Our Manor 9-13 September 2024

Welcome to this week's newsletter

What a great first full week we have had at Manor. Personally, I have enjoyed delivering all our year group assemblies and talking to students about our high expectations. We have high expectations of what they can do and how I want their lessons to be calm and purposeful so they can be the best they can be. I have also taught some great Year 7&8 students in history, which always gives me a buzz. The lessons I've walked into have also been bustling with enthusiasm and learning.

Walking around school I've had some great conversations with students during breaks and lunchtimes about what we can do to make Manor a great school. The positive and constructive nature of these chats shows me what great young people we have in our school and our community. It provides me with even more purpose and drive to make Manor a great place to be. A number of Year 8&9 students have given me some food for thought. I am looking forward to discussing these ideas with our Head Students when we meet together next week.

Our Year 7 students have settled in well and are starting to find their way around, but it is great to see Years 10, 11 and Sixth Form students helping them this week. That is the community spirit we want.

Our staff have been engaged in conversations about making positive starts and positive framing in lessons. We want every lesson to be focused on learning new things, from start to finish, so that our students can be a little bit better every single day.

I am looking forward to the new week already, but I wish our whole community a relaxing and restful weekend.

Adam Crawte, Interim Principal

School photos

Sixth Form event

Sixth Form Welcome Evening, Thursday 19 September

Bookings for meetings with tutors must be made using the Arbor app or online portal by following the link to the Consultation Evening on the dashboard.

You will now be able to start making the appointments and the system will close to new appointments at 12pm on Wednesday 18 September.

If you have not already done so, the simplest way to register is to sign into the parent portal - please visit https://login.arbor.sc/ and select 'Forgotten password'. You will then be sent an email containing further instructions.

Once you have registered, you can download the app from Google Play or the App Store and log in with your details.

If you have any queries or concerns regarding this event, please contact Miss C Collier on ccollier@manor.school

PE kit

All students in Years 7-11 are expected to actively participate in core PE lessons, which requires them to bring and wear the full Manor PE kit. All PE kit should be navy blue.

Students are not to be excused from bringing their PE kit unless they have suffered a major injury which means they physically cannot change. The phrase to remember is "sick or fit, bring your kit". If students are well enough to be in school, they are well enough to participate in their PE lessons.

Should a student feel under the weather or have a minor injury, they are still expected to change but should communicate how they are feeling to the class teacher who will then find a suitable role for them within the lesson.

Sports leader applications

Any students wishing to be a sports leader this year need to write a short letter to Miss Hustwait, explaining why they want to be a sports leader and what they think they can offer to the programme.

All students who apply must remember that if they are successful in gaining a place that they will be role models to others and should be demonstrating our school REACH values at all times.

If anyone has any questions they should speak to the PE team or Miss Hustwait directly.

Letters should be handed in to Miss Hustwait by Friday 20 September at the latest.

Student sport success

We would like to congratulate both Year 9 student Jack S for winning U13 Players' Player of the Year and sixth form alumni Jamie S who has performed a number of roles (scorer, coach and senior player) at Finedon Dolben Cricket Club this summer.

If your child has anything you wish to celebrate then please let us know so that we can celebrate it within our Manor community.

Extra-curricular timetable

Please see the graphic below for details of our extra-curricular offer for this term. Students will receive an enrichment point for each session they attend.

We will communicate any last-minute cancellations on our social media pages as well as inform students via tutors/teachers.

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Year 6 into 7 Open Evening

Mountain Warehouse open event

Mountain Warehouse at Rushden Lakes are holding an open event on Wednesday 23 October where parents/carers can receive 20% off all their products when bringing the letter linked below.

Girls rugby event

Big Sister programme

Nene Valley Music Centre

Musical activities will resume once again at NMPAT Valley Music & Performing Arts Centre based at Oundle Primary from Saturday 21 September. Come along for a no obligation taster session where you can explore the fun and worthwhile world of music. We provide a galaxy of musical opportunities including guitar, rock school, band and orchestral instruments, singing and ukulele, and our Early Years provision provides a fun and exciting entry into musical enrichment. For further details, see the promotional card below which contains a QR code for registration.

Wellingborough Youth Club

Youth survey

Dates for your diary

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