Adams Update December 4, 2024

Every day is a great day at Adams!

"Baby, it's cold outside."

Students are required to wear appropriate winter gear to play outside. Keeping Adams Atoms warm is a priority as cold weather sets in. Several organizations in the Midland Area and our Friends of Adams group are available to help provide snow pants, boots, gloves, and hats for those in need. If your family requires assistance this year, please contact your child's teacher or the Adams office team; we will be glad to help you. The office phone number is 989-923-6037.

The Holiday Shoppe is Tonight, Wednesday, December 4, from 5:30-7:00 PM!

Please note it is a CASH event.

Volunteers Needed

We need your help to make this event a success. Please see the volunteer opportunities in the SignUpGenius link and sign up if you are available. Thank you in advance!


Doors are secure for the day by 8:45 AM. Students arriving after 8:45 AM must be brought to the office and signed in by a parent or guardian.

MPS District Vision

The MPS District Vision: Lead with respect, trust and courage. Ensure an equitable, collaborative and inclusive culture. Enable all to achieve success. At Adams Elementary, we follow the vision and the work the district is doing with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion by introducing a vocabulary word to students each month. The word is introduced and defined at the morning meeting at least once each week of the month. We also include PYP Learner Profile Attributes. The word(s) for December is ally. An ally is someone who supports a group other than one's own. The PYP attribute for this month is communicator. Be sure and ask your student about the words shared at morning meeting.

PYP Learner Profile Attribute Student of the Month

Through the month of November, students and staff at Adams have been focusing on developing the PYP learner profile attribute principled. Principled students take responsibility for their actions and act with honesty. They also make responsible choices even when faced with peer pressure. Additionally, principled students respect others and value diverse perspectives.

The following students are being recognized as principled, no matter the circumstance, during the month of November:

  • K: Keegan Headly, William Schefsky
  • 1: Eliza Dreibelbis
  • 2: Addison Grillo, Landon Smith
  • 3: Quinn Palmiter, Liam Urbaniak
  • 4: Elaina Foltz, Clara Kimball, Kayla McIntire, Hannah Roffee
  • 5: Mason Glaze, Blake Larson, Juan Pablo Moreno

Through the month of November, students and staff at Adams have been focusing on developing the SEL concept of self-management. Students who are self-managed are in control of their own thoughts, feelings, and actions. When a student has good self-management, they are able to make good choices and stay focused on their goals.

The following students are being recognized as self-managed during the month of November:

  • K: Emersyn Parker, Olivia Whittlesey
  • 1: Quinn Hansen
  • 2: Clara Burkinshaw
  • 3: Wynnie Buzzell, Parker Wood
  • 4: Brett Robb, Harper Johnson, Ember Travis, Harrison Kretz
  • 5: Karli Bennett, Drew Murtha, Haley Kret

Way to go, Adams Atoms!

Mrs. Christina Tignanelli

IB PYP/STEM Coordinator

December Menus

Lost and Found

Unclaimed items are donated at the end of each semester. Students should check the lost and found periodically. We have accumulated many misplaced items, such as jackets, water bottles, lunch boxes, and other personal belongings.

Please label your child's belongings to help us quickly return them to their owners.

Link to the PTO e-Newsletter:

  • The Holiday Shoppe is tonight (Wednesday, December 4) from 5:30 to 7:00 PM! Please note that it is a CASH only event.
  • The PTO will not have a meeting in December; our next meeting will be Monday, January 13, 2025, at 6:00 PM - all are welcome, and childcare is provided during the meeting.
  • Our December Popcorn date will be on THURSDAY, DEC. 19 (instead of Friday). It is also an Adams Holiday Spirit Day - Pajama Day!
  • Save the Date for the return of the Adams Carnival - Friday, March 14, from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM.


  • 4 Holiday Shoppe 5:30-7 pm in the Adams Cafeteria - All Welcome!
  • 10 Papa Johns Pizza Night (promo code Adams20)
  • 12 Kindergarten Holiday Performance 6:00-7:00 PM Adams Cafeteria
  • 13 Adams Spirit Day: Mismatch/Inside Out Day
  • 16 Adams Holiday Spirit Day: Holiday Sweater
  • 17 Adams Holiday Spirit Day: Flannel Day
  • 18 Adams Holiday Spirit Day: Holiday Character Day
  • 19 Popcorn Day & Adams Holiday Spirit Day: Pajama Day
  • 20 Adams Holiday Spirit Day: Holiday Gear Day
  • 20 Class Parties
  • 20 FULL DAY of School - Dismissal at 3:40 PM
  • 23 - 31 No School – Winter Break


  • 1 - 3 No School – Winter Break
  • 6 Instruction Resumes
  • 13 PTO Meeting 6:00 PM + Childcare Provided

Want to connect with more families from Adams Elementary?

Join the Friends of Adams Elementary PTO Facebook group, or follow on Instagram @friendsofadamspto.

PTO President - Emma Palmiter -

Reporting Absences Through ParentVUE

Parents/Guardians can report student(s) absent via ParentVUE. This feature appears as a blue button titled "Report Absences" on the app's main page or website.

  • Parents/guardians can report absences for a single day or multiple days.
  • Report each student individually. Do not enter additional students in the notes section.
  • For each absence reported, parents/guardians must provide a detailed note explaining the reason. If you report your student as sick, please list the symptoms your student is experiencing. The note will help school attendance staff select the correct attendance code.
  • If you have a legal or medical document, please upload it with the absence, or provide it to the school attendance staff upon your student's return. Parents/guardians can still call to report an absence at 989-923-6037.

Midland Public Schools Flyer Boards

Schools receive many requests to share flyers about community activities. Midland Public Schools maintains two flyer boards to share this information with families. Please follow the links below to access the flyer boards.

Tracy Renfro


Wendy Sekely

Administrative Assistant

Adams Elementary School

Office (989) 923-6037

Fax (989) 923-6035

1005 Adams Dr.

Midland, MI 48642

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