Above: Santorini Island - a pre-trip add on to the Athens & the Heart of Greece tour, 2023
My wife and I have been on seven Rick Steves tours (with more to come). You could say we are Rick Steves pros. However, we also love independent travel. We have experienced six camping safaris in Africa, three adventure trips to Australia (Great Barrier Reef, Outback camping, and trekking in the rainforest), a month-long expedition to Antarctica (click here to view website), and polar bear/whale/dolphin/walrus spotting in Svalbard, Norway. We're currently in the planning stages for our next adventure: chasing monkeys, parrots, giant otters, snakes, tarantulas and alligators in the Amazon. 2024 was our post-COVID travel catch-up year with two Rick Steves tours: Best of Belgium & Holland in April and Best of the Adriatic in October. Sandwiched between those two trips, we took a cruise up the coast of Norway to the island of Svalbard in July.
Just a note: this webpage looks fine on your phone, but the photographer in me would prefer you view it on a computer or iPad. It looks better on a big screen.
Combining a Rick Steves tour WITH independent travel
I love to plan trips. I enjoy researching and figuring out logistics. My time is precious, and I want to spend my travel money wisely doing things my wife and I enjoy. This rarely involves traveling with a group that doesn’t share our specific interests.
You're probably asking yourself why we need Rick Steves to plan our European trips when we seem to have this travel planning thing pretty well figured out. If you're reading this, you're likely already familiar with Rick Steves' guidebooks and have used them to organize your independent European trips. Rick's books are packed with knowledge and helpful tips based on decades of research. The same goes for his organized tours. Rick’s company listens to tour member feedback and fine tunes their trips yearly based on their constructive suggestions. My wife and I have noticed the evolution of Rick Steves tours since our first trip in 2015. They have incorporated more flexibility (i.e., free time) into their tours so participants can enjoy their own activities.
I'm always surprised by first-time Rick Steves tour group members who say they've been using Rick's guidebooks and watching his TV series on PBS for years but have never thought about joining one of his trips until now. They worry about losing their independence and control over their travel plans. I tell them that no one is more of a control freak than I am, but I truly appreciate what a Rick Steves tour offers me. Then I explain to them that there’s no reason you can't do both.
Scott and Ann's travel tip #1: Pre/Post Trip Extension - The best way to add more independence during your Rick Steves tour is to add extra days at the beginning and the end of his tour. We find it helpful to arrive early to adjust to the time change and to get the lay of the land, so to speak. While other travelers may be tired from their flight, we're refreshed and raring to go. Another advantage of arriving early is that you won’t have to worry about potential flight delays. It has occurred to us on trips to other continents. For peace of mind, we always add at least one day before any tour starts.
A short detour:
The Story of My Life (The short version)
I retired at the young age of 57. I loved my job and could have done it until they laid me in a casket. So why did I retire? The simplest way to answer that is to provide you with one date: October 17, 1989. That was the day of the Loma Prieta earthquake in Northern California. I just happened to be working late that day, so I was not on the Oakland Cypress Freeway when it collapsed and killed 42 people. I could have been #43. My next-door neighbor and friend, however, was not so fortunate. She was one of the 42.
That day changed our lives forever. Living to an old age is not a given. My wife and I realized we don't get to decide when our time is up.
After a lot of self-reflection, we realized we have a choice when bad things happen. Are we going to feel sorry for ourselves and fear death or make the most of the limited time we have on Earth. The earthquake forced us to prioritize and take control of our lives. Instead of figuring it out later when life slows down (it never does), we decided the time was now. Our goal became to travel and see the world.
Our time on earth is finite. This tragic event reaffirmed that whatever you do in life, do it passionately and give it your all. My motto has become, “Work hard, but play even harder.”
Notre Dame gargoyle and the Eiffel Tower, Paris & the Heart of France tour, 2018
So What does this have to do with Rick Steves?
For Ann and me, Rick Steves feels like a kindred spirit. Traveling pulls us away from our daily routines and comfort zones. Visiting foreign lands encourages us to experience life from fresh perspectives. It inspires us to see, taste, and try new things. Even the simplest activities can turn into exciting adventures. We are constantly challenged to adapt, explore new environments, and engage with diverse people and their cultures. Each time we travel, it's like hitting the reset button, forcing us to focus on what truly matters. We can't think of a better way to celebrate life than by traveling.
Keukenhof Gardens, outside Amsterdam, Best of Belgium & Holland tour, 2024
If you kids don't behave, this is the last time we're ever going on a vacation!
threat yelled by every mother
Raise your hand if your parents ever said that. We heard it so often that we laughed it off. Despite the fear she tried to instill in us, we knew it was an empty threat. They enjoyed the trip just as much as we did. The frequent arguments and fights in our cramped quarters were a small price to pay for memories that would last a lifetime. (FYI: thankfully, we have never had a Rick Steves tour guide yell these words at our group.)
As kids, we learned that not all classrooms have walls. History, science, and nature come alive when you hit the road. Travel inspires what made childhood so much fun: curiosity. Kids constantly explore the world around them. Why does this have to stop when we become adults? The stress of modern life beats curiosity out of us. We're too busy running like hamsters on a wheel to appreciate how amazing life is.
Travel challenges our beliefs and assumptions about other countries and people who may seem different from us due to their skin color, language, religion, or culture. It encourages us to embrace and celebrate our similarities along with our differences. With age comes wisdom; with travel comes understanding. We all seek the same thing—to be treated fairly and with respect. It's not as some politicians want you to believe. It's not us versus them; there is no them. There is only us.
The rugged coast of Inishmore, Best of Ireland tour, 2019
Why My Wife and I Enjoy Rick Steves Tours
My wife and I love the variety offered by Rick Steves tours. Don't confuse traveling on a Rick Steves bus with merely gazing at Europe from a bus window. You’ll be fully immersed in the culture. Yes, your Rick Steves tour guide provides excellent insights, and you’ll enjoy the beautiful scenery while on the bus, but the magic begins when you arrive at your chosen destination. As realtors say, the key to success is "location, location, location." You’re right in the heart of the action. Are you staying in five-star hotels? No. You typically stay in charming, family-run hotels that treat you like a close friend. Some of the views are breathtaking, and many breakfasts are outstanding. If my favorite memory from a European tour is my hotel, I failed as a vacation planner.
Scott and Ann's Travel Tip #2 - Hotels: When we add an extension to a Rick Steves trip either pre or post, I prefer to stay at the same hotel as Rick Steves. This saves us the hassle of packing and schlepping our suitcases to another place. When Rick comes out with the email announcing your hotels at the beginning and end of your trip, that is when I extend our stay. If you wait too long, chances are the hotel will be fully booked. If that's the case, I try to book a hotel that is close by so moving from one hotel to another is easy. In a big city we may consider moving to be in another part of town closer to other sites we want to see (we like to walk and rarely ever take a taxi). I use Expedia.com and Booking.com to find a hotel. I add the filter "includes breakfast" in my search. I check out the price and then I go directly to the hotel website and contact them. I tell them the price the other websites are quoting me and they always offer me a better deal.
Clippety-clopping on the cobblestones in Bruges, Best of Belgium & Holland tour, 2024
Yes, Rick Steves tours are active. Contrary to what some people believe, Rick's tours don't require you to lace up your track shoes every morning. However, if your idea of a wonderful vacation involves lounging on the beach with a drink in hand or 24/7 shopping, then a Rick Steves tour isn't for you (this isn’t to say you won't have the chance to do those things, but they aren’t the focus of his tours). Ibn Battuta, the 14th-century Moroccan scholar and explorer, once said about travel, "It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller." If your eyes light up when discussing your travels, then chances are, a Rick Steves tour is perfect for you.
The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.
Augustine of Hippo, 5th-century North African philosopher and theologian
Rick Steves guidebooks… don’t leave home without them!
Single travelers shouldn’t hesitate to join a Rick Steves tour. Every trip we’ve taken has included anywhere from two to six singles. One thing that surprises first-time Rick Steves travelers is that they are surrounded by other curious travelers just like them. They’ll be pleasantly surprised at how quickly they make new friends.
Scott and Ann's tip #3: Shoulder Season Travel - Every Rick Steves trip we’ve taken has been during the shoulder seasons, either April to May or September to October. Ann and I don’t like crowds (not to mention flights and hotels are cheaper). We're here to see the locals, not more tourists. We can only imagine how crowded it becomes during peak season travel. We've witnessed cruise ships vomiting out tourists during our visits to Cinque Terre and Venice in Italy, as well as on the Greek island of Santorini... and that was in non-peak season! We can only imagine how crowded it gets when the number of ships swells two to three times in the summer (not to mention the increase in buses).
Rick Steves tours powerful advantage: the local Guides
My career involved television, the arts, and storytelling. My hobbies include photography, art, architecture, nature, and food. I can satisfy all my passions with a Rick Steves tour. It quickly becomes apparent when you join a Rick Steves tour that the tour guides and group leaders share a passion for travel similar to Rick Steves. Their curiosity and enthusiasm for the world, coupled with their knowledge sharing, is contagious. The local tour guides in each town you visit are indeed the best (I know, I've been on several non-Rick Steves tours with uninspiring guides who seem to be reading from a script). Guides have told me that they love Rick Steves tours because of the quality of tourists that Rick attracts. Rick's guides make every stop special. I have no problem handing them the reins for their part of the trip. It allows me to focus on activities during our free time.
To illustrate my point about the excellent guides, I will provide two examples. The first is Dubrovnik city guide, Roberto de Lorenzo (Best of the Adriatic, 2024). Roberto captivated us all by drawing connections between medieval Dubrovnik and the current political climate. My mind was exploding with his refreshing perspective on the world. What Carl Sagan is to the cosmos, Roberto de Lorenzo is to history and politics. The second guide is Francesca Caruso (Best of Italy, 2017) who led us through the Colosseum in Rome. Her vivid and riveting portrayal of the events within the arena brought tears to our eyes (Alright, I'll admit it. I was actually sobbing). I intended to mention only two guides, but our experience in Mostar, Bosnia, deserves special recognition.
Bosnia & the local guides:
a case study
Our local Bosnian guides (Best of the Adriatic tour, 2024) endured the devastating war of the early 1990s. Kofi Annan, The UN Secretary-General, referred to it as, "scenes from Hell, written in the darkest pages of human history." Thirty years have passed, yet the past remains evident in the bombed-out and bullet-ridden buildings of Stolac (Stow-lats) and Mostar (pictured).
Mili Kapić (below) was only 16 and lived just a block away from the frontline snipers in Mostar. One day, there was a knock on the door. He was taken straight to prison. He was released two weeks later. after his cousin bribed the immigration authorities. Soon after, Mili received an envelope containing money and a plane ticket. It was only then that he discovered he was going to Norway, where he spent the next 12 years in a refugee camp that also functioned as a mental asylum. He returned home to Bosnia 15 years ago.
Edo Buzdaljkp (below) our guide at the medieval tombstones in Radimlja, recalls when he was ten years old and Croatian soldiers told the residents they had 15 minutes to evacuate Stolac before bombing began. He, his sister, and mother embarked on the difficult 35-mile journey to Mostar in 80-degree heat. After the war, Edo became a teacher at a grade school. Muslim kids were required to enter through the back door and were placed in segregated classrooms. Edo complained to the principal, only to be promptly fired.
As a child, Edo remembered playing with his Catholic and Orthodox classmates after school in the playground of the Catholic church. After the war, he approached the mayor to request funds to rebuild the Catholic church and the playground that had been destroyed. The mayor asked him, "But you're a Muslim." Edo replied, “What difference does that make? It's in my neighborhood, and I loved playing there as a child." The mayor declined his request.
The Rick Steves tour had a free afternoon in Mostar. On the way back from visiting a new Orthodox church under construction (the original was flattened during the war), Ann and I saw an elderly woman in her 70s (named Almsa) feeding the neighborhood's stray cats. We paused to watch her feed them. She startled us when she asked, “Are you American?" Her excellent English floored us, and we learned she had lived in Colorado Springs. Then, she shared her harrowing story.
Her brother had been sent to a concentration camp. He was one of the fortunate ones and somehow survived. Many young men were shot and buried in mass graves. He immigrated to the U.S. and worked in Colorado Springs. Almsa ended up in a refugee camp in Turkey. Her brother paid off a guard at the camp, allowing Almsa to join him in the States. She had been a teacher in Bosnia, but in the U.S., she cleaned people's houses.
After the war, she returned to Bosnia. Almsa is still fighting in court to reclaim her house. She lives alone in her sister-in-law's house, who moved to Italy, vowing never to return. We asked Almsa why she came back. She said, as did Mili and Edo, that Bosnia was her home and that she belonged there. Despite what they have been through, all three are willing to forgive; what other option do they have? But they will never forget.
Hopefully, it’s becoming clear that a Rick Steves tour isn’t your typical European bus tour. Are you looking for unforgettable vacation experiences and a chance to immerse yourself in a culture? Look no further than a Rick Steves tour. You don't get these kinds of experiences by sitting at your hotel bar or sunning yourself at a beach.
Scott meets his doppelganger in the Paris Metro, sidetrip from Paris & the Heart of France tour, 2018
How I combine my desire for independent travel with a Rick Steves tour
How can one make a Rick Steves trip even better? By adding YOU into the equation. The first thing I do is read through the itinerary on Rick's website, identifying potential opportunities to plan our own excursions. Every few days, there are half days or even full days with breaks from the group: the perfect opportunity to plan our own unique activity. Sometimes, it may be a lunch or dinner on your own. Since my wife and I rarely drink alcohol, if some events feature wine or beer tastings, we can arrange a different activity.
Scott and Ann's travel tip #4: Money in Europe. We always carry two different credit cards in case one gets compromised or frozen (it has happened to us). Read the fine print, but the primary card to use in Europe should be one with NO foreign transaction fees. Otherwise, when you return home, you will be shocked when you review your statement and see a hefty fee. Using one card while overseas also makes it easier to track your vacation expenses on a single statement. Phone tap to pay is spreading rapidly throughout Europe. We remember our first trip to Europe in 1990 and the large wad of Euros we had to carry. In 2024, it was difficult to get rid of our Euros. Most places have become cashless. It's still wise to have two to three hundred Euros on hand, in case some small establishments don't accept credit cards. One more tip: when at a restaurant, if the waiter asks whether you'd like your bill in Euros or dollars, pay in Euros. Otherwise, you will incur a conversion fee charge.
There is no way on a Rick Steves tour that you can do all the things or eat at all the places he lists in his book. But, believe it or not, I have found additional sources to get ideas. I frequently check out YouTube videos that show what professional vacation bloggers do and where they eat. I also research half-day and full-day tours available on Viator, Tripadvisor, and Get Your Guide websites focusing on cities where your Rick Steves tours pass through. Just a heads up: these booking companies charge a service fee. If you can find the name of the actual tour company, book direct and save yourself 5-10%. Several international food tour companies offer tastings in all the big European cities (I will talk about them later). Many of the places mentioned below were either done by adding additional days to the beginning or end of our Rick Steves tours or during times we had an afternoon/day off from the tour: some were part of a pre-booked food tour, some were from watching travel bloggers' YouTube videos and visiting them on our own. You say you can't take any more time off to extend your vacation? Well then…
Blasket islands: a case study
Cathedral Rock on Inishnabro Island, part of our all-day Blasket Islands adventure
Sue Redican, happy resident of Blasket Island (pictured)
Depending on the length of your Rick Steves tour, there are at least a few days built into the tour that are free to do as you like. As many of our Rick's tour guides say, it's a "vacation from your vacation" day. You could kick back and do nothing. Of course, I'm always looking at what my options are. Rick's guide book mentioned a trip out to the Blasket Islands. Here is a link to the company we used. Just a heads up: we booked our tour months ahead of time. When we told other group members what we were doing, they wanted to do the same, but only a few people could do so because the boat ended up selling out.
The Blasket Islands were among the few fishing villages that managed to avoid the Irish famine. They harvested from the sea rather than relying on potatoes. The hardy and isolated island population reached a peak of 150 in the late 1800s (today, it has only a handful of part-time residents). Each family owned a cow, a few sheep, and tended a small garden. There was no priest, no doctor, and no pub. They heated their homes with peat cut from the hills. Using a specialized shovel, they sliced the dense soil into bricks and dried them in the sun. This spongy organic material served as an excellent heat source, burning like a log. The population gradually decreased until 1953, when the government relocated the remaining residents to the mainland.
Bucking that trend is Sue Redican. Originally from Wales, she visited the area on vacation and fell in love with it. She quit her job and decided to move to Ireland. She converted one of the brick buildings into a home and workshop, where she spends most of her day spinning wool and weaving. She is told at least once a day that she is crazy. She chooses to live on the isolated island for six months each year and has been doing this for 25 years.
Most of the time, and often for weeks on end when the weather is terrible, she is completely alone, without human company. Living on Blasket Island means living without electricity, TV, or newspapers. She absolutely loves it. An American tourist once remarked that her modest home was just one step above a cave. "Most people don’t understand why I choose to live this way. They think that I have nothing on the island. But I feel rich just by being there.”
You wouldn't know by looking at her that she is a world traveler. When I mentioned that I was from Northern California, she exclaimed, "I love Monterey and the Pacific Coast!" People often ask her what she misses about the mainland, and she replied, "The truth is that I don’t really miss anything.” After a brief pause, she conceded that she misses Murphy's ice cream (Scott and Ann give a high five to that!).
This is another excellent example of what Ann and I cherish about travel. Rick Steves tours allow us to schedule these types of activities independently. Our close encounters with the locals are special memories that last a lifetime.
Scott and Ann's Travel Tip #5: Laundry - If you're on a Rick Steves tour longer than seven days, there will be at least one time during the trip that you can send your laundry out to be done. This will occur during the trip when you are staying at least two nights in the same hotel. You will get your clothes back the next day. It's another reason to pack light. You'll thank us when you are lugging your lighter suitcase over cobblestones in the European town of (fill in the blank).
Our Comfort Food Hall of Fame
Rick Steves tours ensure you sample the culinary culture of the towns you visit. However, you'll also find plenty of opportunities to satisfy your specific cravings independently. Here are some fantastic food spots that Ann and I enjoyed outside of the Rick Steves tour (pre/post extension, or during lunch/dinner free time within a Rick Steves tour).
- To Steki tou Ilia (Ilia's Haunt) - thinly-cut, melt-in-your-mouth lamb chops, part of the Culinary Backstreets Moveable Feast Tour. So sweet we thought we were eating dessert - Athens, Greece
- Tonton Garby - fruit, cheese and honey sandwich. Small shop with long lines, but the wait is worth it. What an unforgettable experience. Ann and I ate there twice on a pre-trip extension - Brussels, Belgium
- O Thanassis - heavenly pillows of pita bread drenched in yogurt with beef kebaps and spicy pepperoni - Athens, Greece
- Effendy - Turkish lamachun, a cross between a pizza, a gyro, and a burrito - my three favorite foods! - Amsterdam, Holland
- Sadrvan - ćevapi - the national dish of Bosnia - think gyro but with grilled beef, mouth-watering spices, ajvar (roasted red pepper and eggplant sauce), kajmak (clotted cream), onions, and somun (flat bread) - Mostar, Bosnia
- La Norcineria Iocozzilli - award-winning, buttery, thinly-sliced porchetta (pork) with bread and melted cheese, part of Eating Italy Trastevere Tour post-trip extension- Rome, Italy
- Burek Olimpija - fresh out of the oven meat pie with amazing spices - Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Fig - some of the best Mexican food we have ever tasted! We're still dreaming of the pulled pork with mildly spicy and smoky meat served with red, beans, pico de gallo, sour cream, lime, and curly taco slivers, washed down with a tangy cherry lemonade. The flatbread appetizer platter with cheese, walnuts, fig jam, corn and toasted lepinja bread was not too shabby either. Situated in a 15th-century gothic courtyard - Split, Croatia
- Rostelin - freshly-made pappardelle spinach pasta with gorgonzola cream, stewed leeks, and flowers petal sprinkles, served with a lavender lemonade (pre-trip extension) - Piran, Slovenia
- Melitini - beef ragu pasta with cinnamon and goat cheese. Not a bad dish on the menu. So good we ate there twice (pre-trip extension) - Santorini, Greece
- Doheny & Nesbitt Pub - steak hamburger with garlic aioli - Dublin, Ireland
- Kopun (Rooster) - pašticada - thinly-sliced braised beef with a fruit and vegetable sauce served with potato croquettes; it's considered the holy grail of Dalmatian cooking. The restaurant is located in one of the most romantic places in Europe in a plaza next to the Church of St. Ignatius - Dubrovnik, Croatia
- The Wellington Pub - steak pie in an iconic pub. How more British can you get? - London, England
Scott and Ann's travel tip #6: Food Tours - Rick Steves tours typically start between three and four in the afternoon. This means the first morning before the start of the tour is a perfect opportunity to take part in a food tour, which usually wrap up between 1 and 2 p.m. However, you should book in advance, as they often sell out weeks ahead. New food tour companies are springing up daily, but here are some of the food tour companies we have used: Secret Food Tours, Eating Europe, and Culinary Backstreets.
Now, what's for dessert...
our dessert hall of fame
Warning: you may gain weight just looking at the following pictures...
- Neuhaus - we have tried over 40 types of European chocolates (it's a tough job, but somebody's got to do it) and the Irrésistibles from Neuhaus are the best. You can order them in the U.S. on their website, but these chocolates tend to sell out quickly (they're that good). There are stores throughout Belgium - Brussels, Belgium
- Butler's Wharf Chop House - sticky toffee pudding, enough said, part of Secret Food Tours London Bridge Tour - London, England
- Django - amazingly fresh gelato (you can watch it being made). The orange gelato (not sherbet!) is stunning. We ate there five times! - Athens, Greece
- De Kurk (The Cork) -a refreshing cream sprinkled with speculoos cookie crumble and a buckthorn granita. I was tempted to lick the plate (their dinner menu is also excellent) - Delft, Holland
- Melitini - orange "pie" made of phyllo dough and DRENCHED in orange syrup. We liked it so much we went back the next day and had it again - Santorini, Greece
- Lizzie's Wafels - fortunately, the saying "never eat anything bigger than your head" does not apply here. Pictured is the white chocolate and caramel syrup waffle. It's big enough that two could share, but why would anybody want to do that? - Bruges, Holland
- Fétiche (Fetish) Patisserie - dessert creations that look like real fruit. Their tart mango is filled with mascarpone, a graham cracker base, and encased in a realistic mango sugar peel - Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Amorino - yes, it's a chain and there are now shops in the U.S., but the creamy amarena (black cherry) is my go-to flavor. The counter people laughed when they saw me return for a third time in one day. Lucky for me, I have no shame. Located on my favorite street in Paris: the rue Cler - Paris, France
- Léopold Cuberdons - fruit-flavored chewy sugar bombs is what I call them. Ann checks out a cuberdon street cart in Ghent, but our favorite is Léopold's raspberry cuberdons - Brussels, Belgium
- Gelateri Emiliana - don't be tricked into going to the wrong one. There are two of them. The good one recently moved, the tenants in the old place didn't change their sign, hoping to confuse the public. We went to the wrong one and paid the price (we actually threw the ice cream away). We walked around the corner, and to our surprise, there was another one by the same name. This is the one we wanted all along. The good one has two entrances, not one. Don't get fooled like we did - Split, Croatia
- Lolita - Slovenia's national cake, prekmurksa ginbanica (gee-baa-neat-sa), features layers of walnut paste, farmer's cheese, apples,, vanilla paste mixed with poppy seeds, sour cream, and cinnamon. It's a meal in itself which means you can have one for dinner and another one for dessert! - Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Murphy's - Surprise! Another ice cream shop. It must be the Irish grass the Derry cows eat that make their ice cream so good. Our go-to flavor is Dingle sea salt. We visited five of the six shops in Ireland - we took it upon our selves to serve as their quality control. They all passed. There are two shops in Dingle just a block apart! - Dingle, Ireland
- Van Wonderen Stroopwafels - imagine two round, flat, freshly made waffle cones with warm caramel sandwiched between and dipped in chocolate. If that's not enough sugar for you, one can add chopped-up speculoos cookies or pieces of KitKat candy bars - Amsterdam, Holland
- Iris Amice Paris Chocolate Walk - I traveled frequently to Paris on business. Four of those times I took her chocolate tour. That should tell you something - Paris, France
- Pasticceria Dagnino - when in Rome... you have to get cannoli. I believe it's the law. It's the oldest Sicilian patisserie in the city - Rome, Italy
snapshot memories from
rick steves tours
- Damrak Canal at night, Amsterdam (Best of Belgium & Holland, 2024)
- Swiss chalet and waterfall in Mürren, Switzerland (Best of Germany, Austria & Switzerland, 2015)
- Dancing with the Greeks in Lakadika (Athens & The Heart of Greece, 2023)
- Colorful chairs in Rovinj, Croatia (Best of the Adriatic, 2024)
- Giant's Causeway, Northern Ireland (Best of Ireland, 2019)
- A gathering of scooters in Montmartre, Paris (Paris & the Heart of France, 2018)
- Lake Bled, Slovenia (Best of the Adriatic, 2024)
- A waterfall paradise, Plitvice National Park, Croatia (Best of the Adriatic, 2024)
- A rainbow of umbrellas in Sienna (Best of Italy, 2017)
- Reflections of Bruges, (Best of Belgium & Holland, 2024)
- Young Irish girl playing concertina at Rock of Cashel (Best of Ireland, 2019)
- Mostar Minaret, Bosnia (Best of the Adriatic, 2024)
- Farmer's Market in Bourges (Best of Paris & the Heart of France, 2018)
- Ponce Mountains and Zelenci Lake, Triglav National Park, Slovenia (Best of the Adriatic, 2024), pre-trip extension
Scott and Ann's travel tip #7: Walking Maps - First, let me state we aren't the most tech-savvy couple. Beware of phone roaming charges! Phone SIM cards confuse us, and we feel more comfortable with a Verizon international phone plan. The free Wi-Fi provided at most hotels is rarely secure. We like to check our email but mainly use it for maps. Here’s a helpful video tutorial on how to use Google My Maps. On our most recent trips, I created my own walking tours (food, chocolate, churches, architecture, and street art). I make up my own lists from reading travel blogs and watching YouTube videos. I prepare the maps before we leave and store them on our phones. By wearing an earbud, my wife can keep the phone hidden in her front pant pocket as she listens to the directions (making it less likely to get stolen). Speaking from experience, ensure that you set the map directions to walking rather than driving or you won’t find the fastest walking route from point A to point B (many streets in Europe are one-way, duh). Even though we're experienced travelers, we still make silly mistakes. Oh well, live and learn.
Mont St. Michel:
there's a story behind every picture
Saving the best Rick Steves' travel memory for last...
Reflections of Mont St. Michel
The dream-like Mont Saint Michel, among the top pilgrimage sites in Christendom, floats like a mirage on the horizon. An elevated causeway connects the tiny island surrounded by mudflats. Today, the town has a population of fifty. Mont St. Michel has held strategic fortifications since ancient times and has been the seat of the monastery from which it draws its name since the 8th century AD.
As an amateur photographer, I often wake up early to capture sunrise shots and images of a town without tourists. These photos tend to be some of the most memorable from the trip. Our Rick Steves tour guide mentioned that we had the option the next day to wake up early and walk to St. Michel Church to hear the monks perform Gregorian chants before sunrise. Equipped only with flashlights from our iPhones, a few hardy tour members made the steep climb over cobblestones in the pitch dark.
I knew I'd be cutting it close to capture my treasured sunrise shot AND listen to the chants, but I was willing to try. As soon as the monks started singing we knew we had made the right decision. The Gregorian chants echoed through the dimly lit church, illuminated by only a few candles. It was magical. Some might say en-chant-ing (sorry).
Sweat began to bead on my forehead as the sunrise peeked through the stained glass windows. What I didn't realize was no one could leave the church early. The monks didn’t unlock the doors until the end of the chants. I could see my sunrise shot slipping through my fingers.
Thankfully, the singing ended in time for me to race all the way down the hill to get some pictures. I swear I had sparks flying off my hiking boots. After running through town, I crossed the bridge and made my way onto the marsh. There's no way to confirm this, but it felt like I ran a four-minute mile. My heart was pumping so fast I nearly passed out, but my time was running out.
After taking nearly over 80 photos, I left the marsh and the herd began to follow me as if I were their shepherd. I tried to explain to them Rick's tour was leaving that morning, and there wasn't any room for them on the bus.
It was at this point I looked down at my feet... I couldn't see them. In my excitement, I hadn't realized I was up to my ankles in mud, slowly sinking in quicksand... and sheep poop (a lot of it). Eventually, I extricated myself from the pungent muck. I'm sure other tour members noticed my unusual perfume at breakfast, but they were polite enough not to say anything (to my face, anyway). In the end, I missed the sunrise shot, but I’m really happy with the shot of Mont St. Michel with the sheep at dawn.
To this day, it remains my favorite photograph. A four-foot by three-foot framed print hangs over our fireplace. If I'm fortunate enough to reach the pearly gates, I'm bringing the picture along to show off. I hope the guardian at the entrance says, "Isn't life beautiful? Sorry about the earthquake, but it helped you discover the meaning of life. Most people don't figure it out until it’s too late. Come on in.”
This webpage only scratches the surface. I have many other suggestions and examples I wanted to include, but I edited them out to prevent the webpage from becoming a novel. I could have done separate websites on our other side-trips, the art museums, street art of Europe, architecture (especially Art Nouveau), churches, home tours, and the nature of Europe. If you can dream it, you can do it on a Rick Steves tour. I enjoyed creating the webpage; it allowed me to relive some of our fantastic Rick Steves experiences. I hope you find the information, links, and photographs presented helpful in planning your own trips. To paraphrase Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) in The Shawshank Redemption, "Get busy traveling (living) or get busy dying.”
Cape Sounion and the Temple of Poseidon sunset, independent outing during our Athens & the Heart of Greece tour, 2023
Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
Confucius, 6th-century Chinese philosopher
Remember to work hard, BUT play even harder.
Scott Dwyer, 21st-century retiree and happy traveler
A big thanks to Sašo Golub, our Rick Steves Best of the Adriatic, 2024 group tour leader, who encouraged me to submit my photos and create this website.