
Welcome to Birkwood An #IncredibleCommunity

The Birkwood Values

We wish you a very warm welcome to the Birkwood Primary School Newsletter.

6th October 2023

A Message from the Headteacher

A golden week at Birkwood so I MUST start with an enormous congratulations to Miss Greenwood, David and our amazing Gardeners! They have scooped a gold medal at an event hosted at Barnsley Town Hall as part of ‘Yorkshire in Bloom!’ An absolutely superb effort and some great recognition of all the hard work that goes into this area of school. The judges mentioned that the children were super examples of the Birkwood Values. A perfect evening.

I must also congratulate our amazing Admin Team again! After the school photographs, they have now coordinated over 200 flu sprays in a day! The staff who came from the NHS complimented the children on their impeccable behaviour. Another job well done! Thank you to everyone who opted in/ out of the flu scheme using the online link. It isn't too late as below there is a list of clinics should you wish your child to take part in this scheme.

I am sure that you have noticed the Birkwood Skyline changing. A steel frame for the new classrooms has been erected. Massive progress and exciting news for everyone.

A new Birkwood Skyline

A massive thank you to anyone who felt able to donate to either of our sponsored events. I am still delighted with the sight and sounds of reading through school with our families and then the effort of all of the children on the walk. A great collective effort!

Mr. Markham led a class trip to the National Space Centre this week – this opportunity emphasises the importance of enhancing our learning with high quality experiences - the children loved it and learnt a great deal which enhances their work as scientists. Please see some snaps below.

This week included a Local Authority Review of Birkwood. This was carried out by a current Ofsted Inspector and a colleague. Of course, we have areas upon which to improve but the findings were extremely positive. The staff have worked incredibly hard and I thank and salute them for this. I must say though, our children were stunning and enchanted the special visitors with their hard work and faultless manners. I was particularly pleased with the special mention of how our children are using specialist vocabulary across the curriculum. Plenty of positive outcomes for us to enjoy and affirmation that we are on the correct path.

In the next two weeks, we shall see our Reception (EYFS2) classes welcoming parents in to school. Please see below.

10.10.23 - EYFS Anning Class parents and carers invited to see our Birkwood library followed by a short presentation about phonics at Birkwood. Welcome from 2pm and will finish in time to collect children.

17.10.23 - EYFS Sharman Class parents and carers invited to see our Birkwood library followed by a short presentation about phonics at Birkwood. Welcome from 2pm and will finish in time to collect children.

We have "LITTLE VISITORS" in Y6 & Sharman/Anning - please have a check. I know it's an impossible task in school to eradicate them, we shall do our best!

I wish everyone a tremendous weekend. I am hoping the Indian Summer promised shall arrive and that everyone may enjoy some special family time. It may sound strange for October but remember the sun cream!

This week's News
Y5 Attenborough's visit to the National Space Centre
Out of this world!
Tuesday 10th October 2023
Celebration Assembly Winners
  • Headteachers Superstars KS1 - IB Y2 Seacole
  • Headteachers Superstar KS2 - RB Y5/6 Wollstonecraft
  • Class Times Table Rockstars - Y4 Pankhurst
  • Music Maestro - JL Y4 Pankhurst

House Winners

  • This weeks winners - An unbelievable tie between all four teams -Earth, Wind, Fire & Water
  • Current Half Term Leaders - Water
  • Overall Leaders - Water
  • School Attendance Target for the Year - 96.50%
  • School attendance this year so far - 93.6%
  • School attendance this week - 93.4%
  • EYFS2 Anning - 93.3%
  • EYFS2 Sharman - 87.2%
  • Year 1 Einstein -88.1%
  • Year 1 Nightingale -93.5%
  • Year 2 Parks - 100.0%
  • Year 2 Seacole - 90.3%
  • Year 3 Earhart - 96.1%
  • Year 3/4 Holmes - 95.3%
  • Year 4 Pankhurst - 96.6%
  • Year 5 Attenborough - 94.9%
  • Year 5/6 Wollstonecraft - 93.2%
  • Year 6 Kings - 93.8%

Last week's whole school attendance was 93.4%. This would have been 95.1% if not for children being taken out of school for holidays. We kindly ask that parents try to book holidays during school breaks.

Well done to Class Parks who are this week's winners with 100%. Congratulations.

Our suite of X (formerly Twitter) Handles is here for you. Below is a link for 'all things Birkwood.'


PE & Sport

Please ensure children in KS2 - Years 3-6 come to school IN PE KIT on their allocated PE Days. Appropriate trainers must be worn. No crop tops – Sports t-shirts please and shorts. A tracksuit may be worn – please make a judgment on temperature. This will be until building work is complete as we have no access to discrete changing areas.

For current Year 6 children, their tests shall be Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May 2024.

For current Year 5 children, their tests will be Monday 12th to Thursday 15th May 2025.

School Dinner Menu
Future Events
These dates will be sent as a paper copy next week.
Our School Vision