"This piece was the first assignment we received this year where we had to make a large drawing or painting of an article of clothing. I chose Converse because they have been through a lot with me, I've had them since sophomore year and I still wear them most days-- and the way they look after I take them off and how they folded always intrigued me."
This piece was made with a micron pen and fully made with dots, a style known as stippling.
Art and words by Bella Beach
This piece I made late [2023] during my Artist's Voice class and it was initially a small collage I made on paper from cutting out bits of magazine in black and white, which I converted to a painting on canvas with color.
To me it represented what it's like to feel sorrow shown by the woman in blue and above her are three of, what I believe, are her guardian angels letting her know she's not alone.
This piece was made on stretched canvas with acrylic paint
Art and words by Bella Beach
This piece was my summer art assignment and I wanted almost to show a collection of what my summer was like and the bits and pieces of those weeks.
I included two of my favorite albums that I have on vinyl, a movie ticket from that summer, one of my favorite childhood movies on DVD, a picture of my best friend and me and my phone.
This piece was made with a pencil and a blending stick.
Art and words by Bella Beach
Grace Gehrman