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Noadswood News Week commencing 16th september 2024

Events coming up


23rd Year 7 Rugby at home

24th Year 9 & U16 Netball at home

25th Year 7&8 Girl's football

25th Year 9 Rugby at home

26th Year 7&8 Netball at home

26th Open Evening for year 6 parents

27th INSET Day

30th Year 7 Rugby at home


1st Year 8 Rugby – away Ringwood

1st U16 Netball – away Ballard School

1st Work Experience Information Evening for Year 10 students and their families

2nd Year 7, 8, 9 Girls Rugby – away Applemore

2nd Year 9 Rugby – home

3rd U16’s Rugby – home

3rd Year 8 Netball – home

4th Year 7 Team building day

4th Year 7 Welcome Disco

Saturday 30 November – Christmas Themed Craft Fayre. All funds raised will be going towards our International Fundraiser. If you would like to book a table to sell your goods, or know someone who would, please click this link

Tickets are now on sale through Arbor for this event in the Shop.

Message from the Leadership Team

We hope this newsletter finds you well. We’ve had another wonderful week visiting year 6 primaries and welcoming families to our open events. It's been wonderful to talk to families and for those in our local community to see firsthand the teamwork, the hard work, the support, and the high-quality learning we strive for every day. A special thanks to our junior and senior prefects and student leadership team who have been so brilliant at welcoming families and answering any questions.

We’ve also loved getting to know year 7 better. I have been thrilled to start my KS3 choir today – Y7s really impressed me, joining the ranks with our Y8s and 9s. We absolutely rocked the hall! Can’t wait for this year’s performances including at the Christmas Fayre. Likewise, I met the first group of Y7s who have been nominated by their tutors for a hot choc and biscuit with me for a fab start here. This will run each week now – congrats to them all. It’s a big step taken brilliantly well.

We’d like to flag that there will be our Meet the Tutor evening for Year 7 parents and carers on Thursday 17 October between 4-6pm. Further information on this event will be sent out within the next few weeks.

We’d also like to remind families that next week is a shorter week. As we have written for the last few weeks, Noadswood will close early on Thursday 26/09/2024 to allow for our Open Evening set up. Students will leave site by around 12.30pm. Those who would usually claim a free school meal will be able to do so prior to do so at break time.

We have begun to contact families with regards to student helpers and speakers, who are at the heart of our open events - huge thanks to them all in advance. Times for them to return to school to help us will be shared with them and all consent sought from you.

We then have an INSET day on Friday 27/09/2024 and school is therefore shut for all students. We are looking forward to working together as colleagues on the all-important cyber awareness agenda and also the work of Kit Messenger around emotional regulation, adults, and young people alike. Finally, we will be setting ourselves objectives for our teaching and our leadership to keep reflecting and improving on all we do.

Best wishes,

Kathryn Marshall and the leadership team

Year 7

It’s been great to see so many Year 7s continue to attend our after-school clubs, with some of them taking part in fixtures against other schools. Rugby and Netball teams have travelled across the forest to Priestlands with lots more to play in the coming weeks.

After-school clubs are free to attend and do not require any sign-up. The best advice for any pupil wishing to join one of our clubs is to talk to their class teacher or tutor for more information.

A couple of dates for your diary this half-term:

Thursday 17th October – Meet the Tutor Evening

Friday 4th – Year 7 Team Building Day

Friday 4th (after-school) - Year 7 Disco

Please look out for further communications from us in the coming weeks with more specific details about these events.

Safeguarding and Signposting

Last week we held our first Young Carers meeting. Miss Lucas, Mrs Ayrton and Mr Chilton are all working together to look after our Young Carers. Tasty breakfast treats were shared and lots of plans have been made for the year ahead. If you think your child/ren may be a young carer, please do reach out to us via your child’s tutor or directly to the Young Carer staff.

We’ve been asked to highlight the local ‘Read Easy’ groups which place across Hythe and Totton. The programme supports adults who want to learn to read or improve their reading skills, at their own pace and without pressure. If you want further details on this, including how to sign up to the programme or be a volunteer supporter, details can be found here


It has been wonderful to welcome students back into school after the summer break. We know that getting back into a routine can be difficult for some students and the mornings can be a challenge. A reminder then that breakfast is available in the canteen and pastoral staff are on hand to help manage any worries or concerns. If your child is struggling to attend, please do bring them into school and we can work together to ensure the best support is in place. We would always rather part attendance than none at all.


This week, we held our annual Careers Fair. Local colleges and employers joined us to speak with students in years 9-11 and their parents and careers all about post 16 options and where they can continue to study after their time here at Noadswood. It was fantastic to see so many students attend with their families and taking the opportunity to speak directly with our visitors about various pathways including A Levels, Apprenticeships, T Levels, BTECs and other career pathways. We hope they found the evening invaluable and beneficial towards preparing for next steps.
