Guests Tough Out the Cold at Westport's Latest Lobster FesrBy: Elsa d'elia '25
This year's Rotary Club Lobster Fest, hosted at Compo Beach, could've ended poorly; the usual warm weather was replaced with a cold rainfall that lasted practically the entire event. Despite this, volunteers and guests alike remained positive and participated in the provided festivities. The event began at 3pm and ran till 7pm.
A grinning Rick Benson proudly sports the costume for the iconic mascot of Lobster Fest, ready to brave the steadily incoming storm alongside all the courageous volunteers stationed across the area.
Lobster Fest volunteer Bruce Buzelle poses with a lobster in preparation for the coming festivities; he and a team of volunteers will work hard to feed the incoming festival-goers.
Lobster Fest volunteer Ed Hynes shows off a pile of lobster that's already beginning the cooking process, which were later acquired by guests.
Pictured above is the wait and the reward: People attending Lobster Fest wait in line in the rain to receive the carefully prepared lobster that branded the event.
The team behind the fests' "Wine Wall" excitedly awaits the beginning of their annual raffle.
Left to right: Board of Ed runner Jamie Fitzgerald, Adriana Beloch'Delucia, (photo 1) and a magical looking Colette Casey (photo 2) are all smiles, even with the chilly conditions of this year's Lobster Fest.