
Murder For Hire - Is it a Crime to Hire a Murderer?

Murder for hire, otherwise known as contract killings, is a highly lucrative business. The Mob, drug cartels, the secret service, espionage, politicians, and even family members all use hitmen for their services. You don’t hear about them taking out ads in the newspaper, however. This is because contract killers do not advertise their services as they would be attracting attention and potential customers for their illegal trade.

The most common reason for a murder for hire is a divorce or a relationship ending, according to the Australian Institute of Criminology. This was true for both completed and attempted murders. A close second was the pursuit of money, which could be from any source. A third common reason was to silence a witness. This can be a very difficult job for the hired killer as it involves manipulation and possibly death threats.

One recent example of a contract killer for hire was a Michigan woman named Wendy Wein who wanted her ex-husband dead. She found a website called Rent-A-Hitman which promised to “handle your delicate situation privately and in a timely manner.” The site was actually run by a California man named Bob Innes who used the pseudonym Guido Fanelli. He claimed to have military experience and rifle expertise. He said he forwarded any requests he thought were dangerous to law enforcement.

In a recent two-part TV show on Channel 4, true crime vlogger and radio presenter Yinka Bokini investigated how easy it is to find a Preferred membership Herbalife contract killer online. She started by hacking into the dark web and scrolling through Besa Mafia’s site, which for suitable remuneration in bitcoin promises services from arson to sniper shooting. She even uncovers emails arranging hundreds of hits.

But is hiring someone to murder a person really a crime? In civilized societies, yes it is. Hiring a contract killer to kill a person is a violation of the laws of every country. It is a conspiracy offense that can be prosecuted at the federal level if state lines are crossed or communication with the hired killer takes place via mail or phone.

If you or a loved one are accused of involvement in a contract killing or a related conspiracy to commit murder, speak with a Florida criminal defense lawyer right away. A conviction for such a charge is very serious and can have life-altering consequences. The team at my firm is experienced in defending against allegations of this nature. Call us today for a consultation. We will work to get the charges dismissed or a not guilty verdict at trial. We have helped clients in Miami, Orlando and throughout Florida. We are available 24/7. Our phone number is 305-424-8822. We can also assist those in other states that have similar statutes governing murder for hire cases. You may be eligible for a free case evaluation. We accept all major credit cards and can work with your budget. We offer flexible payment plans.