JBS News May 27, 2024


1331 N Blue Road, Greenfield IN


Please stay up-to date on all JB Happenings!


All medication in the clinic must be picked up by 2:30pm on Thursday or it will be disposed of. Thank you!

Field Day

Field day is on Thursday! It looks like it is going to be a great day! Please make sure students are in appropriate clothes that day (tennis shoes, airy/comfortable clothes) Please NO flip-flops, slides or Crocs. Also please be sure and apply sunscreen prior to school. Staff is not permitted to apply sunscreen without a formal permission slip. Mrs. Atkinson has those in the clinic, if needed.

Book Vending Machine

More Book Winners!

Student IPAD Collection

IPADS and Chargers: We will begin collecting IPADs and chargers at school on Friday, May 24, 2024. If you do not return your GC 12 volt charger, or one comparable, there is a $15.00 fee. If a charger isn't returned or $15.00 is not received, your student will not be given a charger at the beginning of next school year.

(REMINDER) Awards Day

Mark your calendars for JB Stephen's Award's Programs; May 29th. Guests will enter through door #2 and proceed to the gym for our program. Teachers will be in contact with parents/guardians of students receiving an award.

  • Kindergarten: 8:30am
  • 1st Grade: 9:30am
  • 2nd Grade: 10:30am
  • 3rd Grade: 1:00pm

School Dismissal Manager (reminder)

All school dismissal changes now go through School Dismissal Manager. You do NOT need to call the office if you put your change/absence in the APP. You should receive a confirmation email from SDM with your update.

J.B WAY (reminder)

Our JB Way is our expectations of students. We expect JB Cougars to be Respectful, Responsible and Kind! When we "catch" students following the JB Way, they are recognized by earning a Cougar Buck. Students also earn a Cougar Buck each day they are at school. They can then cash those bucks in for small prizes and fun coupons. Big thanks to our PTO for sponsoring the prizes!

Congratulations to this week's Positive Office Referrals!

(NEW) Lunch/Breakfast Menus

Summer food information!

New lunch menu starting April 1, 2024

New lunch/breakfast prices

JBS School Hours (reminder)

  • Doors Open: 7:30am
  • Tardy Bell: 7:45am
  • Breakfast (optional/paid): 7:30am-7:45am (if your child is eating breakfast at school, please be sure to get them to school by 7:30am, so they have plenty of time to eat)
  • Dismissal: 2:10pm

Volunteer Form (reminder)

If you're interested in volunteering this school year, attending field trips, etc, all volunteers must complete a Volunteer Profile application, found by clicking here, before volunteering. This form must be completed each school year. We look forward to having you at JB!

Upcoming Dates

  • 5/29/24: JBS Award Day
  • 5/30/24: JBS Field Day
  • 5/30/24: Last Day of School

Events/clubs/Sports around Greenfield

Please see the following link for lots of GCHS Camps! Camp Link