Newsletter Ysgol Deiniol 18th October 2024

School Priorities For 2024/25 - Our three new priorities for this year are to do with ICT, Welsh and Maths. Each year we look at evidence from learning walks, children's books and assessments to set priorities for the coming year. As always, we will use yourselves, pupils, staff and Governors to monitor the success of these targets. Please find the full document here, which has a review of last year's priorities.
Harvest - We are attending St Deiniol and Marcella Church for our Harvest assembly next Thursday and in preparation for this some pupils from Dosbarth Celyn have been sharing some of their poems. Both Millie and Maliah were proud to show me their work allow themselves to be pictured for our Newsletter. Da iawn.
Cymraeg yn Ysgol Deiniol - One of our priorities at Ysgol Deiniol this year is to encourage pupils to use more Welsh in and around school. Over the last week we have introduced simple phrases to the whole school in order to encourage our pupils and staff to use Welsh independently. So far we have introduced: Bore da - Good morning, P'nawn da - Good afternoon and Ga i..? - Can I ...? Please try and use these phrases at home if possible to encourage your child. Diolch.
My Happy Mind - A reminder that we are still using MyHappyMind in order to support our pupils with strategies to keep a happy and healthy mindset. You can sign up for extra FREE resources here: Using the code 400428. Please download the free app to see what we do in school and to give you strategies on how to help your children.
Asda Cashpot For Schools - If you do shop at Asda, or are going to shop at Asda then please scan the information above to see how you can donate much needed money to our school.
Easyfundraising - When making purchases online please can you go through the 'easyfundraising' app as a small percentage of the transaction will be sent to the Friends of Deiniol. It doesn't cost you anything at all and most online retailers take part: Amazon, John Lewis, M&S, Tui etc. Just download the app, choose Friends of Deiniol School Yard and then use the app to choose an online store to buy from. It's really simple to use and easy money for the school!
Recycled Clothes - Please keep bagging up and sending in any unwanted clothes to the school. It's really easy money for the Friends of Deiniol which is then sent back into school to help our children.

Dog Blog - Please see our latest blog from Albert.