Although Judaism has endured its share of challenges as a religion, culture, and community, its traditions and teachings emphatically promote gratitude. It is too easy, Jewish sources say, to fall back on the simple route of being dissatisfied with life and focusing on what you lack. True gratitude requires an honest accounting of what you do have, an accounting of which, Judaism argues, will allow you to acknowledge the blessings which are a part of your life. Woven into thousands of years of Jewish thought is the overriding idea that taking time to recognize what you have in life is one of the uniquely beneficial rituals we can undertake. (Hanan Harchol & Rabbi Leora Kaye / reformjudaism.org)

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This is the Season to Give Thanks

  • As you read the words of the title of my November Column, you are no doubt thinking ahead to the secular holiday of Thanksgiving that is coming up at the end of the month. And when I wrote them, we were celebrating the holiday of Sukkot, the fall harvest holiday which many claim formed the basis for the secular holiday of Thanksgiving.
  • On reflection, it might not seem to be the most obvious time of year to offer thanks. I often find myself being a bit grouchier than usual as Fall comes in. Yes, the colored leaves are beautiful and the crisp temperature invigorating. Yet the shortened daylight hours make everything feel a bit pressured and portend the cold winter ahead.
  • On second thought - perhaps that makes this season an especially good time to be thankful. Gratitude, after all, is not only about giving thanks when something good comes your way. It is also about recognizing the blessings all around you, even when it feels like those blessings are few in number.
  • In the Jewish way of thinking, gratitude isn’t something we reserve for a particular time of year only. Giving thanks is a regular part of our daily prayer life. One of my favorite prayers is the Hoda’ah, the prayer we recite just prior to our prayer for peace. In it, we say, “Hatov ki lo chalu rachamecha” - “O Good One, Your mercies never end.” The prayer reminds us that God’s blessings are unending, and around us all the time.
  • If the blessings are always there, how do we better train ourselves to see them? How can prayer help awaken our awareness of those everyday miracles, even in the darkest hours of the calendar year or of our lives?
  • Again, the Hoda’ah prayer proves helpful. It says, “We thank You, God, for Your wondrous deeds at every time of day: evening, morning and afternoon.” Whenever I read those words, I try to think of something specific for which I am grateful that has happened to me at each of those times of day - evening, morning, and afternoon. It is not always easy to do, and I cannot always think of something at the moment that I am praying. However, the very specificity of the prayer reminds me to be on the lookout for those blessings throughout the day. It helps me recognize them when they come along.

~ May this season awaken your own sense of gratitude ~ And thank you for being part of our Temple Family ~

  • TZEDEKAH: Gloria & Larry Konstan • Joyce & Joel Mensoff
  • PATRON: Ronni & Charlie Hollander • Barbara & Joe Massey
  • SPONSOR: Michele & Dennis Baltuch • Ronald Degen • Martin & Susan Fox • Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Lois Howard • Joe & Judy Kirschner • Edward & Helaine Schachter • Gary & Gerri Weinstein
  • DONOR: Sharon & Alana Bibergal • Farhad Bolandakhtari & Nazita Dashtipour • Sonia Fink • Sharon Fricano • Fran Fredrick • David Herz & Janet Stahl • The Magidson Family • Mark & Robin Mandell • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg and Family • Susan Schall • Jack & June Schwarz • Sandra Witt
  • PARTICIPANT: Deborah Abramowitz • Sheila & Martin Bokser • Alan Fogelman • Steven B. Levine • Lee Newman • The Maletzy Family • Howard & Gale Zeidman



I Am Feeling Rich, As I Rejoice in My Portion

  • As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, our thoughts typically turn to family gatherings and to gratitude. It has always been a tradition around our Thanksgiving table to say at least one thing we are grateful for. In that spirit, I would like to share with everyone some of the things I am grateful for...
  • I am GRATEFUL for: • GRANDCHILDREN - My two amazing granddaughters make me smile every day. • RAINY DAYS - When I can stay in my pajamas all day and snuggle up with a good book (or good movie) and a warm cup of tea. • ABILITY TO LAUGH - The ability to find humor in almost any situation keeps me happy, healthy, and optimistic about the future. • TEMPLE TIKVAH - My temple community is my safe space. I can walk in alone, yet I am never alone once I am inside. • EDUCATION - Education is a lifelong adventure, and I am grateful for my capacity to continue to learn and grow even as I get older. • FAMILY - Whether it be by blood, by friendship or by community, I am grateful for the many families in my life that help me celebrate the good times and support me during more challenging times. • USA - I am blessed to be an American, living in a free and democratic society. • LOVE - I am grateful for all the love in my life, especially the hugs from the two granddaughters mentioned above!
  • November at Temple Tikvah will not be quite as activity-filled as October; however I would like to encourage everyone to attend our first Family Shabbat Dinner of the year on November 15th and celebrate Shabbat with our 7th graders as they lead our first Grade Service of the year. They are truly an amazing group of students, as is our Kol Simkha Choir, who sing at all of our Family Services.

I wish everyone a happy, healthy, and delicious Thanksgiving!





We are Honored and Gratified as A Community to Join Together to Revere and Interact Among One Another to Learn and Uphold Our Faith and Traditions with Our Children

  • October was a month filled with Jewish Holidays. It was wonderful to see so many families participate in our Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Family Services, as well as enjoy each other’s company eating pizza together while decorating our Sukkah and celebrating Simchat Torah.
  • And there is more to come! Mark your calendars, for Friday, November 15th for our first dinner and grade service of the year, which will be led by our 7th grade students. The following students will participate: Charlotte Faulkner, Jeremy Heron, Parker Kramer, Alex Lefkof, Sebastian Lefkof, Ella Oglesby, Hope O’Donnell, and Sophie Pitt.
  • One of the things I love about our Religious School is that it is about a lot more than Sunday morning classes. Temple Tikvah is a safe space for all, and we pride ourselves on creating opportunities for families to gather, celebrate, and socialize with each other. I hope to see all of you at our Friday, November 15th Dinner and Family Service.
  • A special shoutout to 5th grade families - there will be a meeting to give out Bet Mitzvah dates and discuss the Bet Mitzvah process at 6:30pm on Tuesday, November 12th. Please mark your calendars. Dinner will be on us!
  • As part of our study of Life Cycles, we will do a mock baby naming. Students will get their own “stuffie” to name as part of the program. Look for more on this as November continues.
  • And, of course, we will continue studying the meaning of prayers and building fluency in chanting prayers.
  • Reminders for November: • November 3rd - Daylight Savings Times Ends (we fall behind) • November 10th - Closed for Veterans Weekend • November 12th - 5th Grade Family Bet Mitzvah Meeting at 6:30pm • November 15th - Family Service led by the 7th Grade • November 17th - Paint Project Returns • November 24th - Religious School Committee Meeting. All parents invited! • November 28th - Thanksgiving • December 1st - No Religious School / Thanksgiving Weekend

• There is No Better Way to REJOICE Than with Our Yeladim/Kinder & Express Our Gratitude by Passing On Our Faith & Traditions •



Gratitude = A Positive Attitude, Being Uplifting, and Being Happy

  • Gratitude is being grateful for what we have, rather than being bitter that we don’t have more. While all of us might wish for front row seats to a great play, sitting in the balcony is not so bad. In fact, seeing a great play from anywhere in the theatre is a wonderful way to spend the evening. If you have gratitude, you would say “Thank you God for giving me a special night.” If you lack gratitude, you would brood over the fact that other people had better seats.
  • Now, how do we teach the tots in our lives the lesson of gratitude? How do we teach them that they should be grateful for the bicycle that they have, rather than envious of the child with the fancy battery-powered bicycle? We suggest that your attitude counts the most. Be positive, uplifting, happy. It will be contagious. If they start appreciating what they have at a young age, hopefully, they will always be grateful for what God has given them, rather than resentful that they do not have more.

We hope you will join us on Friday, November 8th for our next Tot Shabbat and on Saturday, November 23rd when the theme of the program will be gratitude and having gratitude for our loved ones.


9 Simple Activities To Develop The Attitude Of Gratitude:

1) Show Appreciation • 2) Savor The Small Things • 3) Daily Gratitude Journal • 4) Gratitude Jar • 5) Replace A Negative Thought With A Grateful Thought • 6) Ask Yourself, “What Can I Learn? • 7) Write A Gratitude Letter • 8) Heart-Centered Gratitude Meditation • 9) Gratitude Walk




REMEMBER TO MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The Temple Book Club will next meet on *ZOOM on Monday, November 11th at 7:30pm to discuss Blaze Me a Sun by Christoffer Carlsson • From goodreads.com: A serial killer in a small Swedish town commits his first murder the same night the prime minister is assassinated - a “thrilling and profoundly poignant” (Angie Kim) novel by one of the country’s top criminologists, hailed as “the finest crime writer we have in Sweden” (David Lagercrantz, author of The Girl in the Spider’s Web and other novels in Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Series) • *See ZOOM information in the Weekly Updates every Wednesday.



REMEMBER TO MARK YOUR CALENDARS: The Creative Writing Group will next meet on Tuesday, November 12th at 7:30pm.




  • “It is too easy, Jewish sources say, to fall back on the simple route of being dissatisfied with life and focusing on what you lack. True gratitude requires an honest accounting of what you do have, an accounting of which, Judaism argues, will allow you to acknowledge the blessings which are a part of your life. Woven into thousands of years of Jewish thought is the overriding idea that taking time to recognize what you have in life is one of the uniquely beneficial rituals we can undertake. (Hanan Harchol & Rabbi Leora Kaye from reformjudaism.org) Having just undergone the High Holy Days, reflection should be a little easier to do.
  • The first “F” word is for FOUNDATION. It reflects the background and basis of our existence and belief systems. It is where our gratitude stems from. Where we grew up, how we grew up, what we were taught and the education we received, all form the person we are.
  • The next “F” words come as a set and reflect those things we are grateful for: FOOD, FLUIDS, FAMILY, FRIENDS, and FAITH. We need food and fluids for the survival of the body. We need family and friends for our physical and mental health. We also need faith for our spiritual well-being and our belief systems.
  • One of the basics of Judaism is the mitzvah to FIX the world, which is known as tikkun olam. Tikkun olam enables us to help accomplish this FINANCIALLY. One of the main FUNCTIONS of Sisterhood is to raise FINANCES to help support the Temple, Jews in need, and organizations that support research and people that need help.
  • We are grateful to Sisterhood for the friendships that have been formed and the ongoing work that is being done. Personally, I am also grateful for my son, daughter-in-law, and grandson for the love I receive and can give in return, to make my life worthwhile. I am also grateful to my co-president, Leslie Kizner, for her friendship and patience with my many questions, and for sharing the responsibilities of this office.

Please remember to join Sisterhood and come to our Brunch on Sunday, November 23rd to see how we FUNCTION in order to provide a wonderful FEELING of camaraderie. We are grateful to you everyone.



Let’s Breakdown Barriers and Together Acknowledge the Good That Lies Before Us

  • The wonderful month of November is upon us. Unlike Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur it is never early or late...it is always just on time. The Autumn leaves are just about gone and we begin to think about the coming holiday of Thanksgiving.
  • And so, the theme of Gratitude is perfect for this month. While we mourn the loss of lives on October 7th and await the return of the hostages, we thank the Jews throughout the world for supporting Israel during this time of need.
  • Brotherhood has two events this month and two events next month that we are looking forward to: On Tuesday, November 12th anyone purchasing food or drink at Panera Bread in Mineola, along with a copy of the flyer that will appear in the Weekly Update, will help the Brotherhood Treasury with 20% of your purchase. You can also take a screenshot of the flyer below and print it. • On Friday, November 29th, Brotherhood, once again, will deliver a fresh challah to any Brotherhood member that requests one. • On Sunday, December 8th at 10:00am, Brotherhood will hold a seminar on Urology with a guest speaker, Dr. Gary Goldberg. This is open to everyone and will include bagels and coffee. Please see the flyer below and then the Weekly Updates for the most up-to-date information. • On Tuesday, December 10th Brotherhood is selling tickets to a hockey game at the new UBS Arena. The NY Islanders will host the LA Kings. The game will start at 7:30pm and we have secured tickets at $60 each. Please contact Larry at LarryKon6715@aol.com or 646-648-0783 to order your seats.

We wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with holiday cheer with family and friends, as well as gratitude that we can enjoy being together without fear.






What’s In Your Pocket?

• As Billie Holiday sang, “Empty pockets don’t ever make the grade.” (From the classically tragic song that she wrote, “God Bless the Child.” For people of a certain age, you might remember that the group Blood, Sweat & Tears also recorded it in 1968.) •
  • But what really matters is not the lack of cash, but the lack of meaning that people experience. Here is a short reading from the old Reform High Holiday siddur “Gates of Repentance”: Keep two truths in your pocket and take them out according to the need of the moment. Let one be: “For my sake was the world created,” And the other: “I am dust and ashes.”
  • In other words, heartfelt gratitude means taking advantage of the wonderful things that life offers us, while tempering that with real humility.
  • I actually followed the above Chassidic adage. For many years, I carried two messages in my wallet that my daughter had written to me when she was a little girl. One said, “I love you, Daddy.” The other said. “I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!! I NEVER WANT TO TALK TO YOU AGAIN!” Both messages kept me balanced. They also made me realize that real love means appreciating all the ups and downs that come your way.

Rabbi Marx’s Sukkot Visit

• On Sukkot morning, Lifelong Learning and Rabbi Sheinberg sponsored a visit to Temple Tikvah from Rabbi Dalia Marx, Ph.D., a Professor of Liturgy and Midrash at Hebrew Union College in Jerusalem. Around 30 Temple members attended this delightful session about the Jewish calendar, with a focus on the recent holiday season. •• Rabbi Marx is the author of From Time to Time: Journeys in the Jewish Calendar, a beautiful book published last year by CCAR Press. (She signed copies of the book for several people who purchased it.) Rabbi Marx would like everyone to know that you can download a free study guide to her book via the CCAR website. •

Saturday, November 9th Lifelong Learning Will Sponsor a Showing & Discussion of the New Film ~ We Will Dance Again ~

We Will Dance Again - October 7th 2023 will remain in our hearts and minds for years to come. We know it’s a difficult and emotional event to comprehend. We think, however, that it is important to keep in mind what happened on that day as we consider all that has transpired since. On Saturday, November 9th Lifelong Learning will sponsor a showing and discussion of the new film, We Will Dance Again. The New York Times wrote that “if the shock of that day’s violence has faded after a year, ‘We Will Dance Again’ aims to keep it visible, and to memorialize it viscerally.” Below is a connection to information about and a preview of the film. • SEE WEEKLY UPDATE FOR GOOGLE FORM TO R.S.V.P. •
  • Weekly Torah Study - Guess what? We start a new book of the Torah in November. Guess what? It is the same new book we always come back to after every Simchat Torah: GENESIS. Even if you have read it many times (as several members of the Torah Study Group have done), there are always new lessons to be gleaned each time we return to “In the beginning…”
  • Torah Study meets every Saturday at 9:15am. It is always on ZOOM, however around once a month (or more), we supplement that with an in-person meeting at the Temple, complete with actual (not virtual) breakfast...to make you want to get up, get dressed, and come on over to the Beber Auditorium. Go to the Calendar in the back of this Issue and then for more up-to-date information check the Weekly Updates. Can’t you just smell the lovely, pungent aroma of Utopia Bagels; the patriarchs and matriarchs only wish they had it so good.

Let’s give cheerfully and joyfully, and with empathy...




  • Gratitude is partly the ability to count one's blessings, as in focusing on what one has rather than what one lacks. It also is a form of social justice in which donors benefit as well as recipients, because it helps to build trust between people. In communal organizations, such as our congregation, we are able to participate in Tikkun Olam in a variety of ways that help others, and we do so joyfully.
  • Many Jewish organizations began as efforts to address the needs of immigrants, such as the mutual aid societies that our grandparents may have participated in. These created ways to insure and safeguard the disadvantaged. People gave time and skills as well as money, recognizing the relationship between happiness and gratitude. You may remember the pushkes you saw in relatives' homes or in temples, in which one dropped coins or bills before Shabbat for the benefit of others in need. We are encouraged to "practice gratitude," but why do we need to practice it? Some might suggest it helps us to feel better and to wake up every day to joys around us and to create joy for others.
  • Think of the many parts of Temple life - Social Action, Lifelong Learning, Brotherhood and Sisterhood, etc. ... that we put time, thought, and effort into that enable us to practice gratitude and how these activities not only help others but enrich our lives too! What do you do that brings such blessings to your life?

Social Action Committee encourages you to get out and vote come November 5th or during early voting!




  • HELEN BADER SPECIAL PROJECT FUND: Diane Simon Levin in memory of Robert Bader • Gayle Lob & Jeffrey Simon in memory of Robert Bader • Margie Shoenhulz in memory of Robert Bader • Marcella & Bob Zorn in memory of Robert Bader
  • SIMCHA FUND: Beverly Osrow in honor of the birth of her great grandchild, Moshe Yochanan Gordon
  • RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Lois Howard in memory of Stephen Berman • Cantor Kat Hastings in memory of Kathryn Stinchcomb • Evan Silberman in appreciation of the Rabbi and Marty, beloved neighbors to my folks. Your presence and wisdom during my parents' (Doris & Irving Silberman) final earthly days will always be appreciated and cherished by my family and me. Much appreciation and wishes for a blessed New Year for all at Temple Tikvah.
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Sharon Adler in memory of Carole Feith, Celia Kornhauser, and Louis Kornhauser • Dr. Ellen S. Aronoff in memory of Dr. Philip H. Sechzer • Lorraine Bertan in memory of Lester Bertan • Betsy Jacobs-Biviano in memory of Jacob Noll • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch in memory of Charles Margolis • Bernice Bloch in memory of Charles Margolis • Brotherhood in memory of Lois Robbin and Karla Osuna • Gerda Cohen in memory of Karla Osuna • Dr. Martin Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg in memory of Eunice Cohen, Elizabeth Cohen, and Louis Powell • Michael & Talia Cohen in memory of Loretta Cohen • Terri Cohen in memory of Loretta Cohen • Sonia Fink in memory of Manfred Fink and Henry Fink • Merle Fishkin in memory of Brian Fishkin • Sharon Fricano in memory of Manfred Fink and Henry Fink • Robert & Susan Gelfand in memory of Ann Ader and Frank Gelfand • Susan & Martin Goldschmidt in memory of Herbert Goldschmidt • Deborah Golob in memory of Joseph Golob • Muriel Gorochow in memory of Samuel Grossman and Karla Osuna • Dean Hernan in memory of Leonard Hernan • Lois Howard in memory of Lawrence Feitell and Henrietta Feitell • Charles Hyman in memory of Sophie Hyman • Robin & Bob Jacobson in memory of Jacob Jacobson and Lester Sanroff • Judy & Joe Kirschner in memory of Rebecca Rosenberg and Bella Kirschner • Leslie Kizner in memory of Abraham Kizner • Cheryle & Steve Levine in memory of Lewis Levine • André & Susan Louis in memory of Michele Louis Simelane • Barbara & Joseph Massey in memory of Meyer Katz • Lynn Moser in memory of Lois Robbins • Susan & Kent Moston in memory of Sidney Kane and Lee Moston • Lee Newman in memory of Elsa Singer • Margery & Edward Orenstein in memory of Harry Friedman • Beverly Osrow in memory of Rochelle Weisman and Louis Kerbel • Donald & Lori Panetta in memory Mike Schoener, Al Freeman, and Harry Schoener • Phyllis Richard in memory of Bob Richards • Jayne Rudick in memory of Ervin Rudick • Susan Schall in memory of Harvey Wald • Irwin & Susan Schneider in memory Arthur Rosen and Louis Green • Janet & Barry Spool in memory of Geraldine Spool • Burton & Roslyn Tropp in memory of Renee Tropp


  • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1st - FIRST DAY OF AMERICAN INDIAN HERITAGE MONTH / Shabbat Service at 7:30pm (Shabbat Candles Lit at 5:33pm)
  • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd - *Torah Study at 9:15am / IN-PERSON & ON ZOOM PLUS (LINK in the Weekly Update)
  • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3rd - DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME ENDS / Kol Simkha Choir Rehearsal at 9:00am; Religious School at 9:30am; and Sisterhood Paid-Up Brunch at 12:30pm
  • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5th - ELECTION DAY! / Sisterhood Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th - Choir Rehearsal at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7th - On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm with Marc Gold and Cardio, Core and More! with Lori from 5:00pm
  • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8th - Tot Shabbat Service at 6:30pmand Shabbat Service at 7:30pm (Shabbat Candles Lit at 4:26pm)
  • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th - *Torah Study at 9:15am / ONLY ON ZOOM (LINK in the Weekly Update); Lunch & Learn at 11:00am; and Teen Midnight Run with Temple Beth El at 9:00pm
  • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11th - VETERANS DAY / Book Club Meeting at 7:30pm
  • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12th - Brotherhood Fundraiser at Panera Bread from 4:00pm - 8:00pm; 5th Grade Bet Mitzvah Parent Orientation at 6:30pm; and Writing Group at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13th - Choir Rehearsal at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14th - On the Marc Sports Talk with Marc Gold at 4:00pmand Cardio, Core and More! with Lori from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
  • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15th - Congregational Dinner at 6:00pm and 7th Grade Shabbat Service at 7:00pm (Shabbat Candles Lit at 4:19pm)
  • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16th - *Torah Study at 9:15am IN-PERSON and ON ZOOM (LINK in the Weekly Update) and Saturday Morning Service (Va’era) at 10:30am
  • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 17th - Kol Simkha Choir Rehearsal at 9:00am and Religious School at 9:30am
  • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18th - Brotherhood Meeting at 7:00pmand Executive Board Meeting at 7:30pm
  • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20th - Choir Rehearsal at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21st - Wise Aging at 11:00am; On the Marc Sports Talk with Marc Gold at 4:00pm; and Cardio, Core and More! with Lori from 5:00pm to 6:00pm
  • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd - Shabbat Services with Choir at 7:30pm (Shabbat Candles Lit at 4:14pm)
  • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23rd - Torah Study at 9:15am ONLY ON ZOOM (LINK in the Weekly Update); Tot Gratitude Event at 10:30pm; and Family Havdalah with Temple Beth El at Temple Tikvah at 6:00pm
  • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24th - Kol Simkha Choir Rehearsal at 9:00am; Religious School at 9:30am; and Religious School Parents Committee Meeting at 9:45am
  • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25th - Board of Trustees Meeting at 7:30pm
  • TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26th - Interfaith Service (TBD)  and On the Marc Sports Talk with Marc Gold at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29th - NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE DAY / Brotherhood Challah Delivery and Shabbat Service at 7:30pm (Shabbat Candles Lit at 4:11pm)
  • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30th - Torah Study at 9:15am ONLY ON ZOOM (LINK in the Weekly Update)




Editor - Alene Schonhaut / Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf / Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant