
The Voice Of St Leonards

Friday, 17 November 2023

Speak Up

We continue to build our Knowledge in all areas of learning during Knowledgeable November! It was wonderful to welcome so many parents and families to our Remembrance Assembly last Friday where the pupils shared their learning of Remembrance from throughout the day.

In Assembly on Monday and in our Ad Vitam lessons we, like thousands of other schools across the UK, have marked Anti-Bullying Week. A Year 5 pupil asked, ‘Isn’t every week Anti-Bullying Week?’ and I could not agree more! Ensuring our community is inclusive, kind, respectful and open-minded is central to our school values, and we can all play our part in this in having the confidence to ‘Speak Up’ for ourselves and others.

We have also been learning how to master the perfect ‘Bearpee’ in our PE lessons and today, Mr Moan from the University Sports Centre, led us in mass ‘Bearpees’ to help us support Children in Need. There were spots galore around school and we finished the day with an assembly, led by Mrs Beebee, to help us build our knowledge about the importance of helping others and how our donations will support children around the UK.

Claire Robertson, Head of Junior School

Island of the Week

Congratulations to Lewis for holding onto the Island of the Week title for the second week in a row!

Remembrance Day

The Junior School gathered for a special Remembrance Assembly on Friday, 10 November. Mrs Robertson opened the assembly by reminding everyone of the significance of the day and the meaning behind the poppy. Reverend Beebee also joined the assembly, guiding us to reflect on the valuable lessons we can all learn from past events. Each class then presented what they learned about Remembrance Day during the week. Many pupils also shared their thoughts on peace, kindness and how we can honour everyone who served. Thank you all for sharing your poems and artwork with us.

We Will Remember Them

Year 1

Diwali Celebrations

As part of their Unit of Inquiry, Year 1 have been learning about the festival of Diwali and the story of Rama and Sita. They sequenced the story of them both, how Rama had to fight the Demon King Ravana, after he kidnapped Sita. Year 1 learned he had 10 heads and 20 arms! The class made lamps to help light the way home for Rama and Sita. Great work Year 1!

They made sweet treats to celebrate Diwali with Miss Barclay. Chopping, cutting, mixing and a little bit of licking! Yum!

Fantastic Phonics

This week, Year 1 have been practising writing their “ay”, “ee” and “igh” words. What fabulous phonics, neat handwriting and brilliant words!

Year 2

Perfect Poppies

Last week, Year 2 created some beautiful poppy wreaths which were displayed during the Remembrance Assembly. They chose from paint, watercolours, chalk and oil pastels to create their individual design. They also made their own poppies, using tissue paper, pipe cleaners and felt. During the week, they explored Remembrance Day’s significance and the history behind the poppy and why we wear it. Lovely artwork, Year 2!

Year 3

Fire Safety

This week, Year 3 had a special visit from Crew Commander Colin Sanderson from the Fire Service to help teach them about their Unit on Staying Safe & Healthy. He explained to the children about being safe with electrical appliances and its potential dangers. He even brought some fire-fighter uniforms and an oxygen cylinder for the children to try on!

Sergeant David Finley

This week, Class 3C researched local hero, Sergeant David Finley. The children delved into records to find answers to questions like where he was born, how old he was when he joined the army and why he won a Victoria Cross medal. The pupils determined that Sergeant Finlay was a hero because he helped a wounded soldier (while he was in danger himself), carrying the soldier through 100 yards of fire swept area to the British line.

Peace is in our Hands

With Remembrance Day in mind, Class 3P explored the meaning of the poppy and shared their thoughts and feelings on peace for the future. They created this stunning piece of art by making their own poppies to place on photographs of their hands to symbolise 'peace is in our hands'.

The class also collected rocks in the school grounds and painted a poppy on them. They plan to take these with them when they are out on family walks and place them somewhere for other people to find. What a lovely idea to share with others as a reminder to all the soldiers who lost their lives for our safety.

Reflecting upon the Remembrance Day Assembly, Class 3C shared their thoughts:

"I was impressed by the kind little poem of Year 1" - Patrick M

"The poppy pieces that Year 4 made look great together" - Theodore

"I thought the Year 6's speeches were good and I liked their origami poppies" - Harriet

Year 4

Clay Creations

Year 4 had a great time crafting their own clay sculptures, drawing inspiration from the famous Barcelona Architect, Antoni Gaudi. The students have been looking closely at sculptures during their Express Yourself Unit and decided to make their own. It was an incredibly fun (and messy) project, and we love how they have turned out!

Year 5

Remembrance Poems

In celebration of Remembrance Day, Year 5 crafted heartfelt poems about what remembrance means to them. To go alongside their beautiful poetry, the children created artistic poppy fields, see their artwork below!

Year 6

Origami Poppies

In preparation for our Remembrance Assembly last Friday, the Year 6 students carried out their own research into why we commemorate Remembrance Day. They became knowledgeable about many aspects including the reason the poppy is a symbol of remembrance, when the first Remembrance Day was held, what the different coloured poppies represent and what the Cenotaph is.

To finish off their topic, the class made origami poppies to wear in Assembly. Bella and Jessica then shared their research in Assembly and explained why they hoped the tradition of Remembrance Day would continue for future generations. What fabulous role models, well done!

Anti-Bullying Week

This week we celebrated Anti-Bullying Week and it was brilliant to see the school community come together! On Monday, both students and staff proudly donned colourful odd socks to celebrate our unique differences. Throughout the week, pupils took part in a range of activities and workshops to create a space where everyone feels heard, supported and respected. Take a look at some of the vibrant ensembles!