
Acton Park Primary School Annual report to parents and carers 2022 - 2023

‘Happy, Respectful, Inspired Achievers’


Welcome to our Annual Report to Parents for 2022/2023. The purpose of this report is to keep you informed regarding developments in school and let you know a little about the work of the Governing Body. Acton School aspires to achieve it's vision of having ‘Happy, Respectful, Inspired Achievers’. Annually, we evaluate our progress from the previous academic year and set aspirational targets for improvement. The Governors take responsibility for supporting the school with these developments and challenging their progress and outcomes.

It remains for us to thank each one of you, on behalf of the Staff and Governors, for your continued support.

Our School Aims for 2022 - 2023

To aspire to the shared school vision: ‘Happy, Respectful, Inspired Achievers'.

To establish a happy atmosphere with pupils’ well-being a priority, where children are eager to learn and are aspiring towards our school values: ready, safe and respectful.

To provide the optimum in quality of learning and teaching to ensure lifelong learning skills.

To equip the children with Literacy, Numeracy and ICT skills to prepare them for their next stages of learning.

To foster a friendly open relationship with parents and the community ensuring teachers and parents work together for the benefit of the children.


School governors are unpaid volunteers who ensure that schools are meeting their strategic objectives. Governors do not manage the operational day-to-day functions of a school, but are required to oversee its long-term development. Anyone can be a school governor, as long as you are over 18 and show an interest in the school, what is happening in education and the local community. You should also have enough time to attend governing body meetings and fully commit to the role.

We are extremely lucky to have such dedicated members of the governing body; helping to make your children's educational journey as safe and as fun as possible. The Governors consist of a group of Parents, Local Authority figures alongside School and Community representatives that collaborate on various sub-committees. If you are interested in helping to promote the growth of the school and your children please see the school website for information on becoming a School Governor.

School Governors' Aspirations

Our goal is to support the children to think, make decisions and to develop life-long learning skills. From the very beginning of their learning journey, we foster and encourage positive attitudes; all staff, parents and wider community work hard with the children to develop their sense of self-worth and their ability to relate well to others. Promoting a culture of respect for diversity and empowering the children to be active, global citizens is at the core of our vision, and by working together we can achieve our school vision: Happy, Respectful, Inspired AchieversBeing the best we can be!'


Statutory Governor Committees: Staff Disciplinary and Dismissal Committee | Staff Disciplinary and Dismissal Appeals Committee | Pupil Discipline and Exclusions Committee | Complaints Committee | Performance Management Committee | Performance Management Appeal and Pay Review Appeal Committee | Staff Pay Review Committee |

Non-statutory Governor Committees: Standards and Curriculum | Premises, Environment, Health and Safety | Community & Wellbeing | Staffing, Personnel and Finance | Wrap Around Committee |

Governing Body Composition in 2022/2023

Joanna Grundy (John Roberts) - Headteacher

Aaron Perrin - Parent Governor. Chair of Governors.

Cllr William Baldwin - Local Authority.

Sue Lloyd - Teacher Governor.

Deri Jones - Teacher Governor.

Diane Millington - Staff Governor.

Sarah Dutton-Hughes - Parent Governor.

Samantha Hughes - Parent Governor.

Julie Moss - Community Governor.

Rev. Jonathan Smith - Community Governor.

Jayne Rogers - Community Governor.

Philip Lloyd - Additional Community Governor.

Russell Jones - Parent Governor

Helen Wright - Local Authority Governor

Jayne Underwood - Clerk to the Governing Body

School Organisation

Acton Park Primary School is an English medium school for pupils aged three to eleven. In September 2022, there were 342 children on roll, including 137 in the Infant department and 205 in the junior department. 15 of these children were taught within our resourced provision classes, 5 within the infants and 10 in the juniors. 5% (17 children) had additional learning needs and have identified targets or additional provision. 23% of full-time learners were entitled to free-school meals.

Full wrap-around care, including Early Entitlement, Nursery Plus, After-School and Holiday Provision continued to be a strong feature of our school provision. Acton Childcare, who run our onsite facility, also continued to offer pre-school provision for children aged between two and three. This provision supports families and staff with developing relationships and builds effective transition opportunities prior to the children starting their learning journey in school.

During the academic year 2022/2023, our children were taught in whole class and both mixed and ability groupings. Small group support and extension tasks were provided by both the teacher and teaching assistants as well as by specialist support staff. Additional staff were employed to support children to further develop their literacy and numeracy skills.

Using the children's prior attainment as a starting point, differentiated learning opportunities continued to be carefully planned both in and outside of the classroom. A range of real-life, authentic contexts for learning were employed in order to engage and challenge our children, and maximise their learning potential.

Changes have been made to the curriculum in Wales. Children are at the heart of curriculum reform, and all schools will be exploring ways to focus their curriculum on the 4 core purposes for education that help children to be:

Ambitious and Capable Learners who are ready to learn throughout their lives.

Enterprising and Creative Contributors who are ready to play a full part in life and work.

Ethical and Informed Citizens of Wales and the world.

Healthy, Confident Individuals ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.

At the conclusion of their educational journey at Acton Park Primary School, many of our children attend our feeder secondary school: Rhosnesni High School. A number of children also transfer to Darland High School, with small numbers also attending Penley, St. Joseph's Catholic High School and The King's School in Chester.

Staffing Structure

  • Headteacher - Miss Jo Grundy
  • Deputy Headteacher - Mrs Sue Lloyd
  • Infant Department:
  • Dosbarth Glas (Nursery) - Mr J Harrison (Class Teacher)
  • Dosbarth Coch (Nursery and Reception) - Miss F Sheikholeslami (Class Teacher).
  • Dosbarth Melyn (Nursery and Reception) - Miss E Davies (Class Teacher).
  • Nursery and Reception - Mrs O Clayton, Miss M Davies, Miss K Moore, Mrs L Blake, Miss K Thomas (Teaching Assistants)
  • Dosbarth Gwyrdd (Year 1/2) - Mrs V Squire (Class Teacher and Transition Leader)
  • Dosbarth Arian (Year 1/2) - Miss G Esp Dosbarth (Class Teacher and Later Phase Leader))
  • Dosbarth Aur (Year 1/2) - Miss C Gittins (Class Teacher)
  • Year 1/2 - Miss K Owen, Miss N Kershaw, Mrs D Mills, Mrs D Jones (Teaching Assistants)
  • Junior Department:
  • Dosbarth Conwy (Year 3) - Mrs N Lear (Class Teacher)
  • Dosbarth Ceiriog (Year 3) - Mrs H Williams (Class Teacher and Lower Key Stage 2 Leader) Dosbarth Conwy and Dosbarth Ceiriog - Mrs K Rudalska (Year 3 Teaching Assistant)
  • Dosbarth Tegid (Year 4) - Mr D Jones (Class Teacher)
  • Dosbarth Brenig (Year 4) - Mrs H Williams (Class Teacher and Lower Key Stage 2 Leader)
  • Dosbarth Brenig and Dosbarth Tegid - Mrs C Crewe (Year 4 Teaching Assistant)
  • Dosbarth Berwyn (Year 5) - Mr R Parry (Class Teacher)
  • Dosbarth Tryfan (Year 5) - Mrs R Lloyd (Class Teacher)
  • Dosbarth Berwyn and Dosbarth Tryfan - Mrs P White (Teaching Assistant)
  • Dosbarth Cadair Idris (Year 6) - Mr A Peters (Class Teacher)
  • Dosbarth Yr Wyddfa (Year 6) - Mrs A Birkbeck (Class Teacher and Upper Key Stage 2 Leader) Dosbarth Cadair Idris and Dosbarth Yr Wyddfa - Mrs D Millington (Teaching Assistant)
  • Dosbarth Gwyn (Infant Speech and Language Resourced Provision) - Miss C Mullock (Class Teacher)
  • Dosbarth Gwyn - Mrs D Jones, Mrs K Hill and Mrs S Scales-Moon (Teaching Assistants)
  • Dosbarth Menai (Junior Speech and Language Resourced Provision) - Miss K Watkins (Class Teacher)
  • Dosbarth Menai - Mrs K Swindley, Mrs H Walker and Miss D Kenyon (Teaching Assistants)
  • Mrs A Mason - Class Teacher and PPA cover
  • Lead School Secretary - Miss S Millington
  • School Administrative Officer - Mrs B Griffith
  • School Caretaker - Mr P Edwards

School Developments

Our goal for the 2022 - 2023 academic year focused on leaner well-being, improving the children's literacy skills, with a focus upon their reading skills and implementing new tracking and assessment procedures. We prioritised improving our learning environment and making effective use of our outdoor learning spaces.

Curriculum for Wales

School continued to prioritise the development of its curriculum planning and organisation; finding real and authentic contexts for learning. Linking and building upon children's prior learning experiences was keen to building their skills and ensuring progression.

Online learning platforms

Great importance is placed on the ability to show children's work in a variety of ways and through the medium of ICT / online learning they are able to do this. The use of SeeSaw and Google Classroom is a common thread throughout the school, with SeeSaw being used in Foundation Phase and both Seesaw and Google Classroom in KS2. Both classwork and home learning work are put on these platforms.

PTA- Parent-Teacher Association

An innovative and efficient PTA is a school's most important ally when it comes to achieving curricular and fundraising goals. This collaborative not only provides the opportunity for parents and teachers to work together to supplement and enrich our children's educational experience, but enables enhanced communication channels between parents, teachers and the students.

We would like to offer sincere thanks to the loyal members of Acton PTA who have worked valiantly over the past twelve months to continue raising funds in yet another difficult year, which prevented usual fundraising activities due to Covid restrictions. Acton PTA, you might be small in number, but you are mighty in effort, and we are extremely grateful for your continued support and determination. Despite the challenges of the year you have continued your attempts to help the school community; adapting to meet over Zoom and developing imaginative ideas to show your support and raise the much needed funds to augment the children's school adventure.

The members of the PTA are volunteers and not specialist fundraisers, but through hard work and dedication they have managed to raise an inspiring amount funds that have helped to support the children immensely. Thank you PTA for everything you do!! In addition, it is prudent to note here that it is only with the support of the parents/carers that these vital funds have been raised, so parents/carers please, accept our sincere thanks for your continued support. If you would like to be directly involved in the fund-raising efforts and join the PTA, please go to the school website for details.


We have strong partnerships with all of our local cluster Primary Schools and also with Rhosnesni High School. Our action plans allow for collaborative planning and the sharing of effective practice to ensure all children receive a broad and balanced curriculum.

The head teachers from the Rhosnesni cluster of local schools meet half-termly. A variety of strategies and themes are discussed to ensure we are all working together to improve the education of all pupils in our care. One of the main themes is the cluster Transition Plan - including

1. Management and co-ordination of transition, with a steering group to monitor and advise on identification of National priorities

2. Continuity of curriculum planning – rolling programme of development based on the Skills Framework

3. Continuity in teaching and learning – focus on Effective Learning strategies, sharing of good practice and more able and talented pupils.

4. Continuity in assessment, monitoring and tracking of pupils’ progress – moderation of work, Assessment for Learning strategies and use of data

5. Reviewing and monitoring the transition plan – ensuring all stakeholders are aware of plan and that there is consistency in pupil learning.

Extra Curricular Activities

Craft club: Art, design and craft in Foundation Learning and Key Stage 2.

Choir: Foundation Phase children have the opportunity to participate in mini-choir; learning and rehearsing seasonal songs for performance. Our well-established junior choir perform at assemblies/services, as well giving public performances at local schools, church and community events.

Football: A selected squad competes in local league and cup competitions as well as entering 5-a-side tournaments. “Pro Skills Soccer” provides training sessions for younger pupils on the school field.

Netball: Pupils compete in a local league, area and county tournaments.

Tag Rugby: Upper Key Stage 2 children enjoy learning new skills and strategies to participate in fun and competitive games.

Many other clubs also operate for different aged pupils at set times throughout the year. We also have a number of external providers who operate clubs including Theatre Train, Pro Skills Soccer and Delta Dance.

Equal Opportunities

Equality of opportunities is always observed with positive attitudes being developed irrespective of gender, race, ethnic origin, culture, language or religion.

The school has been audited for disabled access/facilities and has an up to date Disability Equality Policy and action plan. Appropriate provision of toilet facilities ensures accessibility for all pupils and clear Local Authority guidelines and monitoring procedures are in place for cleaning all toilet facilities. In line with Welsh Government regulations the school has a toilet policy. The Equal Opportunities Policy is updated annually. The school is committed to ensuring equality for all pupils. Acton Park will be a lead school for Wrexham LA. Acting as ‘Diversity Champions’, involvement from Stonewall Cymru will provide support for example with anti-bullying issues or any homophobic or racial abus

Additional Learning Needs

A reform of the special educational needs system in Wales passed a significant milestone in March 2021 when the new regulation and code were passed. The commencement of a new act begins in September 2021 with a new system being phased in over a period of three years.

The phased approach prioritises both children with existing statements of special educational needs as well as our youngest children, to ensure early and effective intervention.

Acton School has a comprehensive identification, monitoring and tracking system system that ensures children receive support according to their individual need. We also receive support from external services such as the educational psychologist, occupational therapy and the specialist literacy service.

Any child who presents with a specific learning need will, in the first instance, receive support from their class teacher. If the identified need requires support, that is additional to what can be provided within the school's universal provision, individual targets are generated. Targets that are specific to the pupil's area of need are generated and a strong partnership between home, school and external agencies is established, in order to provide the most appropriate support to meet the expectations outlined within an individual educational plan. Targets are reviewed, at regular intervals, and in consultation with parents/carers to measure progress and to identify additional support.

Specialist Language Resource Classroom

Acton Park Primary School caters for children with specific speech and language difficulties. The Language Resourced classrooms are funded by Wrexham County Borough Council’s Education Authority. We have two classrooms resourced for Speech and Language, one based in the infant department (9 pupils) and one in the junior department (13 pupils). The Language Resource classrooms are an integral part of our school.

Pastoral Support

Working alongside parents, carers, children and external agencies, we hold informal meetings to provide support, advice or to signpost additional support or specialist programmes to secure the best possible outcomes for all children. This includes advice around housing, parenting advice to support positive behaviour in the home, bereavement, mental health support for parents and identifying children who need 1-1 emotional support in school.

We continue to work with other primary schools and secondary regarding rolling out Restorative Justice training which is linked to reviewing the school’s behaviour policy and developing it into a school’s Relationship Policy. Team Teach training for staff in both departments has focused on de-escalation techniques and relationship building with pupils in school.

Healthy School

We are recognised as a healthy school. After taking part in the Welsh Government scheme for over ten years, we now set our own action plans for helping children to eat healthily and to encourage them to be active. Fruit and milk are provided daily for Nursery and Reception children and a healthy tuck shop, operates for all children from Year 1 to Year 6. We also promote health and well-being within our health and well-being sessions and science schemes of work. Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle to school and access to drinking water is provided throughout the school day.

Intervention Programmes

We operate a number of intervention programmes within all classes from Nursery up to Year 6. All staff utilise intensive Literacy and Numeracy support and are trained to deliver intervention programmes focusing upon the understanding and development of pupils’ emotional well-being. These programmes include the ‘Students Assistance Programme’ and ‘Friends for Life’ programme which are designed to boost pupil’s self–esteem and offer emotional support. Social and communication groups also operate for selected children across school.

School Policies/Schemes of Work

Policies and schemes of work are up-dated regularly in-line with Welsh Government guidance. These policies are housed just inside our school foyers and selected policies are also available via our school website. You are welcome to view any of our policies and offer comments.

School Website

Our school website address is www.actonpark-pri.wrexham.sch.uk Our website details all the latest updates, events and activities. Copies of letters/information will be posted on the website. We keep parents fully informed by issuing regular newsletters and both an annual and termly diary of events. We would welcome any ideas or suggestions for any additional information you would find useful on the site.

School Prospectus

Acton Park Primary School now has an online school prospectus. Anyone wishing to see what is on offer at the school should head over to the school website, where a copy can be downloaded.

Staff Professional Development

All staff attend professional development training throughout the year, which has been more on a remote basis this past year . This is identified through staff appraisal and performance management systems and priorities are set out in the School Improvement Plan.

Social and Community Links

Nightingale House is our chosen local charity who we support all year round with various fundraising events. In addition, we also continue to support other charities including Marie Curie, The Royal British Legion and Children in Need in addition to other local causes such as Wrexham Foodbank.

We maintain close links with various local places including churches and chapels, libraries, sports venues, museums and local businesses - however it has not been possible to access many of these places during the last year.

We continue our links with Rhosnesni High School, Coleg Cambria and other local secondary schools whose students will be invited to carry out work experience once it is appropriate for them to do so again, hopefully in the near future. We also hope to invite students from Glyndwr and Bangor universities to return on Trainee Teacher Placements and those following various childcare courses eg. BTEC. We are keen to sustain and develop our links with the outside community and local industry as we feel that this can add value to pupil learning.

Industry / Business Links

We have established links with, and enjoy welcoming visitors from local industries. We are always keen to foster new relationships as we feel that this extends the children’s curriculum opportunities and further develops their understanding of the different businesses and roles people play within our local community.

Any parent or carer with business/industry knowledge who would like to share this with our children is invited to contact the Headteacher.

Expenditure Statement End of Financial Year 2022/2023

Expenditure statement March 2022 to April 2023.

Thank you for taking the time to read our annual report. Should you have any questions or require clarification on anything contained within this report or you wish to raise anything for the attention of the Governing body, please contact school on: 01978 318950 or email school (for the attention of the Chair of Governors) at: mailbox@actonpark-pri.wrexham.sch.uk