Sustainable Futures Seminar Series 25 January 2024

On the 25th of January 2024, Sustainable Futures held the first 2024 iteration of their monthly online seminar series. In this edition, environmental sustainability projects at The University of Manchester and the role of sustainability in project delivery capabilities in government were discussed. Chaired by Dr Stephen Lowe, the seminar included two talks from Dr Maggy Fostier and Dr Richard Kirkham, both researchers at The University of Manchester.

After an introduction provided by Dr Lowe, Dr Fostier gave the first presentation of the seminar titled 'Environmental sustainability projects in the School of Biological Sciences: a welcome addition to our portfolio of final year projects.' Maggy is the Head of Environmental Sustainability in the Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health at The University of Manchester.

This talk was centred around the research projects undertaken by UoM's Biological Sciences undergraduate students in their final year (‘Capstone Project’). Most students are placed in research laboratories, but many diversify into the fields of science communication, bioinformatics, business enterprise or history of science. Three years ago, the School of Biological Sciences added environmental sustainability project to our portfolio. Projects included validating alternatives to toxic products in laboratories; increasing recycling compliance; campaigning; and plastic reduction strategies. These projects gave students the opportunity to develop skills necessary to address environmental issues around research, laboratory teaching, or campus living that will be beneficial for the future. The presentation reviewed how the School run these projects and their benefits.

Dr Fostier’s presentation was concluded with a live Q&A session with attendees.

Dr Richard Kirkham provided the seminar with the second presentation of the day with a talk titled 'Embedding sustainability into project delivery capabilities in government.' Dr Kirkham is a Senior Lecturer in Civil Engineering at The University of Manchester and the Portfolio Director for UoM-British University in Dubai, TAI Deputy Director, and TAI Theme Lead for Reliability and Resilience. He is also involved with Project X – improving Government projects through research, and the Manchester Urban Institute.

His talk discussed how The Government Major Projects Portfolio (GMPP). The GMPP accounts for 244 projects with a total whole life cost of £805bn and £758bn of monetised benefits (2022-23); many of these projects form a key part of the government’s commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050 and meet the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Dr Kirkham's project seeks to inform the work of the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) on the government capabilities necessary to achieve these goals and the group have identified the following research question to support that work: What are the challenges, and opportunities, in upskilling project delivery professionals to focus on embedding sustainability into long term projects and programmes?

The team completed a rapid evidence review in respect to the skills required for sustainable project management, and delivery. A single case study on government project delivery professionals’ skills for embedding sustainability into long term projects, and programmes, gathered qualitative data through interviews with experienced project delivery professionals who are active in the ESRC funded ‘Project X’ network. Dissemination of findings will be via a policy and practice focused report for the IPA.

Another live Q&A session involving attendees of the seminar followed and the event was soon wrapped up.

If you missed the event, you can watch it back here:

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