HAPPENING this afternoon
Festival of the Crèche, December 10, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. and 3-5 p.m.: Come stroll through the lobby of Jubilee Hall where church members’ personal nativity sets/creches will be on display for you to admire while enjoying a cup of coffee or hot cider.
Kneeling at the Manger, December 10, 4 p.m., Jubilee Hall: Join us for this annual service of story and song. Children may dress as their favorite nativity character.
Service of Hope and Consolation, December 11, 6:30 p.m., Sanctuary: For those who have suffered loss, the holidays can be especially challenging. Join us for this service of remembrance and healing.
Love Feast, December 17, 7-8 p.m., Sanctuary: Everyone is invited to this youth-led worship service featuring spiced tea and Moravian buns.
Advent Study Group Continues: Join us for week two of our three-week Advent series as we discuss how Christmas transformed our world. There is no book to purchase. We will focus and reflect on specific Gospel lessons. Click here for details.
Walk the Advent Labyrinth: During this season of waiting, come to the labyrinth in Francis Chapel for a uniquely prayerful experience. A special setting and printed materials will be available to guide you in a walk of preparation for Christmas. Please call 704-376-8584 before visiting to ensure Francis Chapel is available for your walk. Email Rev. Taylor Pryde Barefoot at tbarefoot@mpumc.org for more details.
And His Name Shall Be Call-ed: In Dr. Howell's Advent series, we’ll explore and sing together in worship Isaiah’s prophecy of the fabulous name of the one Israel longed for, the one whose coming we celebrate and still long for: God with us, Emmanuel, who’ll be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. If you don't already receive Dr. Howell’s biweekly emails, click here to sign up. And be part of our four worship services, one on each pair of these names, in person or online!
Shop the Alternative Gift Market: Come honor friends and families with gifts that support our community partners and neighbors around the world. Click here to shop online to make donations directly to partner agencies. If you need shopping assistance, come by the Missions office Monday-Friday, and we will help facilitate your giving!
Goodness Gracious: Making your list? Checking it twice? Let Goodness Gracious take the stress out of gift-giving this year. Stop by the shop to find a wonderful selection of seasonal gifts perfect for hostesses, teachers, neighbors, and anyone else on your list. All sales support outreach! To stay up to date on all the latest news in the shop, follow us on Instagram @goodnessgraciousgifts
Fourth Sunday in Advent and Christmas Eve
Join us for morning worship to mark the Fourth Sunday of Advent:
8:45 a.m., Church in the Round, Jubilee Hall
9:45 a.m., Sanctuary
11 a.m., Sanctuary
This is a Family Worship Day. Children’s Sunday School and Youth Starting Point will not meet. Families are encouraged to worship together. Child care is available for children who are not yet in kindergarten for these morning services only.
Join us in the afternoon for one of our Christmas Eve services celebrating the joy of the season and the birth of our Lord!
12:30 p.m., Jubilee Hall: Music and carols with a Jazz twist
2 p.m., Sanctuary: Carols, candlelight, children’s Nativity tableau
4 p.m., Jubilee Hall: Casual, contemporary, acoustic
6 p.m., Sanctuary: Carols, candlelight, children’s Nativity tableau
8 p.m., Sanctuary: Choir, carols, candlelight, with Holy Communion
11 p.m., Sanctuary: Choir, carols, candlelight, with Holy Communion
Our Christmas Eve offering will go directly to our local school partners and our global partner Zoe Empowers to ensure their work continues to thrive. Hundreds of vulnerable children and under-resourced families are reached through your generous donations. We challenge you to give generously by determining what you spent on gifts for your family and giving the equivalent amount on Christmas Eve. To make your gift, visit www.myersparkumc.org/give and select Holy Days from Fund drop-down menu on the gift form or note Holy Days Offering on your check mailed to our business office at 1501 Queens Road, Charlotte, NC 28207.
more news and events
Rev. Bill Roth Retiring: In a recent letter to the congregation, Dr. Howell announced that our longtime and much-beloved pastor Rev. Bill Roth will retire at the end of June 2024. In the letter, Bill shared "For the past twenty-four and half years, serving as your Pastor of Congregational Care has been my great privilege and joy. However, the time has come for me to retire from full-time ministry and spend more time with my family." We will have opportunities to celebrate his ministry and express our gratitude to him. Join us in prayers of thanksgiving for Bill’s life and ministry, for blessings in his retirement, and for our church, which is God’s church, as we move forward, as always, in hope. Click here to read the full announcement.
Register for the Annual Women’s Retreat: All women are invited to attend ReCreate, our 17th Annual Women's Retreat, February 9-11 at the Montreat Conference Center. Join us for the weekend to worship and connect with other women in our church. Click here to register.
Maybe I’m Amazed Podcast: In October, Dr. Howell and Dr. Mark Holland, co-founder and executive director of Mainstream UMC, an advocacy group working for unity in the Body of Christ and the United Methodist Church, talked about where the United Methodist Church is right now, what's coming up at General Conference in May, when our future will be decided, what’s at stake, and how we can be involved. Click here to listen and subscribe.
Your ongoing generosity to our church Operating Fund and our Mission & Outreach Fund makes it possible for our church family to connect through worship, fellowship and prayer and support our most vulnerable neighbors near and far.
End-of-Year Giving Reminder: Financial contributions to our church received or postmarked by December 31, 2023 will receive 2023 tax credit. Mail checks to 1501 Queens Road, Charlotte, NC 28207, or make your offering online at www.myersparkumc.org/give. To make a stock or charitable fund contribution or if you have questions about your gift or pledge contribution, contact Linda Edwardsen at lindae@mpumc.org or 704-295-4842.
We are the body of Christ, growing in faith and serving others