Langley's Cascade Casino plans to demolish the Summit Theatre

The expansion is expected to create about 100 new jobs and take advantage of the opportunity to attract both gambling and non-gambling tourists.

On November 20 this year, the Langley City Council approved an expansion project for the Cascade Casino Hotel and Convention Center in Langley. All members supported the expansion project. Casino Public Relations Director Tanya Gabara told reporters at local news agency Langley Times that once the expansion project is completed, the Cascade Casino will be the only full-fledged entertainment complex in Langley City.

Detailed Expansion Project of Cascade Casino

Expansion projects include the demolition of the 420-seat Summit Theater and Bingo Hall Playtime Gaming. The venue for the live performance will be held on December 31st and will close on January 1st. Rob Warwick, concert organizer for Rock.It Boy Entertainment, announced that artists who have already booked next year's Summit Theater will perform at the Chief Sepath Theater in Langley.

What's interesting is that the theater first opened in 2005 and Langley's biggest events, shows, and concerts were performed here. Some people are concerned that the closure of theaters could negatively affect the city's cultural life. Langlish is facing a big problem, and it lacks live venues. In 2013, the city of Langley and the township council joined forces to find various opportunities to build the arts center.

As mentioned earlier, Langley has a very limited number of live venues. However, Gabara argued that gambling complexes would continue the tradition of hosting some of the biggest live events, even if the project did not involve the construction of other theaters. She added that the entertainment event will be performed at the Cascade Ballroom and the "Atlas" restaurant. Apart from this, customers at the Cascade Casino can enjoy DJs with live performances planned every Friday and Saturday night.바카라사이트