
Bill and Missy Kollar Reaching out to young people with the good news about Jesus through Cru

Bill, Luci, Tate, Emma, Jack, and Missy

Our Story

We both grew up in Christian families (Missy in Nebraska and Bill in New York) and began a relationship with God at early ages. But our college years shaped both of us. It was at the University of Dayton for Bill and the University of Nebraska for Missy that we realized that Jesus is worthy of our lives. Our passion grew for God to use us to make his name great in our world.

For both of us that meant joining the staff of Cru. Bill spent his first four years at the University of Nebraska, where he met Missy. We became friends through our involvement with Cru, began to date after a couple years, and eventually got married, with Missy joining our staff shortly after that.

From 1992-2003 we served at Ball State University in Indiana. From 2003-2012 we were back at the University of Nebraska. During those years God brought tremendous growth in our lives personally, in our marriage, and in the lives of students. His goodness and power were so evident, and we’re grateful to have been a part of all he did.

In the midst of all that growth, our family has grown as well. God has given us the blessing of being parents to Tate (25), Emma (22), Jack (20), and Luci (14). So things are pretty lively with us, but we wouldn't have it any other way.

Missy serves in Cru's campus ministry on the leadership team of our high school ministry. She's at the epicenter of trusting God to connect the world's 531 million high school students and middle school students to Jesus Christ. Bill also serves with Cru's campus ministry as the evangelistic initiatives director, helping bring the gospel to the world's middle-school, high-school, and university campuses.


Our outreach is possible because of partnership with people who are committed to reaching those without Jesus. Like many other missionaries, Cru staff members depend completely on the consistent financial support of concerned individuals to carry on their ministry. When we partner together, we can make an eternal difference for Christ in young people’s lives.

You can set up a regular gift (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually), or you can give a special gift of any amount. Click on the button below to get started.

Please let us know if you’d like more information or would like to receive our monthly newsletters with updates and prayer requests. You can connect with us at bill.kollar@cru.org or missy.kollar@cru.org.

Thank you for your interest in our outreach!