Stuck in the Single-Eyed Cave By Vidwan Aryan

Odysseus and his crew,

Lay weary and subdued,

From the land where Lotus grew,

Their spirits somewhat bruised.

Treacherous waters they sailed,

Beneath volcanoes' fiery veil,

Men of Ithaca, fearless hailed,

In the giant's den, they set their trail.

Untamed and harsh the land they found,

Desolate, rugged, with harsh sound,

Their hearts with fear did pound,

As they became the giant's ground.

Distraught by fate's cruel hand,

Cunning Odysseus took a stand,,

To save his men, he blitzed

Blinding the giant, his resolve unmissed.

Yet wrath ensued from beneath the seas,

The voice of vengeance whispered through the breeze,

Odysseus and his crew sailed on

For Ithaca thereupon