
20th September 2024

Save the date

Thursday 26th September – Tiny Tiddlers: The Great Bake Off 8.50am – 10.30am

Thursday 10th October – Tea & Talk: Nursery – meet the parents 8.50am

Thursday 10th October – Hello Yellow

Thursday 10th October – Open Evening for prospective parents

Friday 11th October – School Nursing team: Flu Immunisation (Reception – Year 6)

Thursday 17th October – Tea & Talk: Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2

Thursday 17th October – Year 3 parents 3.30pm

Thursday 17th October – Year 4 parents 4.15pm

Thursday 24th October – Preloved uniform sale – 3.10pm in the main hall

Friday 25th October – Half term – Collection at 3.10pm

Monday 11th November – Return to academy


Dear parents/carers,

Our focus this week has been on our rule of respect and caring for our environment, this includes our classrooms, outside space, communal areas, resources and much more. We have reminded the children that our areas are for learning, playing and enjoying the outside space and we are lucky to have these to use.

This week in assembly, we have been talking about play and learning sessions (breaks and lunchtimes). We focused on the importance of making safe choices during these sessions; in the dining hall and whilst playing outside and respecting our inside and outside areas.

During play, children learn to relax and develop their social interactions with their friends. Our playgrounds are demarcated into different zones, creating a blend of active and quiet spaces that support the development of social emotional skills and support learning and life skills.

In KS1, we have introduced the creative village that houses a Lego hut, Dress Up hut, Small World hut, Reading hut and loose parts area. Children are encouraged to fully engage in these spaces each lunchtime, learning to share and take turns.

In KS2, we have ball games on the field and Astro, climbing on the Gym Trail, games led by Play Leaders. Introducing our Chill Out area, here children can draw and read, chat with friends as well as build Lego together. We continue to look for ways to further develop these areas and engage in feedback from our children.

Can we remind you to supervise your child in the morning before the gates open. For our children’s safety, they should not be on their scooters, bikes or climbing walls. Our wildflower garden by the main gates is a labour of love, whilst at the moment there doesn’t look to be much there, nature is working hard beneath the ground and come Spring will be a blanket of colour. Please ensure that children are kept off this area at all times to protect the area.

We have seen an increase in jumpers, coats and other items being left on the playground at break and lunchtime. We understand that it is frustrating when your child comes home without their belongings, Miss Nixon and the office team will always do their best to return labelled items to class and place non-labelled items in the red lost property box by the main gates, but there are currently a lot of items to get through! These pictures show items collected in one day.

Please do speak with your child and remind them to collect their items before they return to class. All items should be clearly labelled, this will ensure that lost property is reunited with its owner.

Next week we welcome back Mr Cauchi to the academy as we continue to support St Vincents Centre for this years harvest. Donations will support those in need and Mr Cauchi will share with the children about the caring actions within the community.

As always, enjoy your family time together.

Mrs Nicholls

In the spotlight

Year 6

Year 6 have settled well into their new year group. They have been mature, sensible and are looking forward to being role models for the rest of the school. We have started our science topic about the planets called ‘Out of this world-what’s out there?’ and enjoyed their science horizon workshops this week. We have also allocated our prefect roles and have the upcoming speeches to look forward to from the potential head prefects on Monday 30th September. All classes will be given voting slips and the Head prefects will be announced by the end of that week. The children are looking forward to their first cake sale later this half term.

Good luck to all our Y6 children who may be sitting their 11 Plus exams this weekend. Stay calm and try your best. You have prepared for this day, and you are ready. Get a lot of rest ahead of the exams and keep hydrated. Whatever the outcome, be proud of yourselves. Wishing you the very best.


Over the last three weeks we have welcomed back some familiar faces but also some new faces into the Rockpool, Reception is now full of smiley faces that are ready to begin their journey at the academy. All the children have settled well and are making new friends. All the staff have commented on how quickly the children have settled into their new routines with their new teachers. Thank you to all the parent and carers at the gate who are saying goodbye quickly and getting their children through the gate on time ready for them to begin their day. Please remember to label all your children’s items of clothing and remember a named water bottle each day.

Active Citizens

We are proud of our different Active Citizen Groups who not only get involved in decision-making in our school but also outside of our school, making links with different community groups and other schools. This week, we shared with the children our different groups and how they could get involved with these roles.

The Junior Leadership Team consists of Prefects and two Head Prefects. Year 6s apply for these roles by completing an application form. Their responsibilities include collecting house points, helping younger pupils and showing prospective parents around the school. Across the school each year, our children can vote for the two Head Prefects, who will be sharing why they should be chosen in assembly this month.

Our Junior Governors have two representatives in each class and meet regularly to discuss ideas on how we can make the academy even better as well as working within our local community. Each class has had a democratic vote and chosen their two representatives.

The Play Squad consists of leaders in year 5 and 6 who help supervise and lead activities at lunchtime, being positive role models to younger children. Mr Blewett is looking for some new year 5 Leaders to join his team. Please see him for an application form.

The Sports Committee is made up of children across the school who have a passion for sport and wish to discuss their ideas for PE lessons and competitions. Mr Felton has application forms for anyone from years 3 to 6.

The Eco Committee are responsible for making decisions on how we can make our school more sustainable, leading projects and working closely with community groups and other schools. Mrs Powell is looking for some new recruits from year 1 to year 6. Please create a poster of your eco ideas to give to her.

Our Peer Mentors receive training to help them support other children at breaktime and lunchtime who might be feeling lonely or upset. Mrs Grant has asked for children in years 3 to 6 to write a letter explaining why you think you would be best suited for the role.

The Reading Ambassadors can express their love of reading by keeping our library and book areas tidy, as well as recommending their favourite books and reading to younger children. Mr Dunne has asked you to write a letter explaining why you think you would be best suited for the role. He would like to have one Ambassador in each class.

The Digital Leaders are responsible for checking IT equipment and will be trained to improve their coding skills so they can help other children in lessons. Mrs Bermon has asked you to see her if you are interested.

We are keen to encourage all children to apply for these roles if they have an interest and teachers are currently bringing their groups together. If your child is interested, they have until 30th September to either complete an application form, write a letter or create a poster depending on the role they wish to apply for. Each child selected will receive a special lanyard to identify what their role is.

Year 6 Space Exploration Day

Year 6 had an incredible day this week exploring space and beyond this week with our science horizons workshop. We first learnt about the space race between the Soviet Union and America and the mission to the moon. This was followed by a hands-on session making rocket fuel using a PH experiment, using a robot claw to pick up objects and exploring gravity in all of the planets of the Solar System. The children used digital simulators to set off rockets and another one to land them in their docking bays. Each group was given a planet to research and feed back on. Then we handled real meteorites and learnt about how they are formed and the difference between meteoroids, meteors, and meteorites. We learnt about the difference between stone and iron meteorites.

In the afternoon, we learnt about a Space Age life, what life was life in the 1950’s and 60’s and we listened to Neil Armstrong’s famous words on a 9in record from the time, “ It’s one small step for man and one giant leap for mankind”. We also learnt about how children were entertained and played with space toys from over the years. The children learnt about how astronauts live on the International Space Station including how they sleep in Space and how they use the toilet! We finished the day with launching rockets on the field. It was an amazing day filled with knowledge and fun facts and activities.

‘No electricity’ day

Last week, year 3 enjoyed having a day with ‘no electricity’ to launch their Connected Curriculum Unit ‘How does electricity Work?’ The teachers taught lessons without any interactive whiteboards and used objects to help children understand key concepts. In the afternoon, the children were asked to imagine what life would have been like in the past by using jars and cream to create butter. They soon learned that sometimes things are harder work without electricity!

“It was really fun learning this way”

“I actually preferred it as it meant I could really focus on the teacher”

“Can we have another day without electricity?”

Super Start to the Sporting Term

Our very first competition of the new term ended in success for our Panathlon Cricket team! The team were crowned champions at the annual competition held at Loughton Cricket Club against 8 schools from all over Essex. They demonstrated great accuracy when bowling and some excellent batting skills too. Well done to all involved, what a fantastic performance and start to the term.

This is going to be a very busy term for our sports teams with Football, Dodgeball, Cross Country, Hockey, Boccia, New Age Curling and Seated Vollyball competitions all on the way before Christmas. Let’s hope we can continue the success of our cricket team. Fingers crossed!!

Hello Yellow

On 10th October it is Hello Yellow. Every year, thousands of schools, companies and communities come together to make World Mental Health Day that little bit brighter by wearing something yellow and donating to YoungMinds.

Right now, the world is a tough place for children and young people to grow up in. We want young people to know that they don’t have to go through this alone and with support from Young Minds things can get better.

Children are invited to wear yellow accessories with their school uniform and contribute towards this amazing charity, along with “Just One Tree,” through Parent Pay. We all recognise the importance that the outdoors has in promoting our mental health and through donations Just one Tree plant new trees to grow forests and regenerate oceans. The also educate current and future generations around the world.

Because we stand brighter, together,

Tiny Tiddlers

It has been lovely to see so many Tiny Tiddlers return after the summer, including some new faces! I can’t believe how much you have all grown! It was sad to say goodbye to some who have moved up to Tiddlers in Nursery but I love to see their smiley faces in the garden.

Tiny Tiddlers is a come and play session that runs each week during term time, a time for families to get together and build friendships. The session is run on a Thursday 8.50-10.30 and is a pay as you go session (£2) which includes tea, coffee, biscuits, and a snack for the children. If you are interested in coming along, please confirm your attended with and let us know of any allergies.

Next week, Tiny Tiddlers are coming together for their weekly session but with a difference to their snack time! In support of Macmillan coffee morning, parents and tiddlers will bring their own bakes to the session. We cannot wait to see the creations they make, it’s never too late to start them baking!

Open Evening

We will holding our open evening on Thursday 10th October and having a series of prospective tours for those choosing Reception for 2025-26.

Please be aware, that due to our open evening there will be no after school provision (Little Mariners) and after school clubs on this date, year 5 & 6 football, multi sports, TTRS and gymnastics will not be held as staff will be involved in the open evening event. Please ensure that your child is collected at normal pick-up time on this date. Thank you for your co-operation.

Flu Immunisation

The Immunisation team will be visiting the Academy on Friday 11th October to administer the annual flu spray. You must complete the online form to say if you give your consent or not for your child to have the spray administered. If a form is not submitted your child will not receive the immunisation.


This vaccination is recommended to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and can cause serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable family and friends by preventing the spread of flu.

Most children are offered a nasal spray vaccine which is a quick, simple and painless spray up the nose.

The nasal spray vaccine is the most effective vaccine. The nasal spray vaccine contains a very small amount of porcine gelatine as an essential ingredient to keep it stable and able to work. For those who may not accept medicines or vaccines that contain porcine gelatine, a flu vaccine injection is available. Even if your child had the vaccine last year, the type of flu can vary each winter, so it is recommended to have it again this year or they won’t be protected.

Since the programme was introduced, most children offered the vaccine in schools have had the immunisation.

Preloved Uniform Sale

We will be holding our next preloved uniform sale on Thursday 24th October. If you have uniform that you would like to donate to our pre-loved sale, we would gladly accept these at the main office.

Cliffs Pavilion Pantomime Tickets – Jack & the Beanstalk

Rylan will be starring in this year's fabulous family pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk at the Cliffs Pavilion as ‘The Spirit of the Beans’.

We have a limited supply of tickets available for sale on ParentPay for the 7pm performance on Saturday 14th December 2024.

They are Band A tickets in the stalls area of the Cliffs Pavilion and we are selling them for just £25 each, a fantastic saving on the full price!

Purchase early to avoid disappointment!



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Coral 99.3%

Darlinghurst Academy

Pavilion Drive

Leigh on Sea




T. 01702 478379

F. 01702 509207
