 2 Women's grade, especially to SMS Green - Annabelle DeGroot, Frankie Shaw and Olivia Orsborn who won the grade. Special mention also to SMS White - Isabelle Judd, Hannah Beetham & Johanna de Groot who were 2nd and SMS Gold - Anna Smallwood, Lucy Orsborn & Lily Tomlin who were 3rd!

SMS Green - Annabelle DeGroot, Frankie Shaw and Olivia Orsborn

Sheila Winn Shakespeare Competition

On Tuesday night our students competed in the Sheila Winn Shakespeare Festival at Wairarapa College. Thanks to Mr Clarke and Miss Mahony for the support of our cast. Our girls compete against older students and we are proud of the results from last night:

  • We won an award for Best Costume Design (Thanks to Miss Mahony)
  • Bonnie Noble won the Barbara Vinten Shield for Best Comedy Performance

Bonnie Noble also won Direct Entry to the NSSP - National Schools Shakespeare Production. This is a week long intensive residential week-long intensive course, studying elements of Shakespeare’s works, in particular three of his plays, under the direction of leading directors. It will be held in Dunedin later this year.

Member of our cast (not in order of photo): Clara Andrew, Elizabeth Andrew, Isabel Bailey, Brianna Benkie, Olivia Church, Zena Cole, Ruby Ferguson, Rosanna Heaton, Emily Kirk, Olivia Leach, Isabelle Lynn, Georgia Marara, Tess McKenzie, Bonnie Noble, Aleisha O'Gorman, Isabelle Olds, Evelyn Renil, Katherine Squires, Jolie Tang, Sophie White

SMS 7’s Rugby

On Wednesday this week we had a group of students compete in the Wairarapa Girls Secondary School Rugby 7’s Tournament. The girls did incredibly well in a sport they had only picked up a few weeks prior.

Congratulations to all the girls who participated – you played hard and with heart.

Year 11 Art

Rathkeale and St Matthew’s Year 11 Art students visited Te Rangimarie Marae this week. Students were welcomed on with a formal pōwhiri, after which they learned about, sketched and photographed the many art forms they saw.

House Quiz

Our Prefect team ran a fun House Quiz today, which was a fantastic way to end the term. Wake ended up on top of the points table, followed by Batten, Sheppard and Cooper.

From The Uniform Shop

Please check your winter uniform for size during the holidays. The St Matthew’s uniform shop will be open on the last Sunday of the holidays, Sunday 28th April 2pm-5pm.

Alternatively please make an appointment during the holidays, email Juliet:

Uniform shop hours during term time: Tuesdays & Thursdays 3pm-4pm.

Please pay in the shop by EFTPOS, or prearrange to pay by Internet Banking.

Winter sports uniform prices:

  • Netball dress $74.00
  • Hockey top & skort $131.00
  • Football top & shorts $109.00
  • Winter sports socks for hockey & football $24.00
  • Black Kathmandu thermal $66.00

The Wairarapa Kitchen Tour 2024

School App

If you are new to St Matthew's Collegiate, or have yet to download, please follow the link to install our school app

For current families, please update your subscription groups by clicking on the cog in the top right hand of the screen. It will take you to the groups for you to change.

Key Dates

  • Tuesday 7th May - Open Afternoon 2pm - 5pm
  • Monday 3rd June - Kings Birthday stat
  • Tuesday 4th June - Teacher Only Day
  • Sunday 9th June - Sheppard House Chapel
  • Friday 28th June - Matariki stat
  • Sunday 25th August - Cooper House Chapel
  • Sunday 3rd November - Batten House Chapel
  • Saturday 7th December - Prizegiving

2024 Term Dates

  • Term One - Monday 29th January to Friday 12 April
  • Term Two - Monday 29th April to Friday 5th July
  • Term Three - Monday 22nd July to Friday 27th September
  • Term Four - Monday 14th October to Saturday 7th December

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