New Information
Disc Golf Club for 4th & 5th Graders
Young Rembrandts - Spring Class
2nd Grade Spring Concert
Repeat Information
25-26 Class Placement
Our Staff is beginning to work on plans for the 2025-2026 School Year:
• If you know of someone in our neighborhood with an incoming Kindergartener, please ask them to register their student.
• If you are not planning to return to Riffenburgh in August, please fill out the Form coming home in today's Friday Folder and return it to your Homeroom teacher by March 14, 2025
• We do not take Teacher Requests for the upcoming school year. However, if you are interested in filling out our Optional Parent Input Form, please call the Office (970-488-7935) and we will put a form in an envelope to give to your student. These forms must be returned by March 14, 2025.
On Thursday 3/13 and Friday 3/14 Lost & Found Items will be placed on tables outside Riffenburgh's Main Entrance. Please look for your student's items. Unclaimed items will be donated on Tuesday, March 25, 2025.
From The Health Office:
Just a friendly reminder that any medications, whether prescription or over-the-counter, that your student may need at school must have a signed order from your doctor, this includes cough drops, ointments & eye drops. We have been seeing several cough drops at school and medications in lunch boxes.
Here is the link to the medication form required by PSD to have medications at school.
Please reach out to the Health Office, 970-488-7941, with any questions.
Thank you,
Kelley Warren, Riffenburgh School Nurse
Scholastic Book Fair
Get ready—the Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school! This is a great opportunity to connect with your child over the thrill of bringing home new books to dive into again and again. Studies show that kids read more when they choose books for themselves. A love of independent reading boosts academic success, plus children who read more frequently also report improved mental health!
Students can shop with a grownup during the following times:
- Wednesday, March 12: 3:15-5:00 pm
- Thursday, March 13: 3:15-6:00 pm
- Friday, March 14: 7:15-9:00 am
Students can shop during school hours without a grownup:
- Friday, March 14, all lunch periods
The Book Fair can't happen without volunteers! Please sign up to volunteer
Students are welcome to stay at the book fair while their parents are volunteering but won't be allowed to help with cash registers.
There’s even more info on our school’s:
While you’re there, set up a Book Fair eWallet, the digital payment account that allows your child to shop for books at the Fair without cash. Then share your eWallet link so friends and extended family can add funds. When you fund an eWallet, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to a giving initiative called Share the Fair™. Your contributions directly support our students who need help buying books from the Fair.
Upcoming State and District Required Assessments:
In our spring semester we will be administering annual state and district required assessments. Please make note of the dates for the assessments your child will be taking and, whenever possible, please avoid absences during the testing periods. Please note that, on testing days, if students arrive late after testing has begun, they will not be able to join their class until testing has completed for the day. Having students on time and present on testing days helps us gather valuable data while minimizing interruptions to daily instruction. Please help us meet that goal!
Typically, assessments begin in the morning and conclude each day prior to lunch.
2nd Grade:
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): May 6th and May 7th
3rd Grade:
Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS): April 1st -3rd and April 8th -10th
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): May 1st and 2nd
4th Grade:
Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS): April 1st -3rd and April 4th, 7th and 8th
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): April 29th and 30th
5th Grade:
Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS): April 1st -3rd and April 4th, 7th , 8th, and April 9th through 11th
Measures of Academic Progress (MAP): April 29th and May 30th
Reporting Absences Thru ParentVUE
Why Use ParentVUE for Absences
If a student is not attending school for the day or series of days, the parent has the ability to document this absence in ParentVUE instead of making a call and leaving a voicemail for the attendance clerk.
How to Enter an Absence
- Log in to ParentVUE
- Click on "Report Absences" (listed on the left side panel)
- Mark either 'E for Excused" or "EI for Excused Illness'. You can submit the attendance for a signledate or a range of dates by clicking on each day. (Future absences are not visible in PVUE until the date of the absence.)
- Please leave a comment in the notes section, explaining the absence.
- Click Save
Please let the Attendance Office know about ALL absences even if you have alerted the Classroom Teacher.
Volunteering at Riffenburgh
If you plan on Volunteering at Rifenburgh, you must register or check that your status is current with Poudre School District (PSD) thru the following portal (renewasl are every 3 years) before you come to school.
** Pelase remember to bring a Government Issued Identification (Driver's License)(DIGITAL IDs are not accepted) to school when you check in as a Vistor or Volunteer. This is a requirement for the Check In process.***
Classroom Treats
If it is necessary to have food in classrooms during school hours (i.e. birthday snack, holidays, special occasions, school events, etc.),
- only commercially prepared and packaged, INDIVIDUAL items (NO CAKES or HUGE COOKIES ) with ATTACHED ingredient labels from retail stores can be served
- contact your child's teacher prior to sending food or treats in
- do not send in Balloons or Gifts for the Birthday Child
- all treats should come to the Main Office.
District News
Repeat Flyer
District Menu
Nutrislice is updated by our district nutrition team each day, the links below will be the most reliable source for daily options.
Calendar for School Year 2024- 2025
Important Upcoming Dates:
- March 17-21, 2025 - No School - Spring Break
- April 18, 2025 - No School for Students
- May 16, 2025 - No School For Students
- May 26, 2025 - No School - Memorial Day
- May 29, 2025 - Last Day of School