Dear Parents and Carers,
It was a very busy second full week at Hamstel Infants, as the children successfully continued to settle back into our routines and expectations around school.
This week it was great to welcome our EYFS parents into school for the first of our Healthy Schools workshops. We hope you found the information interesting and useful and that it has given you a better understanding of our school’s role in keeping our children healthy. A big thank you to all the parents and carers that came along, to all of the different professionals who gave their support and time and especially to Miss Golding, our healthy schools coordinator, for organising the event.
Next week is our multicultural week in school, where each year group will be learning about a different country, finding out about their culture, their food and comparing their lives with ours. The week also includes our Harvest Festival celebrations and our whole school Harvest Assembly.
Also next week, we would like to invite our Year 2 parents into school for our maths workshops on Wednesday 25th September. There will be sessions at 9:00am and 2:15pm in the hall, so please come along if you can.
Thank you to those parents who have already shown an interest in being part of our Parent Council. Don’t forget if you would like to get involved, to register your name with the school office and we will be in touch shortly.
Just a further date to save in your diaries…we have our first parent’s evenings of the new academic year on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd October. This is a great chance for you to speak to the teacher and find out how your child has settled in this first half term. More details will follow but please try and attend if you can – we hope to see you there.
I hope the children really enjoy next week’s learning and that you all have a great weekend.
We look forward to seeing you again on Monday morning.
Scott Roche
Diary Dates
- Monday 23rd - Friday 27th - Multicultural Week
- Wednesday 25th - Year 2 Maths Workshop for Parents - 9am
- Year 2 Maths Workshop for Parents - 2.15pm
- Thursday 26th - KS1 Harvest Assembly with Rev Goodliff
- Friday 27th - Open House Session - 3.00pm
- Friday 4th - Open Door Session - 3.15pm
- Tuesday 8th - Year 1 Phonics meeting and Workshop - 9am
- Friday 11th - Open House Session - 3.15pm
- Monday 14th - Nite Owls visiting Year 2
- Friday 18th - Jacqui Story Box Assembly
- Open House Session - 3.15pm
- Monday 21st - Year 2 Hyde Hall Trip
- Tuesday 22nd - Year 2 Hyde Hall Trip
- Thursday 24th - Reception Handwriting Workshop - 9am
- Reception Handwriting Workshop - 2.30pm
- Friday 25th - Flu Immunisations
- Open House Session - 3.15pm
- Monday 28th - Friday 1st November - October Half Term
- Monday 4th - INSET Day
- Tuesday 5th - Individual & Sibling Photos
- Fire Safety Assembly
- Friday 8th - Non-Uniform
- Open House Session - 3.15pm
- Monday 11th - Friday 15th - Anti-Bullying Week
- Monday 11th - Remembrance Event
- Year 2 Library Visit
- Tuesday 12th - Odd Sock Days
- Year 2 Library Visit
- Wednesday 13th - KS1 World Kindness
- Year 2 - Reading Rocks Day - 9am
- Year 2 - Reading Rocks Day - 2.15pm
- Friday 15th - Children In Need
- Open House Session - 3.15pm
- Monday 18th - Friday 22nd - Road Safety Week
- Monday 18th - Year 2 Library visit
- Wednesday 20th - Year 1 Maths Workshop for Parents - 9am
- Year 1 Maths Workshop for Parents - 2.15pm
- Thursday 21st - Reception Phonics Workshop - 9am
- Reception Phonics Workshop - 2.15pm
- Friday 22nd - Jacqui Story Box Assembly
- Open House Session - 3.15pm
- Monday 25th - Reception Walk to Post Office
- Wednesday 27th - Christmas Fair
- Friday 29th - Open House Session - 3.15pm
- Friday 6th - Open House Session - 3.15pm
- Thursday 12th - Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Dinner
- Friday 13th - Open House Session - 3.15pm
- Thursday 19th - Year 1 Christmas Crafts
- Friday 20th - Open House Session - 3.15pm
- Monday 23rd - Friday 3rd January - Christmas Break
February 2025
- Monday 17th - Friday 21st - Half Term
- Monday 24th - INSET Day
April 2025
- Monday 7th - Thursday 17th - Easter break
- Friday 18th - Good Friday
- Monday 21st - Bank Holiday Monday
May 2025
- Monday 5th - Bank Holiday Monday
- Monday 26th - Bank Holiday Monday
- Tuesday 27th - Friday 30th - May Half Term
June 2025
- Friday 20th - INSET Day
July 2025
- Tuesday 22nd - Last Day of Term
- Wednesday 23rd - INSET Day
The children are settling well into the Nursery routine. We have introduced our theme of ‘Journeys’ with our story of ‘Ten Little Pirates’. We looked at the different types of weather in the story. In Maths we have introduced our ‘Days of the week’ Song and counting to five. In PSHE we have been establishing the Nursery routine and naming body parts.
Tapestry has been set up, you should have received an activation email. Any problems please speak with a member of staff.
REMINDER: Outdoor learning - Friday 27th September – Please bring your children in clothes suitable for the weather and a coat.
If you haven’t could you please bring in named wellington boots thank you.
Rainbow & Starlight
This week the children have listened to the story 'We`re going on a bear hunt', they have enjoyed making all the sounds, and actions to the story, and role playing in the garden with mud, water and a scary bear in a cave! We have continued with pencil control, number work and subitising up to 5. letter writing and cvc words, turn taking games and puzzles. The children have created some amazing artwork, a cave, handprints made into bears and a river out of tissue paper.
Please continue practicing numbers and letters at home. reading a book, talking about the story and labelling pictures.
Letters: Curly Caterpillar Family
Numbers: ordering 1 to 10(20/30) Subitising to 5 (10) counting backwards from 5. (10) (according to child's ability)
REMINDERS: Reading books will be changed every Friday beginning this week.
Please make sure books are in bags on Friday Thank you.
This week we have continued reading ‘Going on a Bear Hunt.’ The children have been looking at the settings in the story and writing words or captions to describe the settings. We have been busy creating the scenes using different materials, such as paint, paper and glue.
In Maths, we have practised counting on from a number and have been finding one more than a given number.
How to help at home:
Reading: please can you share/listen to your child read and make a note in their reading record books.
Maths: practise counting with your child, e.g. how many buttons on their coat, how many stairs when climbing the stairs. Looking for and recognising numbers when out and about, e.g. house numbers, numbers on number plates.
Reception Year
This week we have started our theme ‘Journeys’ with reading ‘Once there were Giants’ and learning about the journey from being a baby to joining big school. We have been describing how the girl in the story changes throughout the story. In history we have been learning to use time words to describe and sequence events from the story.
In PSHE we have been learning to talk about different emotions and feelings. We have learnt about the zones of regulation and made our lolly sticks that we can use to show which zone we are in.
In handwriting we have been learning to write dots, straight lines and crosses. We have been introduced to the P Checks rhyme to make sure we are all ready for handwriting. In Writing we have been learning to give meaning to our marks by drawing a picture of our families and talking about the people in the picture. In science we have learning the identify and name our body parts and facial features. In art we have been learning how to hold a pencil effectively to draw a self-portrait. In music we have been learning the nursery rhyme Pat a Cake.
In maths we have been continuing with our daily maths meetings, learning the songs as well as counting forwards and backwards, identifying numbers and days of the week.
Thank you to all the grown-ups who joined us for our Healthy School workshop. We hope that you found the workshop informative and enjoyed spending time with your child.
How to help at home
Reading: continue to listen to your child read at least 5 times a week.
RWI phonics: encourage your child to join in with QR codes for the RWI Virtual Classroom.
Maths: count forwards and backwards to 10.
Handwriting: encourage your child to draw dots, lines and crosses:
Upcoming Events
Baby Photos - For an activity in class next week we would be grateful if your child could bring a photo of themselves as a baby into school ready for Wednesday 25th. Please write your child's name on the back of the photo.
Please don't send in any special or precious photos/frames, a simple small photo or photocopy of one will do perfectly.
Outdoor Learning next week
- Monday: Owl
- Tuesday: Peacock
- Wednesday: Woodpecker
- Thursday: Kingfisher
PE to start next week
Multicultural week open door: Friday 27th September 3pm
Letters sent home this week
- Whole School - Multicultural Week & Harvest Festival - 19.09.2024
- Whole School - Harvest Appeal Poster
- Reception - Reception Baseline Assessment - 17.09.2024
- Reception - Reception Baseline information Booklet - 17.09.2024
- Whole School - Class Dojo Platform - 16.09.2024
- Whole School - School Attendance - 13.09.2024
Year One
This week as part of our Geography topic we have enjoyed a local area walk. We went on a walk around the block spotting physical and human features. Back in the classroom the children made a simple map, plotting their route and marking their findings along the way.
In literacy we have been reading ‘The Bog Baby’ by Jeanne Willis. We have been learning about what an adjective is and have been working hard to include some descriptive words in our sentences. In our big write we have been writing a setting description from the story.
In maths we have been looking at 1 more and 1 less and smaller and greater numbers. We have been working practically with tens frames and have been learning how to use our maths books some more now that we are in Year 1.
IN PE we have been continuing our work on running and gymnastics.
REMINDER: Multicultural week open door: Friday 27th September 3pm
Letters sent home this week
Year Two
It’s been another busy week in Year 2 with our learning in the classroom and outside in the Wildlife Area too! The children have had a great time putting their scientific minds to the test as they explored micro-habitats in the wildlife garden. The children have learnt and discovered first-hand that micro-habitats are homes to the smaller creatures that live amongst us. We have found homes to spiders, woodlice, worms, beetles and much more! We have learnt what types of places these creatures like for them home e.g. under a log or stone, or amongst leaves and plants. The children have also learnt about what makes a good home for these creatures, why not ask them and see if they can remember?
In Literacy the children have been working hard developing their knowledge and understanding further about diary entries. We have used the story Alice in Wonderland and learning last week about Alice as a character to write a simple diary entry in the voice of Alice. We have sequenced events from the story to help us organise our ideas and structure our writing. The children have written some brilliant diary entries in character role thinking hard about their adjectives for description and time conjunctions to signal the events e.g. first, then, next.
In Maths, we have continued with unit of work that is all about numbers to 100. We have continued to build on our learning and counting on in steps of 2, 5, 10 and 3 from any number counting forwards and backwards. This has challenged our thinking in applying what we know about numbers and patterns. Why not practise counting in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s at home and starting from different numbers, forwards and backwards?
In RE we have been thinking about Christians and what they believe using the stem sentence ‘Christians believe....’ to help us articulate our knowledge. The children have recorded their thoughts in simple sentences in their books.
Letters sent home this week
- Whole School - Multicultural Week & Harvest Festival - 19.09.2024
- Whole School - Harvest Appeal Poster
- Year 2 - Fox, Badger & Squirrel - Hyde Hall Letter - 17.09.2024
- Year 2 - Hedgehog & Otter Hyde Hall Letter - 17.09.2024
- Whole School - Class Dojo Platform - 16.09.2024
- Year 2 - EasiMaths - 11.09.2024
- Whole School - School Attendance - 13.09.2024
Healthy Schools Workshop
This week we had a great turn out for our Healthy Schools Workshop, we were welcomed by the school nurse, a health practitioner from Health4Life and a member of the Community Dental Service.
The children joined us after the talk and they had the opportunity to share a healthy book, colour their favourite fruits and vegetables and play a shopping game. They also took part in some physical activities on the playground and role play in the hall. They particularly enjoyed the role play dentist and cleaning the dirty teeth with toothbrushes. The fruit and vegetable kebabs looked delicious and it was lovely to see the children using their cutting skills to create their own kebab.
Please continue to encourage your child to have the hot meal option on the school menu and enjoy making some of the meals with your children at home. If you need any support with fussy eaters, healthy lifestyles or oral health care do not hesitate to come and ask, I can point you in the right direction for help.
Thank you to those parents who attended the workshop and I hope you found the information useful and informative.
Miss Golding – Healthy Schools Lead
Celebration Assembly - Enthusiasm & Determination
This weeks value has been 'Enthusiasm & Determination', below are highlights from around the classes.
Online Safety
With most children today having access to their own tablets, phones, computers and other devices, it’s vitally important that parents and educators know how to keep young people protected while using them. Between targeted adverts, age-inappropriate content, and other online safety concerns, it can sometimes feel overwhelming to keep on top of.
Parental controls, present on most devices and several apps, can make this job significantly easier – but a certain amount of knowledge is required to use them effectively. This free online safety guide will provide you with the information you need to activate and maintain parental controls on children and young people’s devices.
Dinner menu
Week 1
Monday - Beef Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Vegan Bolognaise with Spaghetti - Baked Jacket Potato with Grated Cheese - Chicken Mayonnaise Baguette - Cheese Salad Wrap - Peas & Broccoli - Maryland Cookie
Tuesday - Ham & Cheese Pizza with Baked Wedges - Margherita Pizza with Baked Wedges - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Ham Sandwich - Cheese & Tomato Bloomer - Carrots & Sweetcorn - Apple Crumble with Custard
Wednesday - Roast Chicken with Roast Potatoes & Gravy - Squash & Lentil Lasagne - Baked Jacket Potato with Baked Beans - Tuna Sweetcorn Baguette - Cheese Sandwich - Seasonal Greens & Cauliflower - Cherry Cornflakes Cake
Thursday - Chilli Con Carne with steamed rice - Vegan Bean Chilli with Steamed Rice - Pasta & Tomato Sauce - Tuna Mayo Sandwich - Cheese Salad Wrap - Broccoli & Carrots - Chocolate & Pear Sponge
Friday - Breaded Fish Fingers with Chips & Ketchup - Vegan Goujons with Chips & Ketchup - Baked Jacket Potatos with Grated Cheese - Ham Sandwich - Egg Mayo Baguette - Peas & Baked Beans - Banana Flapjack
Freshly Baked Bread - Carrots & Beetroot or Wholemeal Bread
Extra Second-Hand Uniform Sales added due to popular demand.
Our lovely PTA have signed us up for Asda Rewards Cash Pot - if you usually shop there please consider adding Hamstel Infant School so we can have a chance at some extra funds.
How does Asda Cashpot work?
Asda's new Cashpot for Schools initiative has raised almost £1million for UK primary schools in its first 72 hours. The industry first campaign sees Asda donate 0.5% of the value of its customers shopping to a primary school of their choice – every time they shop using Asda Rewards.
For full details on how to use this Reward Scheme follow the link to Asda
Messages from the Office
School Tours for Reception September 2025
If you or anyone you know has a child who is starting school next September, please let them know we have our school tours available for bookings.
Hamstel Junior School Tours
If you have a child in our current Year 2 you may be interested in signing up for a tour of the Junior School. Mrs Farrell, Headteacher has arranged a number of dates. Please contact the Junior School office to book a place.
Lost Property
The lost property box can be found at the main school office and already has lots of 'lost' items in it.
To ensure that any of your child's items are returned safely to them in class please check that their name is clearly labelled on every item.
If your child requires medication during the school day or during wrap around care please bring it to the school office, a parent or guardian will be asked to complete a permission form.
Antibiotics - in general if a child has been prescribed antibiotics to be given three times a day these can be given at home. If it has been prescribed to be given four times a day then we are happy support with this. Please bring the antibiotics in their original bottle to the school office and the parent or guardian will need to complete the permission form.
Please note that in general we will only be able to support with giving prescribed medicines. For all other medication please contact the school office to discuss your child's needs.
Autumn term club offers for both Premier Education and Bricks 4 Kidz are still open for booking - please see the clubs section at the end of the newsletter for more information.
Teacher-led clubs start today Monday 23rd September. The collection point for all of these teacher-led clubs is at the front of the school in the main reception area.
Community Information
Attendance Overall
Reception Year: Owl Class - 98.9%
Year 1: Heron Class - 99.5%
Year 2: Fox Class - 98.3%
Whole School: 96.7%
If your child is going to be absent from school please contact the school office by 9am and leave a message on our answerphone or via ParentPay giving your child's name, class and specific reason for their absence.
Any planned absence for example medical appointments should be advised to the school office with a copy of the confirmation letter or text being provided. For other absence i.e weddings, holidays etc then a Leave of Absence Request form should be completed in advance. Copies of this can be obtained from the school office.
Teacher Led Clubs
Full details of our teacher led clubs has been sent out to parents/carers with children in Year 1 and Year 2.
Most teacher led after school clubs begin week commencing Monday 23rd September.
All teacher led after school clubs finish at 4.15pm, children will be brought to the front of the school by the Club Leader for you to collect.
Premier Education
Bookings are open now for children who will be in Year 1 or Year 2 from September.
For before school clubs run by Premier Education drop-off is in our Infant School Hall. Enter through the Poynings Avenue gate and walk across the playground. The register will be taken by the club coach and once the club is finished children will be taken to their classrooms. Please arrive promptly.
For clubs after school run by Premier Education collection is from the Infant School Hall. Enter through the Poynings Avenue gate and walk across the playground. Children will have been escorted to the club by school staff for the start.
Collection time for all Premier Education after school clubs is 4.15pm. Premier Education staff will telephone parents/carers of any uncollected children after 5 minutes. Any child not collected after 10 minutes will be escorted to Hamstel Infant School & Nursery After School Club and a fee of £7.00 will be charged.
If you are unavoidably delayed please telephone the school emergency telephone number on 07526 079300 to speak with a staff member of our After School Club.
Bricks4Kidz Club
Bookings are open now for children who will be in Year 1 or Year 2 from September.
Bricks4Kidz Club is held in our Welcome classroom. Collection for this club is from the Reception Learning Garden (No mow) outside Woodpecker Class.
Collection time for the club is 4.15pm. Any child not collected after 10 minutes will be escorted to Hamstel Infant School & Nursery After School Club and a fee of £7.00 will be charged.
If you are unavoidably delayed please telephone the school emergency telephone number on 07526 079300 to speak with a staff member of our After School Club.