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Sea Turtle Family Press IMportant things for Sanderlin families to know!

Previous Week Recap from Mrs. Cormier

I want to thank all families for their help and support with a successful first week of PM2 testing. We do have more testing this upcoming week so please review the calendar below and ensure that your child is here on time, well rested, and with their computer and charger on testing days.

As we get closer to break, this is just a reminder that we have 5 more quality instructional days before the break. I need your support to ensure that our students are coming to school as focused, principled and caring IB learners this week. We have seen an increase in disruptive behaviors this past week and I want to ensure that we have a smooth week so that we can go into our well deserved break on a positive and strong note!

I do want to add an additional reminder that campus opens at 9:00. Please note that unless your child is doing a club or ELP, there is NO supervision provided on campus before 9:00. Please do not drop your student off before 9:00 unless they are going to an approved an activity to ensure that they are being safely supervised.

Please note that i will not be sending out another Family Press until after Winter Break. I hope that everyone has a wonderful break and takes the time to rest with friends and family! Happy Holidays to everyone.

Important Reminders for this Week

Is your child missing a jacket or water bottle?

Any unclaimed Lost & Found items will be donated over winter break!

We've got some holiday FUN planned for next week! We are excited to see some holiday spirit spread across campus!

Tampa Bay Bucs Flag Football will visit Sanderlin on Friday, December 20th - During Grades K-5 Specials

Take Action!

Supporting Student Council's toy drive for the Ronald McDonald House!

Our annual Tortuga Trot is schedule for February, and we are looking for SPONSORS! See the flier below for various sponsorship opportunities!

PM2 Testing - BEFORE Winter Break

Please review the PM2 Assessment Calendar below. It is very important that you and your student(s) know when they are testing and arrive to school on time. If you know that your child will be absent on their scheduled testing date, please contact your child's teacher so that we can make alternative arrangements for them.

December's IB Attribute focus is Open-Minded!

See ideas below to support your child in becoming a more internationally minded citizen by being Open-Minded!

Taking Action Opportunities!

Have you helped someone recover from Hurricane Helene damage? Let us know!

All of the action opportunities listed below also "count" as taking action!

*Please remember to secure your items into a bag prior to putting it in the bin.
Created By
Carrie Cormier