
Cowbridge Lower School newsletter 06.10.23

We have been inundated with lots of visitors this week and it has been fabulous! Lots of our lovely Sixth Form have come down to read with us as part of National Libraries week, we have loved sharing stories with them and telling them about our favourite books and characters. The biggest 'diolch yn fawr' to everyone who has given up their time to read with us.

We had a special visitor from Cowbridge Library, Mr James, who came to read a story to us, to also explain how libraries work and how we need to care for books as they are special.

Nursery have been looking very carefully at each other and talking about their similarities and differences. They had a challenge to find all of their features and put their face back together like a jigsaw! They have also started their 'dough disco' sessions, getting their fingers nice and strong for all their jobs in school. Through pupil voice, they made biscuits of 'a special person' and took them home to eat. Blasus iawn!

Reception have enjoyed celebrating National Libraries week. They brought in their favourite stories to share with their friends and all of the visitors. They have been busy grouping objects and numbers as well as building models with 2D and 3D shapes. For National Poetry day, they made their own rhyming sentences and drew pictures to match them!

Diolch yn fawr iawn to all of our lovely visitors and thank you for helping us promote a love of reading!