The children have loved imagining that they are explorers, travelling across a tropical island. Last week we found a huge footprint so we've been on a mission to look for more clues.
Advance warning, the next photo is disgusting (but was fascinating for the children). We imagined we found a ginormous dinosaur poo.
To support our imaginary mantle work we have some tropical plants in the classroom. The children are learning to care for them and like to touch and feel the leaves.
We continued celebrating our love of imaginary stories on World Book Day. There were opportunities for reading in the dark, having cake with a tiger, sharing fruit with Handa, going on a bear hunt and hearing superhero stories.
Thank you to all the parents who were able to join us and we hope you enjoyed your breakfast with stories in the hall.
The love for books didn't stop there this week. We had two fantastic parent volunteers come and read their favourite stories to the class. It honestly means the world to the children that they can hear and see family members enjoying reading.
It was our EY's class assembly this week which worked nicely with our phonics focus being to experiment with different voice sounds. In class we practiced using a 'loud' and 'whisper' voice.
Please keep an eye out for the parent meeting sign up sheet on the classroom door and make sure you choose a slot that is convent for you. Thanks.