I am excited about the study our small group is going through! It is a course on spiritual formation. One of the issues that it has brought us is the idea of moralism. The question comes up in how do we respond to our spiritual guilt? When we sin and are convicted, what do we do with that? One temptation is moralism or working harder in our own lives to be moral. But have you tried that? I have, and it failed. I think this is a temptation that new Christians and more seasoned Christians can fall into at times.

I recall a quote from the series by Dallas Willard that says

"The Christian life is what you do when you finally realize you can do nothing."

Let that sink in. We cannot do what only Christ can. Working harder ourselves doesn't lead us into salvation.

I am reminded of Romans 7. I encourage you to read it, Romans 7:7-25. Paul shows that we often do the things we do not want to do even when we know better. We want to do good things and often can't bring ourselves to do them. Verses 22-25 are key here. We are at war internally. We cannot win this war on our own. Paul says in verse 24 "What a wretched man I am!" I think we have all felt that at times. Then in verses 24 -25, he says who will rescue me, thanks be to God Jesus Christ our Lord. We can't rescue ourselves! That's why we will continue to give all glory to Christ because he is the one who can rescue us.

Sometimes when we see our sin and feel the conviction, it opens a door for us to call out to God. That door is often harder to go through than simply saying I will do better tomorrow. We must be open to being honest with God, as Paul was, that we are wretched. When God convicts us, it gives us an opportunity to realize our continual need for Christ and to be open to the fullness of grace that is only found at the cross.

This passage then leads into Romans 8:1

"Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."

Jesus has overcome! I pray that we will spend a moment to reflect on the fullness of grace that only Jesus can provide.


As I am writing this article, one of my children is preparing to leave on a baseball trip to Florida for Spring Break. This will be an opportunity for him to stretch those wings, do something he loves, and stand on his own feet without Mom and Dad standing over him making decisions for him. Before he leaves, we will help with preparation by making packing lists, buying any toiletries and snacks he might need, provide emergency contact information – all the things. One of the last things we will do is “have the talk”.

This talk has become a legacy conversation in our family. Growing up, whenever I went somewhere without my parents, my Mama would always say “Remember who you are! You don’t only represent yourself, but you represent your parents, aunt, grandparents – your family. Be the person away from us that we taught you to be with us. Walk with integrity and always listen to that small voice inside of you.” In other words, walk the walk of your faith, your upbringing. My parents said this to us so many times that we would attempt to circumvent the talk and tell them, “I know…I will remember who I am!”

How things do not change. Now, my boys say the same thing to me, “I know mom, remember who I am”. It reminds me what God whispers in my ears at different times in my life – “Remember who you are, Christian. Remember who you are, Child of God. Remember who you are, Overcomer. Remember who you are, Beloved.” Yes indeed, remember who you are. But also remember WHOSE you are. In 1 Corinthians 6, Paul reminds the Corinthians that their bodies are holy temples of the Holy Spirit who is in us. Paul then says,

“…you are not your own; you were bought at a price.” I Corinthians 6:19-20

As we approach Easter, may we always remember the price Jesus paid for us, corporately and individually. That He paid my ransom for my sin. That He paid your ransom for your sin. That He paid our ransom so that we would not be condemned to an eternity of suffering, but a life everlasting with Him.

That is Good News! Glory Be To God!

Faith, Family, and the Foundations of Legacy


A few weeks ago Donna and I were headed back from College Station through an aged agricultural countryside. It was cold and overcast outside and the gray day made the landscape look even older. I was curious about the remnants of the deteriorating homes, abandoned equipment and buildings and even the broken fences that framed the properties. I wondered about the people and families that were a part of the history. What were the hopes and dreams that went into building what is now, in many cases, abandoned and forgotten?

In many cultures a family home has been part of a legacy. A legacy of growing up together, of caring for family and friends, in some cases, over several generations. The pieces of property owned provided a means of families to be able to support and sustain themselves. It also represented unity, solidarity, faith and was a sign of a strong Christian family. Today, with the growing urban lifestyles, and the temptations and influences we are exposed to, these past examples are also becoming ruins. Makes a person wonder, what the legacies being left for future generations will look like.

The week following our trip, Clay’s message left me with the thought that today, our legacies need to be based on a strong, engaged, family. Engaged in faith in God and Jesus Christ, and a part of a strong church based on that faith.

In John 17:24 Christ prayed for his people.

24 “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. 25 “Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. 26 I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

While many of us have seen or been a part of strong, multi-generational homes that have made up family histories, my hope is that, even with the changes we find ourselves experiencing, we are able to reach out to one another, draw close to one another, support one another, strengthen our family units and develop the means of leaving a strong Christian legacy.

Dear Christian friends and supporters,

The Apostle Paul's warning to Timothy, "But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days" (2 Timothy 3:1), has come true in Burma. Recently, the Burmese military junta announced the urgent drafting of all citizens into the army, targeting men aged 18 to 35 years and women aged 18 to 27. This drastic measure comes as the military junta has lost a significant number of its forces in conflicts with opposition groups that opposed the military coup. Such actions are likely to provoke the worst civil war Burma has ever seen. No Burmese person wants to be drafted, leading the entire population to attempt fleeing to surrounding countries. This incident has created unbearable hardship for all Burmese people. The newly recruited soldiers will be sent to the front lines and used as human shields. Therefore, Burma urgently needs our prayers.

Burma Ministry Update

As the Buddhist Burmese find no hope in their religion and government, they continue to turn to Christ. Recently, three young individuals from Insein and Laydaya townships have accepted the Lord and were baptized by Evangelist Bathine Aung last month. Another Burmese man was baptized by Joseph Abur at Shwebyda Church. Many more people from all the places our evangelists have made contact with will join them soon. Praise the Lord!

Rice bags are divided and given to each members of all families because some families are large.

I have asked the evangelists in Yangon to store rice bags inside the church for security and to send me some photos of the distributions. Hlegu Church has decided to distribute rice bags to individuals instead of families because the number of individuals in families varies. I think this approach is good too. However, others have decided to distribute them to families. This is what you can see in the attached photos.

Evangelist Bathein Aung distributed rice bags to each family.

We sent Evangelist Joseph Abur and Mintung Tin to visit Arunachal Pradesh, India, in early February to make contact with the Ganeung Rvwang people there. They were able to meet some individuals and successfully established contacts with them for further outreach with the Good News of Jesus Christ. However, the process has been somewhat slow due to many restrictions imposed by Indian authorities, limiting our access to the areas where our people live. We pray that the Lord will grant us an open door in the near future.

Praying of thanks to God before distributing rice bags to each family of Shwebyda church

Thailand Ministry

Besides our regular ministry with the Children's Home and Mercy Home, Boonporn has been working closely with the village's young people. Previously, these young individuals did not attend church. Boonporn dedicated a lot of time to engaging with them, witnessing to them, and praying with them. In Asian culture, young people tend to respect and listen to their elders, and with God's help, they have accepted the Lord and decided to be baptized. So, in early January, six boys were baptized. However, one boy is missing in the picture, and those boys with towels are the ones who were baptized. These boys are from Boonporn's village in the Ganlaya district of Chiang Mai. Praise the Lord for bringing these boys to Him! This coming Easter, there are more prospects who are expected to turn to the Lord and be baptized.

We want to thank you all for your faithful prayers and financial support. All ministries in both Burma and Thailand are going well with the help of God and you all. May God bless you abundantly and keep you all in good health.

With Togetherness in His services,

Jerry and Boonporn


So, you know how some people choose a word for the year? Well, I never really did that, but this year, a word chose me – and that word is "legacy." With the start of the new year and some close calls with my Grandpa's health, I couldn't help but think about the legacy he's leaving behind.

Thankfully, through lots of prayers and an amazing medical team, Grandpa is back home and getting better every day. But that word "legacy" just won't leave me alone. I've been pondering on the kind of legacy my Grandpa is building – a legacy of love for God, for each other, and for our country.

As we approach Easter, I started thinking about the legacy Jesus left for us. When Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross, he left us with so much – the ultimate example of how to live our lives. His wise words are scattered throughout the New Testament, and he even assures us in Matthew 24:35 that

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."

Remember when Jesus faced the devil in the wilderness? He said, "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4). Jesus left us with his words and God's words as a guide for our lives.

Different seasons bring different challenges, and I've found that various scriptures speak louder during different times. But one thing I know for sure is that there are words for every situation we face each day.

As we dive into this season of reflecting on Christ's life and the sacrifice made for us, I encourage you to think about the scriptures that are speaking to your heart. What words are guiding you through this season of life?


Join us this year for Easter at Christ's Church of Yukon. Don't miss an opportunity to invite someone into the presence of God where the gospel will be boldly proclaimed. Let's ask God to give us opportunities to invite people and for many people to meet Jesus for the first time this Resurrection Sunday.



Christ’s Closet will be open on Saturday, March 2nd from 11 to 2 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for those in need to come and find what they might need. We also encourage anyone who can, to spread the word to friends, family, or neighbors who might benefit from this. Additionally, if you're looking for a way to give back, we welcome you to join us as a volunteer during these hours.


Join us this Saturday, March 23rd, from 9 AM to 12 PM as we come together in fellowship and service to Spring Clean the church. It's a day of community, caring, and sharing as we spruce up and beautify our sacred space. Whether you're young or young at heart, there's a way for everyone to contribute. We've organized a variety of tasks to suit all age groups and abilities, ensuring that everyone can take part in this day of service and love.


Tenebrae is a Christian service that typically takes place during Holy Week, the week leading up to Resurrection Sunday. The word "Tenebrae" is derived from the Latin word for "darkness" or "shadows," and the service is known for its use of darkness and candles. During a Tenebrae service, candles are gradually extinguished as readings and hymns are recited. The service typically includes readings from the Old Testament, the Psalms, and the New Testament, and is intended to reflect on the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.


Join us this Good Friday, March 29th, as we open the church doors for an evening of reflection. Come and go between 5-7 pm for a time of prayer, with opportunities available for those wishing to be baptized into Christ or receive prayer. It's a time to reflect, connect, and prepare your heart for Resurrection Sunday. Everyone is welcome!


Join us this Resurrection Sunday for a special start to our day of fellowship and celebration. We're kicking things off with a Potluck Breakfast at 9 AM!

  • What to Bring: Your favorite dish to share. Whether it's a family recipe, a sweet treat, or a hearty breakfast item, we welcome it all for a morning of communal joy and deliciousness.
  • Where: CCY South Building
  • When: 9 AM on Resurrection Sunday

Let's come together for food, fellowship, and to celebrate this day. Your dishes and presence will make this breakfast a truly communal and heartwarming experience.


As Resurrection Sunday approaches, we're excited to extend a special invitation to all our families and friends for a cherished tradition. Join us for an Easter Egg Hunt on Resurrection Sunday, March 31st, right after our Potluck Breakfast. It's a day filled with faith, fellowship, and fun, and we'd love for you to be a part of it!

  • Date: Resurrection Sunday, March 31st
  • Time: Easter Egg Hunt begins at 10 AM, following the Potluck Breakfast
  • Location: Christ's Church of Yukon

Bring your baskets and your keenest egg-finding eyes as we scatter eggs around for children (and those young at heart) to discover. Filled with treats and surprises, each egg is a symbol of the new life and hope we celebrate together.


Spring Camp is a 21-hour opportunity for parents to experience Camp Sooner WITH their elementary-aged camper on April 5-6th. Campers and parents will participate in several fun, camp activities, all while diving deeper into God's Word together. This is an excellent chance for parents to experience what camp is like without enduring the oppressive heat of summer. Younger siblings are welcome to attend as an "Other Attendee" if parents are attending. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend with their camper. Summer camp is often a life-changing time for students and Spring Camp is a chance for parents to get a glimpse into what God can do at a place like Camp Sooner.


We are excited to announce that the CCY Parent's Day Out program will be returning this summer! From June 11th through July 30th, we welcome children aged 15 months to 6 years to join us every Tuesday and Thursday from 9 AM to 2 PM for a time of fun, learning, and spiritual growth. This ministry is a wonderful opportunity for parents to have a day to themselves while their children are cared for in a safe, nurturing, and faith-filled environment. We believe it can be a great blessing not only to our church members but also to our surrounding community. We ask you to think about the families you know who could benefit from this program. Whether they are looking for a few hours of rest, need to run errands, or simply wish for their child to have a meaningful social experience, our Parent's Day Out could be the answer to their prayers. Please help us spread the word about this special ministry. Share this information with friends, family, and neighbors. For more details, including how to register, please visit our website at




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