Check out this week's Morning Announcements.
2024-2025 School Calendar BELOW! Please plan vacations accordingly!
The 2024-2025 school year calendar has been published! Please reference this calendar and schedule your vacations accordingly! ¡Se ha publicado el calendario del año escolar 2024-2025! ¡Consulte este calendario y programe sus vacaciones en consecuencia!
We LOVE having WatchDOGS on our campus. If you are interested and have not had a chance to sign up yet, please click below!
Miss Reid- "Our daughter has had a total shift in her attitude about school thanks to Miss Reid. She loves her energy, loves learning from her and loves to share about her school days, putting in practice what she’s learned. We are thankful to Miss Reid because we know sometimes all it takes is that “one” teacher to make a difference for a child. She deserves a shout out and much more." - Neomi Torres
Mrs. Cole - "Mrs. Cole it’s been just fantastic! It’s amazing how well she can control a TK group with such kindness and patience! My daughter just loves her so much and will miss her, we were the luckiest to have her. With me as a parent, she’s been always very supportive since I struggled with some family issues this school year, I’m so grateful with her." - Dalia Heyer
Families, we want to hear from YOU!!! Click the button below to submit a Staff Shout Out to celebrate any of our amazing staff members at Lincoln!
Familias, queremos saber de USTEDES!!! ¡Haga clic en el botón a continuación para enviar un saludo del personal para celebrar a cualquiera de nuestros increíbles miembros del personal en Lincoln!
We are thrilled to extend our warmest invitation to our upcoming Open House event, marking a significant milestone in our journey as an IB Primary Years Program(PYP) candidate school. As we culminate our first year immersed in the enriching IB framework, we eagerly anticipate the opportunity to showcase the growth, achievements, and vibrant learning experiences of our students. At this special event, you will have the chance to witness firsthand the culmination of our collective efforts in fostering inquiry-based learning, global awareness, and a commitment to holistic education. From captivating exhibitions of student projects to engaging demonstrations of our inquiry-driven approach, we are excited to share the journey of discovery and exploration that has defined our inaugural year as a PYP candidate school. As partners in your child's education, your presence at our Open House is invaluable. Together, let's celebrate the progress, successes, and boundless potential of our students as they embrace the ethos of the IB PYP. Join us in commemorating this momentous occasion and envisioning the bright future ahead for our learning community. We look forward to welcoming you with open arms and hearts as we come together to celebrate our shared commitment to excellence in education. Love, Dr. Jenson and Ms. Naia
Estamos encantados de extender nuestra más cordial invitación a nuestro próximo evento de puertas abiertas, que marcará un hito importante en nuestro recorrido como colegio candidato al Programa de la Escuela Primaria (PEP) del IB. Al culminar nuestro primer año inmersos en el enriquecedor marco del IB, anticipamos con entusiasmo la oportunidad de mostrar el crecimiento, los logros y las vibrantes experiencias de aprendizaje de nuestros estudiantes. En este evento especial, tendrá la oportunidad de presenciar de primera mano la culminación de nuestros esfuerzos colectivos para fomentar el aprendizaje basado en la investigación, la conciencia global y el compromiso con la educación holística. Desde cautivadoras exhibiciones de proyectos estudiantiles hasta interesantes demostraciones de nuestro enfoque basado en la investigación, nos entusiasma compartir el viaje de descubrimiento y exploración que ha definido nuestro año inaugural como colegio candidato al PEP. Como socios en la educación de su hijo, su presencia en nuestra jornada de puertas abiertas es invaluable. Juntos, celebremos el progreso, los éxitos y el potencial ilimitado de nuestros estudiantes mientras adoptan el espíritu del IB PYP. Únase a nosotros para conmemorar esta ocasión trascendental y visualizar el brillante futuro que le espera a nuestra comunidad de aprendizaje. Esperamos darle la bienvenida con los brazos y el corazón abiertos mientras nos reunimos para celebrar nuestro compromiso compartido con la excelencia en la educación. Con cariño, Dr. Jenson y Sra. Naia.