Partner Connect Awards 2024

We're excited to announce the opportunity for you to showcase your outstanding sales achievements and be recognised for the way you’re driving success! As valued partners, your dedication, hard work, and commitment to excellence have played a significant role in driving our collective growth.

We invite you to submit an entry for our upcoming Partner Connect Awards, where we'll celebrate the top performers who have demonstrated exceptional sales performance, innovative strategies, exemplary customer service and strategic marketing activity.

This year we have a diverse range of awards to present across two categories. We will be recognising excellence in sales performance, innovation, customer service, marketing, and collaboration among our valued partners.

  • 4x Adobe chosen awards
  • 8x Partner nominated awards - for which you can nominate yourself or you can be nominated by a Distributor

Our winners

As an award winner, you will receive well-deserved recognition for your outstanding achievements. Your accomplishments will be prominently featured in Adobe’s communications, including newsletters, and internal announcements, highlighting your contributions to our combined success.

Additionally, you will receive exclusive assets tailored for your social media channels and email signature, such as customised banners, badges, and graphics, proudly showcasing your status as an award-winning partner. These assets will not only celebrate your accomplishment, but also elevate your professional brand and credibility in the industry.

We are excited to celebrate your success and continue our partnership for even greater achievements ahead.

1. EMEA Cloud Marketplace Partner - This award is for the partner who has shown the most proactive and innovative initiatives in driving migration towards VIP Marketplace. We will select the partner who also drives strong new business revenue from VIP Marketplace.

2. EMEA Education Partner - This award is for the partner who has shown the most effective and innovative initiative to drive Student License pack seats. We will be looking at the efforts that a partner has made to transition from SDL to SLP and grow this business.

3. EMEA Best Growth Partner - We’re looking for an outstanding partner who has shown consistent and impressive results from their new business efforts, with collaboration across all areas of their business to drive towards significant growth for Adobe.

4. EMEA Best Retention Partner - With the customer in mind, we’re looking for a partner who delivers an amazing customer experience (either to customers or resellers) to ensure Adobe customers renew without any hesitation! We’re aiming to see best in class customer success programs and renewal initiatives from the winner of this category.

1. EMEA Best Customer Initiative - Working with customers at the heart of everything you do, we’re looking for examples of the creative ways you support your customers. From customer success programs to discovery workshops, through to services and everything in between!

2. EMEA Best Reseller Initiative - We’re keen to hear from our resellers about the new ways their business is innovating and developing to drive Adobe.

3. EMEA Best Distributor Initiative - We’re keen to hear from our distributors about the new ways they’re working with resellers to drive Adobe sales.

4. EMEA Best Marketing Initiative - We’re looking for a partner who goes above and beyond in their marketing campaigns – laser-focused targeting, fantastic collaboration across teams and of course superb execution and results.

5. EMEA Best Sales Strategy - The winner of this award will have a top-class sales team putting together well thought out strategy and tactics to drive sales.

6. EMEA Best Services Program - We’re looking for a partner who adds a comprehensive wrap around offering for their resellers or customers. Tell us how your teams are operating on a different level to drive customer success and experience.

7. EMEA Education Marketing Innovation - We're looking for an outstanding partner that has demonstrated unique creativity in building an end-customer or reseller-oriented activity. Tell us about an activity that has differentiated you from competitors and the associated results for the Education business with Adobe.

8. EMEA Best Enablement Initiative - We're looking for an outstanding partner that has demonstrated a strong initiative of creating the ‘learning culture’ for their seller ecosystem and customers – with an objective to drive the knowledge and sales of Adobe portfolio through enablement activities. Tell us about the enablement activities that are making a difference to your sales team and business.

Making a submission

When submitting an award entry, it's important to provide a comprehensive and compelling case that demonstrates your achievements and highlights your success. Entries are unlimited so you can apply for as many categories as you like. If you want to nominate partners for an award you will be able to submit multiple for each award as well.

Entries will be submitted via file upload and you are welcome to upload in whatever format you choose, this could be a written document, infographic or even video. Please do note that there is a 10MB file size limit for this.

If you would like to submit multiple entries, you will need to finish, close and then reopen the form for each entry.

Hints and tips for an effective award entry

  1. Keep your submission to no more than 500 words
  2. Understand the award category criteria and tailor your entry to address each of the criteria
  3. Highlight achievements by including metrics and statistics where possible
  4. Tell a story and highlight any challenges you've overcome, innovative solutions you've implemented or approaches taken and describe the impact or outcome
  5. Use testimonials and endorsements to add credibility and validation to your entry
  6. Provide supporting materials such as images, videos, use cases or visual aids
  7. Make your entry visual to highlight key points and achievements
  8. Keep the file size of your submission within 10MB
  9. Submit your entry on time

Award submissions need to be made by Friday 17 May 2024. This is your chance to shine and be honoured for your outstanding efforts. We look forward to receiving your entry, and celebrating your accomplishments together at Partner Connect on 20 June.

What next?

  1. Application - Submit your award entry by 17 May
  2. Judging - Entries will be reviewed by an Adobe judging panel between 20 May – 14 June
  3. Winner announcements - Winners of each category will be revealed at the virtual Partner Connect Event on 20 June 2024