Dungog Public School Newsletter Term 3, Week 9 2024

Calendar of events

  • Tuesday 17th & 24th September- Breakfast Club
  • Tuesday 17th & 24th September - Learn & Grow Playgroup
  • Wednesday 18th September - Meals on Wheels
  • Wednesday 18th September - Digby Raywood Rugby Union Shield
  • Wednesday 18th September - Dungog Town Library Visit – KO
  • Wednesday 18th September - Wahroonga Public School Band Tour Performance
  • Wednesday 18th to Friday 20th September - Stage 2 Excursion
  • Thursday 19th & Friday 20th September - Dhurrumiri & Barrangga Excursion
  • Friday 20th September - Kids & Cobwebs Bike Ride
  • Friday 20th September - Netball Schools Cup Regional Final
  • Friday 20th & 27th September - Sing & Grow Musical Therapy
  • Monday 23rd September - Fortnightly PBL Assembly
  • Tuesday 24th September - LMG Cultural Day 'On Countrry'
  • Wednesday 25th September - PSSA State Championships - Girls Rugby League
  • Wednesday 25th September - Dungog Town Library Visit – 1M
  • Wednesday 25th September - Lara Aged Care Visit – 3C
  • Thursday 26th September - Whole School Fortnightly Assembly
  • Thursday 26th September - Hunter River Community School World Athletics Day
  • Friday 27th September - Footy Colours Day
  • Friday 27th September - Last Day of Term 3
  • Monday 14th October - Students & Staff return to school for Term 4

Principals MESSAGE

What a WONDERFUL week of learning and celebrating Education Week and Book Week we had in Week 4. It was fantastic to see the students enjoying the variety of activities and purchasing books from our Scholastic Book Fair.

Congratulations to Maxine Hopson who was selected to be the ‘Principal for the Day’ during Education Week. Maxi was a SUPER Principal and had the opportunity to do many different jobs throughout the day.

Our Book Parade was enjoyed by all students and staff. There were some awesome costumes on display and our judges had a hard time selecting the winners.

Stage 2 are off on their Excursion to the CCC Sport & Recreation Camp at the Central Coast this week. I’m sure they will have a fantastic few days away building connections and developing leadership skills.

Dhurrumiri & Barrangga also have their overnight excursion this week. They are exploring Baiame Caves and the Port Stephens area. What a great opportunity to learn more about our local area.

Congratulations to our Girl's Rugby 7's team who came 3rd overall in the NSW PSSA Knockout. The girl's played last week at the State Finals in Sydney. We lost our first game in a 3 all draw as the other team scored first. We then played off for 3rd & 4th and had a convincing win. The girl's have trained hard and have put in a tremendous amount of work to compete and learn the game of Rugby. A big thank you to the boys that have helped the girls at training and the parents/carers who have supported the girl's on this journey.

Congratulations to Liyana, who was selected in Hunter Girls Cricket team last week. Liyana will play in Bathurst at the State Championships early in Term 4.

Congratulations to Liyana, Shelby, Georgia & Delilah who participated in the Hunter Girls Rugby League trials last week. Well done to Georgia & Shelby who were selected in the Hunter team who will play in Sydney at the State Championships in Week 10.

Congratulations to Delilah who played in the Hunter Girl's Rugby Union 7's team that competed at the State Championships last week in Camden. The Hunter team had a successful championships and came 4th overall.

Parents/carers are asked to remind their child/children of the expected behaviours on buses (sitting down and putting seat belts on) and also the expected behaviours around buses when children are walking to school and home from school.

Students in Years 4 to 6 will be participating in the ‘Tell Them from Me Survey’ at the end of Term 3 and beginning of Term 4. The purpose of the survey for students is to measure student engagement and wellbeing which will provide data for our school to identify strengths and areas for improvement.

Dungog Public School’s 2024 School Improvement Plan is available for parents/carers and community members on our school website. A copy of our School Improvement Plan can also be obtained from our school office.

We are going paperless. From Term 4 there will no longer be any signed notes or information notes sent home. All correspondence will be via the Sentral Parent Portal or email. If you need assistance with the Portal, please contact the office.

I hope everyone has their Bikes out ready for the Kids & Cobwebs Bike Ride on Friday 20th September.

Ms Kylie Pennell - Principal

Principals Award



WEEK 4, 5, 6 & 7 - 91%


KO with Miss Petersen

In English, Kindergarten students have been developing their creativity by crafting their own imaginative texts inspired by images. In Mathematics, we have been exploring 2D shapes using geoboards and rubber bands, discovering how shapes like triangles can vary in appearance but always have 3 sides and 3 corners. We've also been focusing on sun safety and water safety, learning about the important "5's" to stay safe in these environments. It’s been wonderful to witness the growth and enthusiasm of our students this term. A friendly reminder that home readers and homework are due on Fridays. Happy reading!

k/1m with Mrs morgan

In Science, K/1M have put a lot of time, effort, creativity and perseverance into designing and making their own houses for the Three Little Pigs to see if their houses could withstand the Big Bad Wolf (AKA Mrs Morgan’s hairdryer) trying to blow it down. A few houses protected the Little Pig from being eaten by the Big Bad Wolf and also withstood the gusts of wind!
We've been very fortunate to have 2V visit our class to share their love of reading. They've been reading stories with K/1M and some of the K/1M students have felt confident enough to read their decodable readers to their big buddies as well!

1P with Miss gregory

1P have been enjoying their time learning about a variety of different things happening within our environment. In Science, we have looked at the fishing practices and other sustainable practices. In Geography, students are learning what role we play in protecting our environment. In Mathematics, we have been dividing items into equal groups and learning about calendars. We were excited about how many M&M's are in a small packet and learning to graph it in our book before eating them. We have started reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in English and making connections to the different films and how they are different. We can't wait to see what the rest of term brings us!!

1M with MRs NASH

1M have absolutely been enjoying our new text 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', we have been reading a little bit each day and making connections from book to film, book to self and book to world in English. In Mathematics, we have been learning all about forming equal groups using our knowledge of division and have just started learning about calendars. Science has been an exciting learning adventure for 1M, we have been learning all about Aboriginal sustainable practices and making connections to sustainable practices being used today. Our favourite part was learning all about fishing practices where we got to make Origami fish. In Music, we have been learning all about simple beat and rhythm and how we can maintain simple beat by clapping, tapping and using clapping sticks. I'm so impressed with the growth 1M have made throughout the term, Keep up the good work 1M!

release from face to face with Mr robertson

During Science in the last few weeks, Dhurrumiri students have been looking at the weather and how the different temperatures, conditions and seasons impacted our decision on how we dress, what we eat and the activities that we can do. Students have also been looking at the topic of data in Mathematics. Students are exploring concepts like collecting, organising data into different types of graphs and analysing data so we can communicate our results. Through this topic we can gain insights into real-world situations. Why not collect some data at home by tracking the weather conditions.


dhurrumiri room with Mrs allison

I firstly want to say how proud I am of the students for their performance during assembly in week 7. They all did an amazing job! During English we are learning digraphs which are two letters that make one sound such as ll, ss, zz. We've had some fun with some of our Mathematics lessons using edible materials. We made fairy bread then had to cut it into halves then quarters. The students then set a challenge of cutting the bread into eighths and sixteenths! We also used M&M's to create equal groups and arrays to solve multiplication problems. As we approach the end of term we are excited about our overnight camp and Olympics Day. Just a reminder that for the Olympics Day we are representing the country Wales so students can wear red, white or green.

barrangga room with miss wallace

Barrangga Class has been keeping very busy this Term. In Science, we've been investigating the properties of milk bottles, sparking great discussions in the classroom. Geography has taken us on a global journey as we explore different climate zones and write postcards imagining life in various environments. In PDHPE, we've been focusing on how to handle unsafe situations, while in Music, we've explored how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples use music to tell stories. Our English skills continue to grow, and in Mathematics, we've been analysing data, making graphs, and have just begun exploring length. We're all eagerly anticipating our upcoming overnight excursion this week, which promises to be a wonderful opportunity for students to bond and apply their learning in a fun and interactive environment. Thank you for your continued support as we approach the end of the term!


2j with mr ROBERTSON

Term 3 has been a whirlwind of excitement and adventure for 2J. We have been hard at work, and are eager to share our progress with you. In English, our new novel study on "Wandi", has captured the students' imagination, and we have been exploring the themes and characters of the novel in depth. The students have developed an appreciation for word origins, discovering how words have evolved over time. In Writing, we have embarked on an imaginative journey, exploring setting, character and plot development. The students have been introduced to figurative language techniques such as Metaphors, Similes, Personification and Alliteration, which they are eagerly incorporating into their writing. In Mathematics, we have delved into the world of Data, learning how to collect, organise, and interpret information. Our music lessons have been filled with creativity and experimentation. We have learnt about instrumental families and created our own symbols to use a music notation. 2J is also buzzing with excitement for our upcoming Bush Camp adventure! It is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

2V with Mrs middlebrook

How is Term 3 nearly over? Time flies when you're having fun and learning so much! 2V have been incredibly busy this term. In Geography, we’ve explored climate and vegetation zones, discovering the amazing variety of environments around the world. In Health, we've focused on identifying ways to keep ourselves and others safe in various situations and settings—important skills for life. Our budding musicians in 2V are learning all about different instrument families, and diving into the world of beat, rhythm, and pitch. In Mathematics, our super mathematicians have tackled Angles, Polygons, Number Lines, Fractions, Principles of Equality, and even some Data work. We've also been pushing ourselves with timed Multiplication Challenges, and the progress has been amazing! I am extremely proud of the high-quality work that 2V students are producing every day. They continually challenge themselves, demonstrating remarkable growth in both their learning and their mindset. Well done, 2V! Keep up the fantastic work!

2/3l with mrs long

2/3L have had an extremely busy term. During Book Week, the students found a renewed interest in borrowing from the Library and reading in the classroom and in our school library. In Mathematics we have been challenged with Factors and Multiples and have even tried a new way of multiplying called Lattice Multiplication. Last week we enjoyed working in groups to design and create a waterproof shelter with some very interesting choice of materials. Our excursion to the RYSTEM Day was also a chance for our students to work with others, to solve and create some designs such as a bridge and a water tower. The students have also enjoyed sport on Friday's where we are focusing on sportsmanship and having fun rather than winning.

3c with mrs curry

This term, our budding musicians have been harmonising like pros (kind of) as they dive into the world of Acappella—no instruments needed, just pure vocal magic! Check out the link below for one of the songs we studied! 🎶 In Geography, we’re exploring the wild world of biomes, from the sizzling savannahs to the frosty tundras. Meanwhile, in Sport, we’re building our sportsmanship skills, proving that it's not just about winning, but how we play the game. A huge shoutout to all our superstars who won their Grand Final 🏈 And don’t forget, parents: our 3C class has a show-stopping assembly item in Week 10! 🎉🌟

3b with mr whitby

This term has seen the students in 3B continue to grow and learn as some begin to ready themselves towards transitioning to High School. We have continued to explore the properties of different materials in Science, as we discover what materials are suitable for different purposes. In Geography we are exploring how people impact the world around us and are appreciating natures wonders through the study of different biomes, both in Australia and in other parts of the world. I have really enjoyed listening to the student's insight and awareness of the topic and their understanding of the importance of looking after these magical natural creations. Recently we celebrated SASS week, and the students were keen to thank these unsung heroes of our school by making cards and pictures to acknowledge their important contribution. Finally, a great big congratulations to our Girl's Rugby Team on their success and a well done too the boys who have given up their time to help fine tune this machine.

Library/STEM with miss donnellY

Thank you for all your support during Book Week and with the Book Fair. It was fantastic to connect with the community and share why we feel Reading is Magic! Students should expect some new books to start funnelling out this week for borrowing. We're saying goodbye to the Podcasting Kit this term, which students have had lots of fun exploring, recording themselves reading, debating, telling stories, talking about topics of interest and even some singing. We're getting a new kit to replace it, the Junior Explorers kit. This is the first time we'll be getting this kit so make your way into the library in Term 4 to have a play. We'll be keeping the Lego Prime Kit and the Makey Makey until the end of the year, for which we are very fortunate.


KO - Emma Willis
K/1M - Thea Rumbel
1M - Gus Lovegrove
1P - Felicity O'Neill
Dhurrumiri - Evie Isaac
2V - Evie Watkins
2J - Marnie Potter
2/3L - Evie Pritchard
3B - Isabelle Burton
3C - Amelie Ford
RFF - Cooper O'Neill

PBL Awards Week 8

KO - Harry Grant
K/1M - Vinnie Kingston
1M - Abby Moylan
1P - Milla Chant
Dhurrumiri - Zavia Robinson-Hawes
Barrangga - Alex Goodman
2V - Aubrey Skinner
2J - Samuel Debreceny
2/3L - Darcy Morgan
3C - Harper Spedding
3B - Adelaide Hooke
RFF - Sophia McDevitt


Week 4 & 5

Zoey & Ruby

Week 6 & 7

Ned & Lucy

WELL-BEING SUPPORT chaplain news

Public Education week award recipients

recent events

open classrooms & Dance performance

Principal for the day

Book Week Parade

Girls rugby 7's

netball NSW schools cup


class Work samples with k/1M & Mrs morgan

Class Work Samples with 2v & Mrs Middlebrook

P&C news


Dungog Arts Society Exhibition

Dungog Arts Society's Annual Exhibition, October - December 2024 has a section for Youth (ages 13-18 years) and Junior (ages to 13 years). Some of your students may be interested in entering visual arts, craft and/or performing arts. This year there are prize packs from Derivan/Matisse as well as cash prizes. The entry forms, with entry details, are on www.dungogarts.com.au . Please contact me on secretary@dungogarts.com.au if you would like me to email or post entry forms to your school. The final heat of the performing arts is on 12-2pm Sunday 15 September should you have students interested in drama, music and poetry. Winners at this heat will perform at the opening of the Annual Exhibition, 6.30pm Friday 4 October.


