JBS News September 6, 2024


1331 N Blue Road, Greenfield IN


Please stay up-to date on all JB Happenings!

NEW-Homecoming Spirit Week

NEW-Body Safety

Indiana State law requires that school corporations throughout the state provide Body Safety instruction on child abuse and child sexual abuse for all students grades K-12. This year’s program at Greenfield-Central’s tier 1 & tier 2 buildings will be presented by each building’s school counselor or school social worker. J.B. Stephens will have presentations starting on September 30th and ending on October 4th. If you wish for your child(ren) to not participate, please request an opt out form from Mrs. Nagle, J.B. Stephens School Worker (snagle@gcsc.k12.in.us)

NEW-Box Tops for Education

NEW-Title 1 School

For the 2024-2025 school year, JB Stephens is a Title 1 school-wide program. This means, we receive additional federal Title 1 funding and support for academic programming to support our students. For more information, see the link below.

REMINDER-Grandparents/VIP Days

New-Positive office referrals

Each week teachers nominate students for a Positive Office Referral. These students go above and beyond following our JB Way of Being Respectful, Responsible and Kind Cougars. Congratulations to this week's Positive Office Referrals!

Reminder-Vaccine Clinic

Reminder-Planned E-LEARNING


JB has a designated snack time for all students throughout the day. Please be sure and send in a healthy snack with your child each day. We do have extra snacks in the office, but we run out often. If you prefer to send in bulk snacks to the classroom, teachers always appreciate the donations!

Reminder-Literacy in schools

This letter was sent to all parents in grades kindergarten through 3rd grade. Please take some time to read through this as it pertains to early literacy and also the IREAD assessment given to all 2nd and 3rd grade students. We encourage all families to be reading with your child at least 30 minutes a day OR have them independently read 30 minutes a day. At JB we support the love of literacy throughout the school year. Our hope is for all students to love, enjoy and be proficient readers by the end of 3rd grade.

REMINDeR-School Dismissal Manager

School Dismissal Manager is now LIVE! Please check your email for login and set up directions. As of September 3rd, we will only utilize this APP for dismissal changes. Please call the front office if you did not receive your login email or you need assistance. 317-462-4491.

REMINDER-JBS Family Resource Page

Please see below for information on the apps and websites for school use! The images are links to the websites.


  • Doors Open: 7:30am
  • Tardy Bell: 7:45am
  • Breakfast (optional/paid): 7:30am-7:45am (if your child is eating breakfast at school, please be sure to get them to school by 7:30am, so they have plenty of time to eat)
  • Dismissal: 2:10pm

REminder-Food Service

If you child is eating breakfast at school, please make sure they arrive at school by 7:30am.

reminder-Volunteer Form

If you're interested in volunteering this school year, attending field trips, etc, all volunteers must complete a Volunteer Profile application, found by clicking here, before volunteering. This form must be completed each school year. We look forward to having you at JB!

School Calendar-2024-2025

JB Stephens Calendar

Upcoming Dates

  • 9/10/24: Fall Picture Day
  • 9/17/24: E-Learning Day-No students onsite
  • 10/7-10/18: Fall Break; No School

Events/clubs/Sports around Greenfield