Goal Setting Conversations

Setting the Stage for Success

Mentoring is a powerful, personalized learning design. Yet the dynamics of mentoring relationships are complex. When there is a misalignment of expectations significant challenges can arise.

Engaging in collaborative goal setting conversations at the outset of any mentoring relationship helps to set the stage for success. Two potentially powerful outcomes of these learning focused conversations are:

  • Building relational trust
  • Clarifying roles and expectations
Practical Ideas

Building Relational Trust

Being “present” by applying the elements of effective listening is at the core of building trust and rapport in any relationship.

Clarifying Roles and Expectations

Position yourself as a co-learner by sharing your own learning goals for the mentoring relationship. Mentoring relationships that flourish are reciprocal – all parties learn and grow.

Possible Goal Setting Conversation Questions
  • What strengths and attributes do you bring to your role?
  • What are your hopes, wishes and dreams for your students?
  • What goals do you have for your professional learning this year?
  • How do you see our collaboration best working?
  • What are the best ways for us to communicate? (preferred tools, times, methods)
  • Who else can provide support and mentorship?
  • What are the next steps in our collaboration?

Goal Setting Conversations Video (1 min 11 sec)