porters grange weekly newsletter week ending 28th June 2024

Diary Dates


  • Tuesday 2nd - KS1 Sports Afternoon
  • Wednesday 3rd - Reception Sports Morning
  • Thursday 4th - KS2 Sports Afternoon at Southchurch Park
  • Friday 5th - Year 6 Transition Day
  • Monday 8th - Wednesday 10th - Portico Art & D&T Festival
  • Tuesday 9th - Open Evening
  • Reading Mentor Celebration Event
  • Wednesday 10th - Friday 12th - Danbury Residential trip
  • Wednesday 17th - Year 6 Leavers Performance
  • Friday 19th - Last Day of Term


This week we have been enjoying the sunshine, and talking about staying safe in the sun. We have had fun playing with water both inside nursery a and outside. We have also started talking about transition going up into Reception class.

REMINDERS: As the weather is very hot at the moment please ensure your child comes to school with a named hat.

Please remember to apply suncream before your child’s session.


This week we have had great fun in the sun. We have been practising for our sports day alongside learning new physical skills we have also been learning how to take turns, support our team and work together. We have been learning how to weave paper in our art lessons. In Maths we have been comparing numbers using the sign for greater than, less than and equals.

We have continued to learn about the seasons and the weather. This week we have been learning what we need to do to stay safe in the sun such as wear a sun hat and sun cream. We have listened to several fun songs about summer!

REMINDER: As the weather is very hot at the moment please ensure your child comes to school with a named hat. If they bring in sun cream please ensure this is clearly named and your child is able to apply it themselves.

Please continue to read at home at least 3 times a week!

Year 1

This week we have been reading ‘ Who Am I’ books to guess which animal the text was about, we had to listen carefully to clues! From these texts we have been learning to add the –ing suffix to verbs. The children enjoyed making up sentences using these words. In maths we have been learning about ordinal numbers, using the language of first, second, third, fourth and so on. For PSHE we have discussed the transition to Year Two and wrote questions about what we would like to know about our new teacher and class.

REMINDER: Please make sure your child has sun cream applied before they come to school and bring in a named hat.

Sports day is Tuesday 2nd July.

Year 2

This week in English, we delved into holiday brochures to understand their purpose and allure. The children engaged in crafting expanded noun phrases to enrich their descriptions. They also practiced writing persuasive sentences in various scenarios, honing their ability to convince others to visit exciting destinations. In Maths, we expanded our knowledge of direction using a grid and a compass. The children practiced telling directions and navigating with precision. We also revisited column addition and subtraction, sharpening these essential arithmetic skills. In Geography the children researched famous Brazilians, locating key information and incorporating these facts into their own sentences. Each student created an informative fact sheet about a prominent Brazilian personality. In PE, we dedicated time to practicing for the upcoming Sports Day. The children enthusiastically participated in various activities, building their skills and teamwork.

REMINDER: Please remember that all PE kits must be brought to school for our Tuesday PE sessions. Ensuring your child has their kit will allow them to fully participate and enjoy their physical education activities.

We encourage you to continue listening to your child read every day and make sure to record it in their reading log books.

Year 3

This week in year 3, we visited the Southend Museum to visit their Roman exhibition. The children took part in an archaeological dig, a scavenger trail around the exhibition and took part in some Roman games. In maths we have moved on to shape, this week exploring right angles and lines. In English we have been continuing our explanation text. This week we are writing about a plant’s life cycle.

REMINDER: TTRockstars at least 3 times a week.

Children should be reading every night.

Next week on the 4th we have our sports event at Southchurch park. Please make sure your child has a hat, water bottle and is covered in sun cream.

Year 4

In maths, we have finished learning about time; converting between the 12 hour and 24 hour clock, plus working out how long events last. Our next topic is shape and we have started focusing on angles (how many degrees a turn is). In English, we have also started a new topic and are learning about explanation texts. We will be linking this to our previous learning so we will be explaining how the water cycle and digestive system work. In DT, we are now using our knowledge of different stitches to design our Viking purses. In PE, we are preparing for sports day (Thursday July 4th) by practising working as a team.

REMINDER: Please support your child’s maths by asking them what the time is. Perhaps ask them what the time will be in quarter of an hour, half an hour or three quarters of an hour.

To get ready for year 5, aim to read for 20 minutes or at least 12 pages.

Year 5

This week, year 5 have been making a splash as we had our week long swimming lessons at West Leigh school. The children performed excellently, and behaved impeccably during our daily trips out. It was wonderful to see their swimming skills and application of different strokes progressing over the course of the week. Outside of swimming lessons, we have been looking at new books during layered reading, using our retrieval skills to identify one mark answers and building adding evidence to support them.

REMINDER: Next week PE kit as normal as swim lessons will end.

Kit needed for Monday and Friday please.

Please strive to read for 20 minutes each night (recording in diaries) and log into Times Table Rock Stars regularly.

Year 6

This week, year 6 have been enjoying their daily swimming lessons. The children have been very well-behaved and have made the most of this opportunity. In pshe, we have looked at the issue of both positive and negative risks and how to avoid risky situations. In our science lessons, we are continuing to learn about evolution and inheritance focusing on Charles Darwin’s theory.

REMINDER: Please continue to read daily and record in your home school diary.

Please have a PE kit in school on Wednesday and Friday.


Our junior dancers performed on stage at the Palace Theatre last week; they were brilliant, full of enthusiasm and very supportive of all other schools performing. We are extremely proud of them and it was great to see them have so much fun!

This week, we have an amazing 12 pupils competing in the ‘Super Borough Sports’ after finishing either first or second in their original Borough Sports events - we wish them the best of luck!

As a school, we are looking forward to our Sports Days next week - KS1 on Tuesday, Reception on Wednesday and KS2 on Thursday.


This week year six have successfully described and written about the differences between the French and English school systems; year four have spoken and written in some depth about the meaning of family; year one have enjoyed talking about which fruits they like and dislike in French.


Music Clubs

  • Tuesday 12.00pm: Band
  • Tuesday 3.30: Music Making (Yrs 1,2)
  • Thursday 3.30pm: Choir (Yrs 3,4,5,6).

Instrumental Lessons

We do have a few vacancies, please contact Mrs Baines if your child would like to learn an instrument.

  • Tuesday am: Guitar (Mr Brown)
  • Wednesday am: Keyboard (Mr Hockey)
  • Wednesday am: Guitar (Mr Elliot)

Nb. We are currently looking for a tutor in order to continue offering drum lessons.

Healthy Schools

Online Safety

We are providing this guide to inform you about a gaming scene. Whilst this is inappropriate for any pupil at our school we feel that you need to be aware of the what the game involves and why it is inappropriate for primary age pupils. This guide dives into the risks of Palworld, offering expert tips on how to safeguard children.

Releasing in January 2024, Palworld took the gaming scene by storm, selling over five million copies in just three days. A new take on the survival genre – blending mechanics similar to games like Minecraft with the ability to catch and fight alongside creatures reminiscent of Pokémon – it saw plenty of coverage from games journalists and influencers alike.

However, despite its lower age rating and popularity with young gamers, Palworld has been criticised for its reliance on shock humour – touching on topics including animal abuse and sweatshop labour – and as a game featuring online multiplayer, one can expect certain safety concerns to arise..

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Our Uniform shop is located within the front reception area of the school and is open Monday-Friday 8.30am - 4.00pm. All items are 50p each. We always have a good selection of skirts, trousers, jumpers, tops, dresses and P.E items. Please ask at the office to point you in the right direction.

School Uniform Donations

We always welcome school uniform donations for us to sell at our school uniform shop. Could we please ask that the clothes are in good, clean condition. All items can be dropped off at the school office between 8.30am - 4.00pm. Thank you so much for doing this for the school as it helps our parents out tremendously.


Congratulations Attendance Awards

Congratulations to Pebble Class for meeting the attendance target and achieving a certificate this week. A belated congratulations goes to Starfish Class, who achieved a certificate last week for reaching the target but were unfortunately not included in last week’s celebrations.

Being ready every day and getting in on time is the challenge you set yourself to achieve greatness!

This week, we celebrated 317 children who achieved 100% attendance. Well done to all those children who were in every day and on time. Every moment helps to improve learning and make more progress. Being here is half the battle won!

Being here is half the battle won!

Term Time Absence

Travel abroad and particularly booked holidays taken during term time, which cause your child to miss school days, will not be authorised. Please bear this in mind when considering booking family holiday dates.

School term dates are available on the school website, and printed copies are in the main foyer. Please plan to make holiday bookings during school holidays and weekends.

If you need to inform us about any unavoidable term time absences, please complete a Pupil Absence Request Form for planned absences of more than half a day and submit it to the school office.

Some planned absences may be considered exceptional circumstances and, as such, part or all of the absence may be authorised. The office and attendance team can advise whether the absence would be considered an exceptional circumstance.

A Pupil Absence Request Form can be filled out online via our school website, or a paper copy can be collected from the school reception.

For the online pupil absence request form, please use the following link – Pupil Absence Request Form Link

Every day of school is important, moments matter, attendance counts!

Contact Us

If you would like to talk to someone for support or advice on attendance or punctuality at any time, please do not hesitate to contact the Attendance Team: Mrs. S. Wyer, Attendance Administrator, or Mrs. D. Morris, Assistant Principal and Senior Leader for Attendance. You can visit the school office to speak to one of us face-to-face if we are available. Alternatively, you can call the school or email us at attendance@pgps.porticoacademytrust.co.uk We are here and always happy to help!

Attendance Report

Dinner Menu

Week 3

Monday - Chicken & Sweetcorn Meatballs with Tomato Sauce & Penne - Vegan Roasted Ratatouille with Penne - Baked Jacket with Grated Cheese - Carrots & Broccoli - Orange Shortbread Biscuit

Tuesday - Fajita Spiced Turkey & Vegetables with Steamed Rice - Vegan Burrito - Pasta & Tomato - Sweetcorn & Peas - Carrot Cake

Wednesday - Herby Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes & Gravy - 3 Vegetable Mac n’ Cheese - Baked Jacket with Baked Beans - Seasonal Greens & Broccoli - Chocolate & Beetroot Brownie

Thursday - Macaroni & Cheese Bolognaise Bake - Vegan Chickpea & Spinach Korma with Steamed Rice - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Cauliflower & Carrots - Vanilla Ice Cream

Friday - Breaded Fish Fingers with Chips & Ketchup - Vegan Bubble & Squeak with Chips & Ketchup - Baked Jacket with Grated Cheese - Peas & Baked Beans - Apple & Parsnip Cake


Cost of Living Advice

Click here to access cost of living advice from Southend City Council. It contains information on housing support, energy cost advice and benefits and support for those with children.