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NLPS News Thursday, February 15, 2024

Community Schools Host Spring Break Camps

Registration for the Community Schools' Spring Break Camps is open. The camps include certifications such as FoodSafe, first aid, babysitters course and Home Alone. Other camps include volleyball and basketball camps, lego, mixed media marvels, crafts, sewing, dancing, improv and much more. Find out more here.

Join us as we continue to celebrate Black History Month!

Meet Eleanor Collins! As Vancouver's "First Lady of Jazz," Eleanor was the first Canadian woman to have her own national television show: CBC TV's The Eleanor Show (1955) and Eleanor (1964). She championed the values of equality and acceptance and is considered a civic leader and pioneer in the development of British Columbia's music industry.

Learn more about her story here: [Information found at: - Black History Month - Noteworthy figures]

Teacher-Librarians Are Proactive and Collaborative

Teacher-Librarians decided to take their Pro D session on the road as a proactive approach to understanding and enhancing the library environment for students. By visiting five schools, the Teacher-Librarians not only gained a deeper perspective but also had the opportunity to witness real-life examples of what makes a library a safe and engaging space for students within Nanaimo Ladysmith Public Schools. This hands-on experience was invaluable, allowing them to see effective practices in action and directly connect with one another. This kind of proactive and collaborative approach is likely to have a lasting impact on the educational experiences of students in the district.

Substance Use Prevention Presentation

Safer Schools is hosting family sessions to support families and caregivers navigate the digital world. This online presentation will focus on tools and strategies that parents/caregivers can use to speak to their children about substances in a way that encourages positive decision-making. Join Presenter Dr. Hayley Watson, a Clinical Psychologist from BC, on February 20, 22 or 28 from 6 - 7:30pm. The same presentation will be delivered on each day.


Business Committee Meeting

At the Business Committee Meeting on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, the committee recommended that the Board of Education adopt the Amended Annual Budget for the 2023-2024 school year. Secretary-Treasurer Mark Walsh presented several updates and reports including:

  • Operating Grant Funding Update
  • Ladysmith Seismic Update
  • 3-Year Enrolment Projections
  • Transportation Route Review
  • Policy 3.8 Transportation to and from school

The committee recommended the Board of Education adopt the amended Policy 3.8 Transportation to and from School and directed staff to create a report with options to gather funds to support the higher cost option for the Ladysmith Intermediate Seismic upgrade (Davis Road). View the entire agenda here.

Learning with Syeyutsus Speaker Series

Join us for a thought-provoking conversation around the book "Beyond Rights - The Nisga'a Final Agreement and the Challenges of Modern Treaty Relationships" on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 from 12 - 1 p.m. Dr. Carole Blackburn's talk will explore the legal, political and cultural consequences of treaty making in Canada. Register today.

Enter to win one of Carole's books. Email today.

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