Newsletter - Friday 5 April 2024

Head of Secondary School's Message

As we navigate through the seasons of life, we find ourselves embracing moments of both joy and sorrow.

Over the past six months, I've personally experienced the bittersweet journey of bidding farewell to several loved ones, including my father-in-law and grandmother. In these sombre yet profound gatherings, we've celebrated their lives through life sketches, offering glimpses into the stories that shaped them and their profound impact on others.

This week, another poignant farewell marked our community as we mourned the passing of a true giant of Christian youth ministry and the great outdoors. Many of you may not realise this individual's significant influence on our lives, having played a pivotal role in establishing Crosslands Youth & Convention Centre, where our Year 7's enjoy camp each year. His legacy lives on in the countless lives he touched and the memories he left behind.

During today's chapel, our secondary students were reminded of their unique purpose. They were encouraged to embrace the notion that each of us has a distinct calling intricately tailored to our individual strengths and passions. Every day presents us with another opportunity to positively influence those around us, leaving an indelible mark on our community and beyond. How are you impacting those around you?

Mr Michael St Mart - Head of Secondary School

Chaplain's Message

Greetings from the chaplaincy team! Pastor Nick here. I hope that you had a great weekend with the family creating memories. Last week, our Easter chapel was a deep journey, focusing on the sacrifice of Jesus and the power of the cross. The spirit of Easter continued through the weekend with our Vibrant Kids' church services centred around Passover and heartfelt worship across the Wahroonga estate.

Looking forward, WIRED is plugging in tonight at 6:30 PM! Get ready for an electrifying blend of dinner, worship and connection. For the early birds, we're launching WIRED Mornings—kicking off at 9am Saturday morning in the chaplaincy office - with tasty food and a laid-back mood.

So, whether you're seeking spiritual nourishment or just a good hangout, we've got you covered. Let's come together, fuel up, and get inspired. See you there!

Pr Nick Kross - Head Chaplain - on behalf of the Chaplain's Team

Upcoming Events

Calendar of Upcoming School Events

You can access the list of upcoming School events via the link below. The School Calendar is also available under the Parent Information tab on the School website.

Term Dates for 2024

Please click on the link below to view the school term dates and public holiday information for 2024.

Whole School News

Naming Belongings

We have a very large pile of clothing and personal items in the office that are sadly unclaimed so this is a friendly reminder that all uniforms, lunchboxes and bags need to be labelled with your students name. If you have second hand clothing please rename the item so that it can find its new owner.

Chickens Win Egg Laying Competition!

Our beautiful chickens have been busy laying eggs and competing in the Royal School Egg Laying Competition at the Royal Easter Show. Forty schools competed and our hardworking hens came first for the highest number of eggs laid! Well done to our chickens and the Environmental Ambassadors who are their caretakers and ensure those chooks are well fed.

Easter Chapel

A combined Easter Chapel was a perfect way to start the long weekend with our students reminded of the gift that Jesus gave us through his sacrifice. Home and School catered for our students and community with a hot cuppa and easter bun after the service. It was a lovely way to begin the Easter holiday.

Winners of the Easter egg guessing competition
Our School Captains, Katie M and Jasper P along with Mr StMart, serving up the hot cross buns

Primary School News

Easter Hat Parade

Last week our Kindy to Year 2 students showed off their amazing Easter hat creations at our Easter Hat Parade as we celebrate the gift of new life which Jesus freely provides us. It was lovely to have our parents and grandparents join us for the event. There were so many unique designs. Thank you to Claire Code for organising this event for our littlest members of our school. I hope the students all enjoyed their Easter egg hunt?

Mrs Anne-Marie Deppeler - Head of Primary

Primary Curricular Music

The students in Year 3 to Year 6 have worked hard in their Instrumental tutorials and ensembles this term and they are making great progress, enjoying the gift of music. All students are learning to read music and rhythms and learning how to play together as an ensemble. Hopefully, parents are hearing instruments at home and can hear the progress, too! The ensembles will continue to practice hard in term 2, working towards their first performance. Here are photos of some of the students. All primary school students are reminded to bring their instruments and music to school each Tuesday.

Felicity Stanwell - Primary Music - Ensemble Tutor Co-ordinator & Conductor

Year 6 Canberra Camp

On Monday 25th March our Year 6 students departed for Canberra. The students had a wonderful time exploring The National Museum, The National Art Gallery, Parliament House, War Memorial, Museum of Australian Democracy, Questacon and The Australian Institute of Sport to name a few. It was wonderful to see our students participate in a variety of educational programs to gain a broader understanding and appreciation for Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The weary students returned to school on Wednesday 27th March with lots of great memories to share. This excursion is supported by the Australian Government through the PACER program that will contribute $30 per student to assist paying for these activities. Thank you to Miss Andrews for organising a fun learning adventure for our Year 6 students.

Stories through Movement - Mirii Yanan Award

Congratulations to Zara who has received the Mirii Yanan Award in Traditional dance. Zara is highly motivated, bringing positive energy to her classes and enthusiasm in connecting and presenting stories through her movement. Well done on this achievement Zara.

Primary Sport

Congratulations to the Stage 2 boys and girls soccer teams who competed this week in the Adventist soccer gala day. Wahroonga again showed great sportsmanship and leadership when it came to the day. The boys placed 3rd overall while the girls placed 1st! Well done to both of the teams, you did yourself and Wahroonga Adventist School proud!

Mr Jack Fulton - Primary Sports Co-ordinator

Secondary School News

Year 7 Visits the Easter Show

As part of the Year 7 Technology Mandatory curriculum, students are required to describe a variety of environments such as Food and Agriculture, Horticulture, Timber, Textiles and other technologies. The students were able to explore the impact of technology on the individual, society and the environment during a visit to The Royal Agricultural Show. They observed hands-on experiences in technologies such as those used to milk cows, convert fibre to fabrics and processes involved in the paddock-to-plate experience.

The students visited the District Exhibits, Food and Textile Displays, Cooking demonstrations and Animal grooming shows. They even had time to treat themselves to a show bag.

Mr Nick Coyte - Technologies Teacher & Excursion Co-ordinator

Year 7 Camp

The annual Year 7 Camp is a significant event that helps students transition into a new phase of learning and builds strong connections with their peers. ‘Network’ is the focal theme of Year 7, and this outdoor experience provides a great opportunity for students to spend time together interacting and supporting one another outside of the classroom. The students enjoyed a number of activities that tested their bravery and skills such as high ropes and canoeing.

Mr Luke Metz - Teacher & Excursion Co-ordinator

Year 11 Art Camp

We embarked on a transformative adventure through the artistic heritage site of Bundanon. We gained an insight into the unique and inspirational life of Impressionist Arthur Boyd. His interweaving of Greek mythology and biblical allusions inspired us to create abstracted works. These included ink and charcoal experimentations in the natural environment. These bodies of work allowed us to submerge ourselves into the world of artistic practice and nuances in nature. The landscape and animals surrounding us provided us with new notions of art making. The time spent together as an art class enabled us to learn about each other's strengths and interests when creating artworks.

Audrey K and Tisha S - Year 11 Art Students

The Da Vinci Decathlon

Thankyou Hannah and Harriet for both writing up such great overviews of the Da Vinci challenges.

The Da Vinci Decathlon 2024 was a day aimed at putting our student's strengths and weaknesses to the test, as well as our own abilities in certain subjects ranging from simple English, Math, and Science to Art and Poetry, Codebreaking, Cartography, Creative Producers, Engineering, Ideation and Legacy (general knowledge). Having the opportunity to complete each booklet together as a team was an exciting and enjoyable experience for all of us. Although we had difficulties and struggles throughout the day, our two high school year levels that participated, managed to bring home mentionable results. Firstly, the Year 9 students who participated, placed 1st in English and Cartography while also placing 3rd in Codebreaking. Additionally, our Year 10 students placed 1st in Ideation and 3rd in codebreaking. All of the students who participated, tried their best whilst bringing home exceptional results, and I believe that’s what mattered the most.

Hannah L - Year 10 Student

Congratulations to all the Year 9 and Year 10 students who participated in the Da Vinci Decathlon. Both teams had to complete 10 different subject booklets and activities in 3 different sessions throughout the day; Science, Engineering, Maths, Art and Poetry, English, Ideation, Code Breaking, Cartography, Creative Producers and Legacy. It was definitely a very memorable and fun time together, working as a team, trying our best and giving it a go. Even though it may have seemed challenging at some points, we all managed to rise to the challenge and do our best as a team. We definitely learned, developed and grew as a team together. At the end of the day the results were announced and the Year 10’s received 1st in Ideation and 3rd in Code Breaking whiles the Year 9’s came 1st in cartography, 1st in English and 3rd in Code Breaking. Well done to everyone! I would also like to say a big thank you to Miss Taylor who organised for us to be there that day.

Harriet L - Year 10 Student

Year 9 Team
Year 10 Team

Secondary Sport

Touch Football Competition

Over the past three months, a team of students from Wahroonga have been competing in an Opens Touch Football competition on Wednesday nights. The boys played with integrity and developed their touch football skills as the competition progressed. The competition was competitive and they were able to win several games to qualify for the Division 2 Opens Grand Final. The boys once again showed some amazing skill to walk away with a 6-3 victory. Congratulations boys!

CSSA State Swimming

On Tuesday 26th March, 11 students competed at the CSSA State Swimming Championships at Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre. The day was filled with elite performances from students around New South Wales. Special mentions go to Maile W (Year 9) and Nicholas L (Year 10) for placing 2nd in the 50m Breaststroke, Zach P (Year 10) for placing 1st in 50m Breaststroke and Salani S (Year 10) for placing 1st in 50m Backstroke along with setting a new record! Congratulations to our swimmers!

Mr Ignatius Ah-you - PDHPE Teacher & Secondary Sports Co-ordinator

Library News

Premier's Reading Challenge

Congratulations to the following students who have now completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge: Callum B (KD), Florence B (2A), Hugo B (4W), Jack C (3/4R), Jacob F (5M), Felicity L (5M), Matthew L (5M), Cara T (5M), and Elijah V (7W). Well done to all of you – Keep up the excellent reading!

The Premier’s Reading Challenge is achievable for all students, so please encourage your children to log their reading lists at NSW Premier's Reading Challenge 2023 : Home ( . Email Mrs Savage at if you need your child’s User ID and Password.

Book Fair Luau: It's a Reading Celebration!

A HUGE thank you to all those who came along and supported our ‘Book Fair Luau: It’s a Reading Celebration!’ Book Fair! Thanks to your support our sales tallied up to almost $4,300, with $295 worth of books being donated by parents to the classrooms! A commission of $1,501 worth of Scholastic books has been chosen for our school library.

An extra big thank you goes to Janet and Richard Shirley, Grace Skinner, Jeanne van Warmelo, Helen Zou, Aimee Gwiza, Sharona Behrens, Kim Fisher and Summer Eghdami Rad who gave their time to help set up, run, and pack down the Book Fair. Your efforts are truly appreciated, and we cannot thank you enough for ensuring the success of the Book Fair.

Last Week of Borrowing for Prep

Last week (Week 9) was the last week of borrowing for the term for our Prep students. Please make sure all books are returned before the end of term so the Prep boxes can be changed over during the term break. Borrowing for all other classes will continue over the holidays.

Holiday Reading

Please email Mrs Savage if you would like your child to collect extra books for holiday reading (maximum of 10 books per student).

Mrs Leonie Savage - Librarian

Uniform Shop

A friendly reminder that all students are required to be in full winter uniform at the start of Term 2 including the blazer and formal hat from Year 5 to Year 12. THE UNIFORM SHOP WILL BE CLOSED DURING THE SCHOOL HOLIDAYS. Please note the three options below for purchasing winter uniform.

Option 1 - Book Uniform Fitting

For students who need to be fitted for a full winter uniform please click the button below to make an appointment.

Option 2 - Order Online

Uniform items can be ordered online through Flexischools via the button below. Orders will be completed by either Friday 5 April or Tuesday 9 April. Primary student's orders will be delivered to their classroom. Secondary students are to collect their orders from the school office.

Option 3 - Visit Uniform Shop

Please note that fittings will NOT be conducted during the open shop times, please make an appointment if your student needs to be fitted. Extended opening hours for the remainder of Term 1 are as follows:

Your patience during this busy time at the Uniform Shop is welcomed and we encourage all families to avoid leaving their uniform purchases to the last minute.

If you have any questions or require more information please contact Mrs Kelly Oldfield via email at

Mrs Kelly Oldfield - Uniform Shop Manager

Home and School

Hot Cross Buns

We hope that you all enjoyed your hot cross bun and hot cuppa after the lovely Easter Chapel. Thank you to the volunteers who make these events possible. It was a lovely social way to start the long weekend.

Upcoming Events and Meetings

Please keep these upcoming events in mind and in your calendar.

Mother's Day Afternoon Tea - Friday afternoon 10th May

Next Parent Voice Meeting is Tuesday 28th May at 7pm

We look forward to seeing you in the new Term and enjoying more time with our lovely community.

Mrs Michelle Roberts - Home and School President (

Bits and Pieces