Sailboat of needs:
Barry Kaufman proposed an idea of thinking about human needs. This idea takes the form of a sailboat. The actual boat part of the sailboat is the bare necessity to have at least a boat (bare human needs), and the sail is needed to make the boat move (Human Growth).
Social media
Social media affects the boat of our needs
Social media overstimulates the brain with images that can affect the boat of our needs. Constantly having the ability to see others and comparing yourself to them is unhealthy and can lead to issues with self-esteem.
Social media can create superficial connections. Although during certain situations it allows humans to connect when they normally could not, humans can sometimes become dependent on this kind of communication and refrain from in-person connections. A quote from Tania Luna from Psychology Today says, "They (Mehrabian and Wiener) found that only 7% of the judgement was based on the actual words, 38% was based on tone, and 55% was based on facial expressions (i.e., a total 93% nonverbal judgement)."
Social media is not safe. Although it doesn't cause direct physical harm it is not safe. Social media can create an environment for bullying. There is also a risk of getting hacked which can lead to user's data getting leaked.
Social Media addiction
- " connection has become druggified by social-media apps, making us vulnerable to compulsive overconsumption."
- "They do that by amplifying the feel-good properties that attract humans to each other in the first place."
- "We're wired to connect. It's kept us alive for millions of years in a world of scarcity and ever-present danger."- Bruce Goldman
Addiction to social media has a similar chemical effect to those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. The easy access to social media makes this addiction much easier to succumb to along with the fact that the signs of addiction are less noticeable. This over stimulating with dopamine can increase depression and anxiety in people.
what to do?
- Try a day long detox, start with social media and work your way to no tech at all
- Avoid apps like Tiktok that are designed for scrolling
- Use social media to formulate plans to hangout
- Avoid sharing too much on the internet
- Avoid accounts that don't give you positive thoughts
- Find activities that do not involve a screen
Healthline. "How to Be Happy." Last modified May 19, 2023.
Created with images by • Production Perig - Businessman holding a cloud of social media network icon • escapejaja - Hand using smartphone with Social media concept. • lightpoet - Young woman in bed holding a phone, tired and exhausted, blue light straining her eyes, messing up her circadian rhytm