Create single-page webpages for projects such as portfolios, presentations, blog posts, field trips and photo galleries. You can also use these webpages as a weekly or monthly newsletter.
Resources: what you are going to need
- Access to the internet, a browser (Chrome) and able to login.
- A desktop computer or laptop to take notes, add pictures and videos.
- On the homepage of Adobe Express, select +.
- In Create, select Webpage.
- Use the main tools within the user interface to tryout and explore the functionality of Adobe Express.
- Add title and subtitle to the webpage. Add Photo, Short Cover and Split Layout.
- Select Themes to apply a theme and set Fonts and Styles for your webpage.
- Add Photos, Videos, Text, Buttons, Photo Grid, Glideshow etc.
- Now create a webpage yourself, similar to this example: Journeys around Europe.
- Publish your project and share the link.
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