Who Is Your Audience?

Need Help?

Contact: Jennilyn Wiley | Business Librarian

Where to use this information?

  • Video Content: Inform your choice of video topic
  • Marketing Plan: Describe Your Target Audience
  • Results Report: Explain Why Your Video Hit or Missed the Mark

Auburn Student Demographics

Recommended Resources

Statista includes a series of Target Audience reports | Mintel reports contain consumer insights for 80+ markets

Access Statista

Copy/Paste the most applicable report title (including quotes) into the main search box:

  • "Target audience: Consumers driven by influencer marketing in the United States"
  • "Target audience: Gen Z / Generation Z in the United States"
  • "Target audience: Millennials in the United States"
  • "Target audience: Gen X / Generation X in the United States"
Tip: Check Out the Consumer lifestyle section of the report

Access Mintel

Copy/Paste the most applicable report title into the search box and look under Suggested Titles:

  • Social Media Trends: Spotlight on Content Creators - US - 2023
  • Marketing to Gen Z - US - 2023
  • Marketing to Millennials - US - 2023
  • Marketing to Gen X - US - 2023
Tip: Play with the databook feature (Jump to 6:22 in the video)

Sample graph: Popular content types by generation & gender