November 2024 Ten Ten Resources Parent Newsletter

November is a month of special feasts starting with the Solemnity of All Saints and Feast of All Souls and ending with the Solemnity of Christ the King, which marks the end of the liturgical year.

Our November resources invite children to explore what is most important. The Gospels encourage us to prioritise God over all things and love our neighbour. Jesus explains that true generosity of heart means giving with the confidence to trust that God will provide us with all that we need and He is always there ready to help and guide us.

This newsletter shares some of the content children will experience in school throughout November and suggests ways for you to engage with them about it. We hope it is a useful resource for your family prayer time.

The Feasts of All Saints and All Souls

Communion of saints - Baptistry - Padua 2016 by Jose Luiz on Wikimedia Commons. Licensed under CC BY_SA 4.0

November is the month where we especially pray for all those who have died.

  • Halloween can be confusing and sometimes even frightening for children, with all the festivities of dressing up and pumpkin carving that have become a feature of the last day of October. However, it’s good for us to remember the roots of the celebration. The word ‘Halloween’ actually comes from the word ‘hallowed’ or ‘holy’. All Hallows Eve is the night before All Saints Day on 1st November.
  • On All Saints Day - we remember all those ordinary people who have followed Jesus throughout their lives and now rest with Him in Heaven.
  • On All Souls Day - we remember and pray for all who have died.
  • On 11th November, Remembrance Day, we pray for people who have died in wars.

The month of November can be a good opportunity for families to remember and pray for their own departed loved ones. You may like to pray with your child using the following traditional prayer for those who have died, you might like to name any family and friends who have died and ask that they would rest in peace.

Prayer for Those Who Have Died

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord,

and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace.


Two Small Coins

A lesson in giving to God Image 6 by Rev Henry Martin via Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

The Gospel in the week beginning 11th November tells the story of the widow who gave away her last two coins. She could have chosen to keep one of the coins and many would say that would be sensible. But instead, she chose to trust in God to provide for her needs.

Through a drama about giving to charity, children learn what it truly means to be generous of heart. This Gospel reminds us that even if it feels like we have little to give, we are invited to trust God and give our all.

With your child, you might like to…

  • Read the story again (Mark 12:41-44) and talk about the differences between the gifts of the rich people, who looked most generous and the smaller offering from the widow.
  • Talk about the idea of generosity of heart and ways of giving that don’t involve money or things e.g. giving our time, being patient, showing care.
  • Think of ways as a family you could be generous to those in need e.g. contributing to a local cause or charity.

Be The King Of My Heart

In the last week of November, we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. The daily prayers for this week are a series of reflections inviting children to explore the idea that their hearts are little kingdoms made for the King.

Children are reminded that Jesus wants good things for us and He is interested in all that is close to their hearts: special people, passions, memories and hopes.

Each day, children are invited to ask Jesus to be the King of their Hearts.

You might like to use this short prayer as part of your family prayer time:


You care about us and want good things for us.

Thank you for the precious people inside our hearts.

Watch over us, guide us, let our hearts be ruled by you.

Christ the King,

Be King of my Heart.

