West Leigh Juniors Weekly News 28th MARCH 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

I can hardly believe that we have come to the end of the Spring Term. It seems unusual to break up and go straight into the Easter weekend - the timing of the holiday has resulted in this having been a very busy term indeed.

I thank you for your patience in supporting our usual extra-curricular offering of a myriad sports, music, performing arts, quizzes, coastal schools, forest schools and trips! I can only imagine the number of notes on your phones and fridges, trying to ensure that the children have the right clothing and equipment for all these activities.

We are hoping that the first half of next term will be a little calmer for you, the children and for the staff.

It was lovely to see so many of you with us this week for learning conferences. It is wonderful that the vast majority of our parent community come to see us and we hope you find the details about your child’s progress informative

We wish you all a very pleasant Easter – don’t eat too much chocolate!

Best wishes,

Cheryl Woolf

Executive Headteacher

Diary Dates

New dates in italics


  • Thursday 28th - Last day of term
  • No After School Club
  • Friday 29th - GOOD FRIDAY

April 2024

  • Monday 1st - EASTER MONDAY
  • Tuesday 2nd - Friday 12th - EASTER HOLIDAYS
  • Monday 15th - Class Photos
  • Writing Workshop with SHSG
  • Year 4 Parent Stay and Play Session @ 10.15am
  • Wednesday 17th - Tennis festival from 12pm
  • Thursday 18th, Friday 19th & Saturday 20th - Oliver Jr! Production
  • Thursday 18th - Year 3 visit to Old Leigh @ 9am
  • Friday 19th - Year 5/6 Aquathlon
  • Saturday 20th - Year 5/6 Aquathlon
  • Wednesday 24th - Year 5 Trip to West Stow Village
  • Forest School Club - Session 4
  • Friday 26th - Year 4 Field Study @ Adventure Island - 8.30am - 2.30pm
  • Padel competition @ Garon Park from 12.30pm

May 2024

  • Thursday 2nd - Danbury meeting for parents @ 2.15pm
  • Forest School club - session 5
  • Friday 3rd - Maths Quiz Club Area Heat
  • Monday 6th - Bank Holiday Monday
  • Tuesday 7th - Adalah Care Home visit from 1pm
  • Thursday 9th - Creative Dance Festival @ Alleyn Court from 12.30pm
  • Forest School club - session 6
  • Friday 10th - Year 3/4 tennis competition @ Garons from 9am
  • Year 5/6 tennis competition from 12.30pm
  • Monday 13th - Friday 17th - Year 6 SATs Week
  • Thursday 16th - Ilam Hall meeting for Year 6 parents @ 7pm
  • Monday 20th - Friday 24th - Year 6 Awesome Art Week
  • Monday 20th - Bikeability Week (6A & 6W)
  • Tuesday 21st - Year 5 presentation to parents (5J & 5R) from 2pm
  • Wednesday 22nd - Swimming Gala @ Garons - 12.30pm - 3pm
  • Thursday 23rd - Year 5 presentation to parents (5K & 5F)
  • SEESMA Area rehearsals
  • Thursday 23rd - Mersea meeting for Year 4 parents @ 7pm
  • Friday 24th - Year 5 Poetry performance to school
  • Monday 27th - Bank Holiday Monday
  • Tuesday 28th - Friday 31st - May Half Term

June 2024

  • Monday 3rd - INSET Day
  • Tuesday 4th - Friday 14th - Multiplication Tables Checks
  • Tuesday 4th - Bikeability Week (6D & 6P)
  • Adalah Care Home visit from 1pm
  • Wednesday 5th - Parent Council meeting @ 6pm
  • Seesma rehearsal and concert @ Cliffs Pavillion
  • Monday 10th - Friday 14th Years 3, 4 & 5 Test Week
  • Tuesday 11th - Late Book Look (6pm - 7pm)
  • Wednesday 12th - Borough Sports - 12pm - 3pm
  • Thursday 13th - Friday 14th - Year 3 Residential to Danbury
  • Thursday 13th - Transition meeting for Year 4 parents (7.30pm)
  • Monday 17th - Music workshop Year 4
  • Tuesday 18th - Year 3 Induction Meeting for Year 2 parents from 7.30pm
  • Thursday 20th - SSPA Southend Gotta Dance @ The Palace Theatre from 7pm
  • Sunday 23rd - Girls' Choir concert @ Plaza from 3pm
  • Monday 24th - Friday 28th - Year 6 Residential to Ilam Hall and Southend Week
  • Tuesday 25th & Wednesday 26th - Year 6 Transition Day (King John)
  • Tuesday 25th - Super Sports (track) @ Garons from 4pm
  • Wednesday 26th - Super Sports (field) @ Garons from 4pm

July 2024

  • Tuesday 2nd - King John Transition morning
  • Adalah Care Home visit from 1pm
  • Friday 5th - Year 6 Transition Day
  • Monday 8th - Fun Swim Week
  • Wednesday 10th - Meet your new teacher day
  • Thursday 11th - Open Evening (4.30pm - 6pm)
  • Monday 15th - Year 6 House Team Swimming Gala
  • Friday 19th - Last Day of Term
  • No After School Club
  • Monday 22nd - INSET DAY

Year 3

Year 3 have enjoyed another fun-filled week during their last of the term. In English, they have turned their notes all about Heracles’ Twelve Labours into interesting non-chronological reports.

This week has also been our Awesome Art week, focusing on the painting ‘Bacchus and Ariadne’ by Titian. The children have used detailed observation to plot their own constellations. The wax relief and brusho technique was then used to create a night sky with a constellation similar to that of Titian.

Maths has been all about tenths this week - especially when learning how to count up and down. The children finished with an Easter mystery to complete, bringing together lots of their learning from the term.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about the Ancient Greeks in our topic ‘Gods and Mortals’ but next term we move onto ‘Old Father Thames’ where our focus will be the River Thames and Leigh-on-Sea. To inspire the children, we have organised our Hook Day for Thursday 18th April. This will involve a trip to Old Leigh where the children will need to wear comfortable footwear and a weather appropriate jacket. We will also require parent helpers from 9am until 12pm so if you are able to help out, please contact the office.

Letters sent home this week

Year 4

In maths, the children have enjoyed solving puzzles and challenges linked to money and decimal place value. They used their problem-solving skills and used evidence to explain their thinking. They demonstrated their knowledge of money even further by using iPads to play a range of games relating to money.

In English, the children have thoroughly enjoyed writing up their notes to their non-chronological report about Roman baths, entertainment, gladiators and toys and games. They included use of sub-headings, paragraphs and various conjunctions in order to make their writing cohesive.

As scientists, the children have continued creating posters to further establish their knowledge of solids, liquids and gases.

As artists, the children have worked incredibly hard to finish their Roman mosaics and have produced some incredibly creative designs.

In RE, the focus has been The Ten Commandments and Moral Code. The children generated their own ‘ten rules’ and ‘top tips’ which encouraged others to be the very best that they can be.

Letters sent home this week

Year 5

Year 5 have had another exciting week. Every class has now completed their food technology lessons where they all created a chocolate-inspired chilli con carne. We hope you enjoyed the small sample that was brought home. The children have been asked to evaluate their cooking and ask others to provide a rating. We have many budding chefs in the year group, who tell us they want to do more cooking at home so we are hopeful you will get some help in the kitchen over the Easter break.

Life cycles have continued to be the focus in science. The children have deepened their knowledge and understanding about many different types of life cycles and have begun to classify them into groups, including mammals and amphibians. They have created some impressive work explaining all they have learnt this half term.

Building on their knowledge from music lessons, the children enjoyed a Samba Bateria workshop on Wednesday. It was lively, loud and thoroughly enjoyable. At the end of the session, the children learnt about the Quica - a type of drum from Brazil that uses a wet cloth to make the sound. This provided much laughter when our instructor made the sound of a dog with a stomach ache!

Letters sent home this week

Year 6

As one of the most busy half-terms imaginable comes to a close, we would like to congratulate the Year 6 pupils on their hard work and stamina during the previous weeks, particularly in light of their mock week and subsequent learning.

As mathematicians, the children have continued to tackle some of the more challenging aspects of the curriculum, and in particular, have tried to refine their problem-solving skills and recording.

As writers and scientists, they have combined a myriad of learning experiences in order to create a believable and imaginative report relating to a fictitious creature, whilst also writing with authority and the correct level of formality.

It was also highly enjoyable to be able to spend time together as a year group on Tuesday afternoon when all the children went to fields for an athletic session. We were thoroughly impressed by their effort and encouragement of each other.

We would like to wish both you and your children, a restful and enjoyable Easter break, and we look forward to seeing the pupils when they return ready to take on the challenges of the summer term in Year 6.

Letters sent home this week

Online Safety

While scrolling online, you’ll almost inevitably have come across posts or links with headlines like “You Won’t Believe These 10 Crazy Facts about …”. Such lurid language – and the often-dubious nature of the content it promotes – has become something of a running joke on the internet. Yet while these articles are often laughed at by communities online, they can have an insidious side.

Clickbait, as it’s known, can frequently function as part of a trap: intended to draw users in for the sake of advertising revenue or, in worse cases, masking an attempt to collect their personal information. This guide explores the various risks of clickbait and offers some top tips for evading the pitfalls of this controversial marketing technique.

The National College and Online Safety

We have recently sent out two short four minute videos about online influencers which we would like you to watch. This will have come from hello@nationalcollege.com and sent to the email address you signed up with. You may need to look at your email junk filters to check.

If you still need to sign up to the Online Safety portal, please follow the link https://nationalcollege.com/enrol/west-leigh-junior-school and add yourself as a parent.

Key Notices this Week

School Lunch Booking System: All school meals need to be paid for and booked in advance, before 8am, on ParentPay. If the 8am deadline is missed, children will no longer be able to order lunches in class as this is causing major difficulties with ordering from the Infant school kitchen. If a lunch has not been pre-booked, your child must be provided with a packed lunch that they bring into school with them. If the system does not allow you to book a school lunch, this indicates that your account is in arrears and needs to be in credit. Please also ensure that you discuss the lunch menu choices with your child. Lunches can be booked in advance as far as the Easter holidays.

Class Photographs:On Monday 15th April (the first Monday back) we have our class photos. If your child would usually wear their PE kit on this day, please send them to school wearing their school uniform and with their PE kit in their bag to change into for their lesson.

School Street:

Easter Egg-Box Competition

What an egg-cellent array of creative Easter Box entries we received! We enjoyed viewing all the wonderful work from the children and we were very impressed with the high standard of originality, ingenuity and imagination across each year group. Well done to all the children who participated; we hope they enjoyed their chocolate treat.

Our dedicated School Councillors had the challenging job of selecting one winning entry from each class. They would like to congratulate all the winners on their creations.

Netball Finals

On Monday 18th March, the netball A team played in the Southend finals at Alleyn Court. After playing Bournemouth Park, Eastwood and Alleyn Court, the team re-grouped before playing a very close game against North Street which resulted in a 4-4 draw. Their final game against Earls Hall resulted in a 6-0 win.

Once the results had been totalled, the team finished in a well deserved third position.

Later in the afternoon, the B team played Greenways, Hamstel, Alleyn Court and Bournemouth Park with a selection of losses and wins.

The girls thoroughly enjoyed their experience and for some, it was the first time they had played against another school.

Well done to all those involved.

Cross-Country Essex Finals

Congratulations to all our runners who competed in the Essex finals on Wednesday. The whole squad qualified for these finals back in October. It is unheard of to have so many children representing one school in an Essex final! There was some fantastic running on show and the children fought hard for every position. The Year 3 girls' team are the Essex champions, winning by only one position, with some thanks to Ciara Quy for an excellent overtake in the last few metres of the race. The Year 6 girls' team are also Essex champions - a fantastic way to sign off from cross-country at West Leigh. The Year 4 girls' team finished in 2nd place whilst the Year 3 boys' team finished in 3rd place. We are so proud of every single runner from across the school! A special mention to Honor Burrows who won the Year 4 girls' race and is the Essex champion!


On Wednesday, we welcomed Mark from Rhythm Connections into school to provide a Samba workshop for all the children in Years 5 and 6. As the children have been studying different aspects of world music this term, the workshops were a perfect opportunity for them to develop their ensemble skills and help them to get the party started ready for the Easter holidays. The children were absolutely fantastic, and though the volume was sometimes a little overwhelming for those in the middle of the batucada (samba band), their music-making was rhythmic and full of south American flair.

Air Quality Workshop with WLIS

Last week, our Eco Warriors joined with West Leigh Infant School to learn about air quality around our school. The children found facts about pollution and discussed ways in which we can help improve the air quality in our environment. You will be pleased to know that the air quality around the school is currently good!

School Nurse Sessions

It was wonderful to see so many parents at our first school nurse session, which was held jointly with our Infant School. Gemma spoke to parents about the different services that the school nursing team can offer, as well as sharing some different strategies that can be used at home to help children with anxiety.

Our next session will focus on sharing tips and strategies to help manage fussy eating when we will be joined by a member of the Southend Health 4 Life team - look out for the date for this, which will follow soon.

The poster attached to this newsletter shows the different ways that you can get in touch with a member of the school nursing team directly.

Inspirational Person

This half term, we have learned about the work of Nicholas Lowinger. At the age of five, he was inspired to help homeless people when he visited a shelter and realised that children had to wear used shoes, which often did not fit well. When he was seventeen, he set up 'Gotta Have Sole' - a charity delivering new shoes to homeless children. We were greatly inspired by his drive to change at such a young age, and his quote: "No one is ever too young or old to help others. Kids don’t always realise that they have the power to make a difference."

Last half term's Showbie challenge was a great success and many children were awarded prizes. This half term, the challenge is to design a pair of shoes to help Nicholas spread the word about his charity. There is a template in the 'Inspirational People' Showbie folder.

Dinner Menu

Week 1

Monday - Homemade sausage, Tomato & Vegetable Wholemeal Pasta - Jacket Potato with Baked Beans, Cheese or Tuna Mayo - Granary Baguette with Cheese - Sweetcorn, Coleslaw and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Fruit Cocktail

Tuesday - Pork Meatballs in Tomato Sauce - Quorn Meatballs in Tomato Sauce - Granary Baguette with Tuna Mayonnaise - Pasta, Sweetcorn and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Fruity Flapjack

Wednesday - Traditional Roast Chicken with Yorkshire Pudding - Quorn in Vegetable Gravy with Yorkshire Pudding - Wholemeal Wrap with Ham and Tortilla Chips - Roast Potatoes, Carrots/ Green Beans and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt or Banana Cake

Thursday - Bacon and Cheese Quiche with Shortcrust Pastry Base - Cheese and Onion Quiche with Shortcrust Pastry Base - Jacket Potato with Baked Beans, Cheese or Tuna Mayo - Baby Potatoes, Homemade Coleslaw and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt and Carrot Cake

Friday - 100% Fish Fingers - Vegetable Fingers - Wholemeal Wrap with Salmon and Sweetcorn - Potato Cubes, Baked Beans and Salad Bar - Fresh Fruit, Yoghurt, Ice Lollies/ Ice Cream Sponge.

Don't forget to check out our new online bookshop here.


Please ensure that your child has their full kit with them on swimming days as we will no longer be phoning home for forgotten kits.


  • 3M - Mrs Millham
  • 4B - Mr Boylan
  • 3N - Mrs Nash & Mrs Mitchinson


  • 3L - Miss Playfair
  • 4G - Mrs Garrett & Mrs Nash
  • 4S - Miss Street


  • 3T - Mrs Thompson
  • 5K - Miss Chapman
  • 5R - Mrs Lewis


  • 6D - Miss Fletcher
  • 5J - Mrs Wilson
  • 5F - Mrs Flower


  • 6W - Mr Dunn
  • 4E - Mrs Rodger
  • 6P - Miss Poysden
  • 6A - Mrs Mears

PE Lessons

Please ensure that your child is wearing their full kit on PE days as we will no longer be phoning home for forgotten kits.

First Half Term:


  • Indoor PE - Wednesday
  • Outdoor PE - Friday


  • Indoor PE - Wednesday
  • Outdoor PE - Thursday


  • Indoor PE - Tuesday
  • Outdoor PE - Thursday


  • Indoor PE - Tuesday
  • Outdoor PE - Friday


  • Indoor PE - Tuesday
  • Outdoor PE - Thursday


  • Indoor PE - Monday
  • Outdoor PE - Wednesday


  • Indoor PE - Monday
  • Outdoor PE - Wednesday


  • Indoor PE - Monday
  • Outdoor PE - Thursday


  • Indoor PE - Friday
  • Outdoor PE - Tuesday


  • Indoor PE - Friday
  • Outdoor PE - Monday


  • Indoor PE - Friday
  • Outdoor PE - Tuesday


  • Indoor PE - Thursday
  • Outdoor PE - Monday


  • Indoor - Thursday
  • Outdoor - Monday


  • Indoor - Wednesday
  • Outdoor - Tuesday


  • Indoor - Thursday
  • Outdoor - Tuesday


  • Indoor - Thursday
  • Outdoor - Monday


Congratulations to 3M who achieved the best attendance this half term. They selected the playlist for today's music on the playground.

Well done to Year 5 who achieved the best year group attendance this term. They have enjoyed going into lunch first everyday this week, as a reward.

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