Previous Week Recap from Mrs. Cormier
This week, we were able to send a group of PYP and MYP students to attend the PCS Student Leadership Summit hosted by Superintendent Hendrick and USF St. Petersburg.
We are excited to announce that three of our 5th graders will be participating in the All County Elementary Honors Chorus this year: Gabby Boulanger, Julia Bowman, and Elizabeth Brooker!
Almost every 5th grader in chorus auditioned, and it was a difficult selection process as we have so much talent here at Sanderlin. The three students selected have been learning and rehearsing 6 pieces of music that they will perform at the Mahaffey Theater on Saturday, February 22nd! Thank you for helping to celebrate our amazing singers!
We also want to celebrate the following PYP artists: Reid Cumbie, Emerson Greetham, Carter Micklitsch, Ilah Pape Semrad, and Ania Thackrey for their beautiful art which is proudly on display in The Risser Gallery at the Morean’s Word & Image Arts in Education Partnership Pinellas County School Exhibition “My Favorite Thing.”
We want to give a special congratulations to the following students for their awards:
Emerson Greetham: The Fighting Warriors - Honorable Mention Award
Ania Thackrey: Why I Love My Grandma - Award of Excellence
Ilah Pape Semrad: Iris - The Pinellas County Art Educators (PAEA) Young Artist Award
The art is on display now until March 8th at the Morean Arts Center/Risser Gallery, 719 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Important Reminders for this Week
Current 6th and 7th grade Families - It is time for students to choose their electives for next school year. Please use the links below to complete student elective choices by 1/31. You will need to rank student's top choices for their Art Electives and their Design Electives. Core classes will be chosen for students based on test scores and students current academic pathways. If you have any questions or concerns, please email Mrs. Becker at
Skip the Car line and join our bike ride to campus! Next Friday is our next BIKE BUS day!
Our lost & found continues to grow!
BOX TOP UPDATE: Your Box Top efforts have earned us $130.20 so far!
Please keep scanning to earn money for our school!
February's IB Attribute focus is being CARING!
See ideas below to support your child in becoming a more internationally minded citizen by being CARING!
Taking Action Opportunities!
All of the action opportunities listed below also "count" as taking action!