Principal Update
Message from Vicky Ross, Principal
Parents, Friends and Carers
As we all enter the holiday period, the festivities at home will be ramping up for many. We would like to wish all our families a wonderful break and thank you for the many cards and presents you gave.
The last couple of weeks have provided many opportunities for the children to think about the meaning of Christmas – whether religious or not. Christmas is driven by the coming together of friends and family, sharing gifts, but – above all – caring for those who need it.
I have been truly overwhelmed by the generosity of our school and wider community: in both the time that they have given to the children but also, to the fundraising causes that you have supported.
Our first ever Reindeer and Santa run raised a huge amount of money for the Inspiration Fund – £2,835.25. Families also gave generously to PFA run events such as film nights, wreath making and bingo. Children also raised money for Save the Children through Christmas Jumper day. I want to make sure that all who give their time to coordinate these activities know how much they are valued!
The final weeks of school were filled with heart-warming performances from our talented children - with a fabulous nativity from EYFS, a singing performance from KS1, a stunning musical production involving all the children from EYFS to year 6 and a moving performance from the choir in St Botolph’s, Boston at the Trust carol concert. These events were the perfect icing to the cake for a term filled with learning and strong academic progress for the children.
I’m so proud of all the children, staff and whole community that have worked together to think of others. Now it is time to enjoy the break and try to rest (if that is possible over Christmas) ready for a fresh start in the new year. I hope that everyone has a lovely holiday.
Take care....
Mrs Ross and The Richmond Team
My Child at School (MCAS)
A reminder that, next term, to bring us in line with the Trust, we will be moving away from Parentpay, to My Child at School (MCAS). We have moved this transition back as parents were struggling to access the accounts. If you still haven't managed to access your account, please come into the office in the new year so we can take a look.
Dinner menus for January are on Parent Pay as before.
Another reminder too - please ensure that the school holds up-to-date email addresses for parents and carers as both medical alerts and school messages will be sent to these.
Term Dates
Term 3: Monday 6th January 2025 - Friday 14th February 2025
Term 4: Monday 24th February 2025 - Friday 4th April 2025
Term 5: Tuesday 22nd April 2025 - Friday 23rd May 2025 (Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May)
Term 6: Monday 2nd June 2025 - Friday 18th July 2025
A reminder that we are communicating via:
Email -
Academy News
Trust and Academy News
December 9th - St Botolph's Church Boston - our choir attended the Trust carol concert. Together with eight Trust schools, they sang a collection of carols. Our choir performed individually, choosing 'O Holy Night'. The beautiful singing, combined with the church acoustics, produced a soul-stirring rendition worthy of the applause it achieved.
In school, work has gone on until the very last day. The final week saw the impressive finale of hours of writing build up. The children started with a writing hook in November and have been building from there, to producing their original pieces.
Below are a few snippets of our writing. It has been lovely to hear the pride in the voices of the children as they share these. For example, in Year 6, I've heard phrases such as, 'I'm really enjoying writing at the moment.'
We have also put in a lot of work in all the other subjects.
Staff Spotlight
Happy Retirement, Amber !!!!
Last week, we were very sad to say goodbye to Mrs Jurek. Mrs Jurek has been working as a teaching assistant while completing her apprenticeship training. We are delighted to say, she passed and now has secured a position locally. Good luck, Mrs Jurek!
Also we are delighted to introduce Mrs Goodrick. Mrs Goodrick is an experienced teacher who will be joining our Year 3 team. She is very excited to get started, and we are excited to welcome her to The Richmond
Community News
A letter from Lincolnshire Council....we are encouraging parents and residents to respond to.
Dear Sir/Madam
Lincolnshire County Council recently received a request to review the waiting restrictions in the vicinity of The Richmond Primary Academy.
Investigations have shown that although the advisory School Safety Zone is adhered to, cars are parking in the grass verges obstructing visibility for the school crossing patrol to operate in a safe manner. It was also noted that inconsiderate and dangerous parking is occurring at the junctions close to the school causing safety concerns for all road users.
The proposal is shown on the attached plan and I look forward to receiving any comments you may wish to make. If I do not receive a response by 21st January 2025 I will assume that you have no objections to the proposal.
Yours faithfully, R Greaves, For Programme Leader Minor Works & Traffic
Applications to start school in 2025
Applications for children who turn 5 between September 1st 2025 and 31st August 2026 are now open. Children who were born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 should apply on the Lincolnshire Admissions website before January 15th 2025
Applications can be made here:
Check out tonnes of other trust news here…David Ross Education Trust
Winter isn't easy for many. Please use local support if you are struggling. There are many teams that can help. HAY Lincolnshire is a good source of information as well as The Storehouse on North Parade. Find details here:
Remember, if you are concerned about anything, come and speak to us on the gates in the morning - or drop us a message on and we will get back to you.
Community News
Contextual Safeguarding is combatting the risks to children that are presented by their location - part of which is the community they live in. At the Richmond Primary Academy, we have identified that our Primary Contextual Safeguarding Concerns fall into the following three categories:
Risk/Harm caused by inappropriate supervision of children
The proximity of water (sea and waterways), the railway, busy roads and dangers caused by the influence of drugs, alcohol and gangs, means that children who are alone - or poorly supervised in the home and community are at risk - we aim to support parents with increased knowledge and access to local/national agencies. In this way we will minimise these risks and educate our children in navigating these dangers.
Risk/Harm caused by anti-social and/or criminal behaviour in the community
Domestic and sexual violence, gang crime, shop-lifting, arson and anti-social behaviour are prevalent in the area of Skegness. We are making links with the community services to support our families. Children, through PSHE and values education, will have the right character to resist these dangers.
Risk/Harm caused by exposure to inappropriate content
TV, media - including social media, streaming, and online gaming are conduits for children to access the dangers of grooming, self-harm images, explicit images and extremist views. Our PSHE and parental engagement programme will be developed to support parents in reducing the risks of exposure to these and to build digital resilience in children.