Rhifyn 2 Tymor yr Haf 2024
Mae'n bleser cyflwyno cylchlythyr sy'n cynnwys newyddion am ddigwyddiadau a gweithgareddau'r ysgol yn ystod yr hanner tymor yma.
Issue 2 Summer Term 2024
It is a pleasure to present a newsletter which contains news about the school's events and activities during this half term.
Gwybodaeth Allweddol / Key Information
'My School App'
Ein bwriad yw sicrhau sianeli cyfathrebu cadarn er mwyn sicrhau bod rhieni yn derbyn gwybodaeth yn amserol am ddigwyddiadau a materion addysgol. Rydym wedi buddsoddi yn yr ap 'MySchoolApp' a gwelwyd nifer o rieni yn ymrwymo i'r cyfrwng cyfathrebu. Dyma yw ein sianel cyfathrebu gyda rhieni sy'n caniatau i'r staff rhannu dyddiadau allweddol, newyddion a negeseuon allweddol gyda chymuned yr ysgol. Gwerthfawrogom pe bai pob rhiant yn ymrwymo i'r dull yma o gyfathrebu. Pe bai argyfwng ysgol, dyma'r cyfrwng byddwn yn ei ddefnyddio i gyfathrebu gyda rhieni a staff. Ein bwriad yw gwneud defnydd llawn o'r ap felly anogaf i bob rhiant ddefnyddio'r ap. Bydd rhaid gwneud cais drwy ebost am fynediad i'r ap ac mae cymorth ar gael o'r swyddfa ar ddefnydd yr ap pe bai angen.
Our intention has been to ensure robust communication channels to ensure that parents receive timely information about events and educational issues. We have invested in the 'MySchoolApp' app and have seen the majority of parents commit to this medium of communication. This is our communication channel with parents which allows the staff to share key dates, news and key messages with the school community. We would appreciate it if all parents would commit to this method of communication. If there is a school emergency, this is the medium we would use to communicate with parents and staff. Our intention is to make full use of the app so I encourage all parents to use the app if you are not currently doing so. An application must be made by email for access to the app and help is available from the office on the download and use of the app if needed.
Cymorth Ariannol / Financial Support
Sylwer, pan fyddwch yn cofrestru ar gyfer prydau ysgol am ddim, mae ein hysgol yn derbyn cyllid ychwanegol a ddefnyddir i gadw costau ymweliadau addysgol a phrofiadau i'r plant yn is.
Please note that when you register for Free School Meals, our school could get additional funding which is used to keep the costs of educational visits and experiences for the children low.
Cylchgronau'r Urdd Am Ddim
Cylchgronau cyffrous AM DDIM! Mae holl gylchgronau’r Urdd nawr ar gael yn ddigidol ac am ddim!
Free Urdd Magazines
Exciting FREE magazines! All the Urdd magazines are now available digitally and for free!
Twrnamaint Criced Cymru Hendy-gwyn / Cricket Wales Tournament in Whitland
Ar y 10fed o Fehefin bu disgyblion Dosbarth Cynin yn cystadlu yn Nhwrnamaint Criced Cymru yn Clwb Criced Hendy-gwyn. Llwyddodd y bechgyn i ennill dau o’i gemau gyda'r merched yn ennill a cholli un gêm ag yn llwyddo ennill y gystadleuaeth merched. Da iawn bawb!/ On the 10th of June pupils from Cynin class competed in the Cricket Wales tournament at Whitland Cricket Club. The boys team successfully won two of their matches, with the girls winning and loosing one game. The girls team went on to win the girls competition in the afternoon. Well done to all!
Twrnamaint Criced 50/50 yr Urdd Bl.3 a 4 / Urdd 50/50 Cricket Tournament
Gwnaeth tîmoedd cymysg Criced blynyddoedd 3 a 4 perfformio’n wych wrth gystadlu yn nhwrnament Criced 50/50 yr Urdd yn clwb Criced Bronwydd. / Our Year 3 and 4 mixed teams did incredibly well competing in the Urdd tournament held at Bronwydd Cricket club.
Football First
Diolch i gwmni ‘Football First’ am gynnal gwasanaeth yn sôn am ein her pêl-droed. Mwynhaodd y disgyblion gweld Nikki yn arddangos eu sgiliau a gwahoddwyd rhai o ddisgyblion a staff yr ysgol i roi gynnig arni hefyd! Ar ôl y wasanaeth cafodd pob dosbarth sesiwn gyda Nikki i ymarfer eu sgiliau pêl wrth wrando i amryw o ganeuon pop. / Thank you to 'Football First' for holding an assembly discussing our football challenge. The pupils enjoyed watching Nikki demonstrate his football skills, pupils and staff were invited up to have a go too! After the assembly each class had the opportunity to practice their football skills whilst listening to pop music.
Mabolgampau / Sports Day
Hyfryd oedd gallu cynnal ein mabolgampau ar y cyntaf o Orffennaf. Cafwyd diwrnod hwyliog gyda chystadlu brwd. Llongyfarchiadau i Llew, Ruby, Jac a Gwenllian am ddod yn gyntaf yn y ras hir. Llongyfarchiadau mawr hefyd i’r canlynol am ennill Victor a Victrix Ludorum yn y Mabolgampau; Dysgu Sylfaen: Rowan Houlden, Abbie Jenkins, Ruby Rodenhurst a Alys Tebbut. Cyfnod Allweddol 2: Edward Rodenhurst a Gwenllian Dent. Diolch i’r holl rieni a ffrindiau’r Ysgol a ddaeth i gefnogi. Yn dilyn y mabolgampau cynhaliodd Cymdeithas Rhieni a Ffrindiau’r ysgol gweithgareddau hwylus gan gynnwys castell neidio, raffl, barbeciw a ras hwyaid. Diolch i bawb wnaeth gyfrannu a helpu ar y diwrnod mewn unrhyw ffordd.
On the first of July we held our Sports Day. We had a great day and keen competitors. Congratulations to Llew, Ruby, Jac and Gwenllian on coming first in the long race. A big congratulations too for winning Victor and Victrix Ludorum; Foundation phase Rowan Houlder, Abbie Jenkins, Ruby Rodenhurst and Alys Tebbut. Key Stage 2; Edward Rodenhurst and Gwenlliant Dent. Thank you to all parents and friends of the school for your support. Following the school sports the PTA held various activities including a bouncy castle, raffle, BBQ and duck race. Thank you to all who contributed and helped in any way.
Diwrnod Iechyd a Lles Ffederasiwn Bro Brynach a Beca / Health and Well-being Day within the Federation
Ar ddydd Mawrth yr ail o Orffennaf braf oedd cael cynnal diwrnod Iechyd a Lles y Ffederasiwn ar gae Dandre, Llanboidy. Yn ystod y diwrnod fe gafodd y plant cyfle i ymgymryd mewn amryw o gemau, criced, rownderi, sialens sgorio gan y cwmni ‘Football First’ yn ogystal â datblygu ystod o sgiliau pêl-droed gan glwb Pêl-droed Llanboidy. Estynnwn ein diolch i Dafydd, Darren a Gareth am ei hamser ag am redeg sesiynau sgiliau pêl-droed hwyliog yn ystod y diwrnod. Am ddiwrnod penigamp!
On Tuesday the 2nd of July it was lovely to organise a Health and Well-being Day within the Federation at Dandre Fields, Llanboidy. During the day the pupils had the opportunity to take part in various games including cricket, rounders, penalty shoot out with 'Football First' and developed football skills with Llanboidy Football Club. A heartfelt thank you to Dafydd, Darren and Gareth for giving up their time and running fun football skill session throughout the day. A fantastic day had by all!
Cerdded Trwy'r Beibl / Walk Through the Bible
Cafodd disgyblion dosbarth Cynin y cyfle i dderbyn sesiynau wythnosol gan gwmni Cerdded Trwy’r Beibl. Dysgodd y disgyblion am amryw o straeon o’r Hen Destament ar Destament Newydd a gyflwynir iddyn nhw. Ymgysylltodd y disgyblion yn dda wrth iddynt berfformio’r straeon allan a gweithio drwy lyfr gweithgaredd./Pupils in Cynin's class had the opportunity to receive weekly sessions from Walk Through the Bible. The pupils learned about various stories from the Old Testament on New Testament that were presented to them. Pupils engaged well as they performed the stories out and worked through an activity book.
Hyfforddiant Beicio / Cycling Profiency
Cwblhaodd disgyblion Blwyddyn 5 eu hyfforddiant Lefel 1 a chwblhaodd disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 eu hyfforddiant Lefel 1 a 2 cwrs beicio’n ddiogel yn ystod y mis. Dysgon nhw sut i wirio bod ei beic yn ddiogel i ddefnyddio a sut i ymateb yn briodol i beryglon a chadw’n ddiogel allan ar yr heol./Year 5 pupils completed their Level 1 training and Year 6 pupils completed their Level 1 and 2 training cycling course safely during the month. They learned how to check her bike is safe to use and how to respond appropriately to hazards and stay safe out on the road.
Trip y Dysgu Sylfaen i draeth Pentywyn/Foundation Learning trip to Pendine beach
Mwynhaodd y Dysgu Sylfaen eu taith diwedd blwyddyn i draeth Pentywyn. Roedd y plant i gyd yn gyffrous iawn i fynd ar y daith a theithio ar y bws. Pan gyrhaeddon ni draeth Pentywyn cawsom gyfle i chwarae yn y parc tan amser cinio. Gwnaeth y plant mwynhau picnic amser cinio wrth drafod beth maen nhw'n mynd i'w wneud ar y traeth. Roedd y plant yn gyffrous iawn i adeiladu cestyll tywod a ffosydd. Gweithiodd y plant i gyd gyda'i gilydd i adeiladu cestyll tywod, cloddio tyllau a gwneud ffos. Cafodd y plant hufen iâ blasus i orffen eu hamser ar y traeth cyn mynd yn ôl i'r ysgol ar y bws. Cafodd y plant a'r staff ddiwrnod hyfryd ar draeth Pentywyn ac roedden ni i gyd wedi blino ar ôl diwrnod prysur.
The foundation stage enjoyed their end of year trip to Pendine beach. The children were all very excited to go on the trip and travel on the bus. When we arrived at Pendine beach we had the chance to play in the park until dinner time. The children enjoyed a picnic while discussing what they were going to do on the beach. The children were very excited to build sandcastles and moats. The children all worked together to build sandcastles, dig holes and make a moat. We had delicious ice cream to finish off our time on the beach before going back to school on the bus. The children and staff had a lovely day on Pendine beach and were all very tired after a busy day.
Trip Cyfnod Allweddol 2 i Barc Maenor / KS2 Trip to Manor Park
Cafwyd diwrnod hyfryd ym Mharc Maenor ar ddydd Mercher yr ail ar bymtheg o Orffennaf. Mwynhaeodd pawb mynd o gwmpas a gweld amryw o anifeiliaid gwahanol bu rhai hyd yn oed yn ffodus i weld y teigr bach newydd!/ On Wednesday the 17th of July Years 3,4,5 and 6 had a lovely day at Manor Park. Everyone enjoyed seeing all the animals and some were fortunate to see the baby tiger!
Diwrnodau Pontio / Transition days
Yn ystod y hanner tymor mae disgyblion o flynyddoedd blwyddyn 5 a 6 wedi cael y cyfle i ymweld a'i hysgolion Uwchradd a ymgymryd mewn amryw o weithgareddau hwylus a chael cyfle i gyfarfod ag athrawon a ffrindiau newydd. Braf eleni oedd cael y cyfle i gynnal ddiwrnod pontio mewnol a mwynhau ystod o weithgareddau hwylus./ During the half term pupils from year 5 and 6 have had the opportunity to visit their Secondary schools and undertake a variety of activities and have the opportunity to meet new teachers and friends. It was great this year to have the opportunity to host an in-house transition day and enjoy a range of fun activities.
Ymwelwyr / Visitors
Yn ystod y mis croesawyd Kristen sef nyrs yr ysgol atom i siarad â disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 a merched Blwyddyn 5 am dyfu i fyny. Atgoffodd PC Cath am bwysigrwydd cadw'n ddiogel ar lein. Braf oedd cael croesawu’r Parchedig Guto Llywelyn a Shirley Murphy atom eto mis yma. Gwnaethant ein atgoffa ni o’n cryfderau a’n gwendidau ag i ddefnyddio nhw yn gywir. Daeth Gaynor o Llyfrgelloedd Caerfyrddin i siarad gyda'r disgyblion am y sialens ddarllen sydd yn rhedeg dros wyliau'r Haf. During the month Kristen our school nurse visited us to talk to Year 6 pupils and Year 5 girls about growing up. Thank you to PC Cath for reminding us of the importance of staying safe online. It was great to welcome Reverend Guto Llywelyn and Shirley Murphy for visiting us again this month and reminding us of our strengths and weaknesses and to use them correctly. Gaynor from Carmarthenshire Library service visited to talk about and share information about the reading challenge they are running over the summer holidays.
Ffarwelio / Farewell
Pob hwyl i 12 o ddisgyblion Blwyddyn 6 sydd yn ein gadael ni eleni, a diolch i bob un ohonynt am eu cyfraniad dros y blynyddoedd. Dymunwn bob hwyl iddynt yn eu hysgolion Uwchradd yn mis Medi./ Good luck to all 12 of our Year 6 pupils who are leaving us this year, thank you to each and every one of you for your contribution over the years. We wish them all the best at their secondary schools in September.
Dosbarth Lliwe / Lliwe Class
Rydym wedi bod yn brysur iawn yn Nosbarth Lliwe yr hanner tymor hwn! Rydym wedi bod yn edrych ar y stori 'Ar Goll ar y Traeth', sy'n adrodd stori am dedi sy'n mynd ar antur ar y traeth. Rydym wedi bod yn cwblhau gweithgareddau a heriau yn seiliedig ar y stori hon. Rydym wedi mwynhau cynnal arbrawf lle roedd angen i'r plant ddewis ffabrig i wneud parasiwt i weld pa un fyddai'n hedfan am yr hiraf. Roedd y plant yn greadigol iawn pan oedd angen iddyn nhw wneud fideo yn esbonio sut i gadw'n ddiogel yn yr haul. Mae'r plant hefyd wedi dysgu rhywfaint o gymorth cyntaf sylfaenol fel defnyddio rhwymynnau a phlastrau. Cafodd y plant gyfle i archwilio'r ddarpariaeth barhaus yn y dosbarth megis y babell ddarllen, siop haf yr ystafell ddosbarth a'r ardal toes chwarae hufen iâ. Roedd y plant hefyd yn gwneud eu hardaloedd eu hunain fel cuddfannau traeth allan o adnoddau dosbarth a sleid 'dŵr'. Buom yn trafod pwysigrwydd cadw'n ddiogel ar y traeth cyn ein taith i draeth Pentywyn. Gwnaethom gwblhau llawer o weithgareddau lle roedd yr holl blant yn gallu gofyn llawer o gwestiynau.
Yn ein gwersi Addysg Gorfforol rydym wedi mwynhau ymarfer ar gyfer mabolgampau’r ysgol. Rydym wedi bod yn ymarfer rhedeg, wy a llwy, sgipio, cydbwyso'r bag ffa a phêl dwnnel. Roedd y plant wrth eu bodd yn cystadlu yn y mabolgampau. Da iawn i'r plant i gyd a gymerodd ran!
Yn ystod gwersi celf mae'r plant wedi mwynhau edrych ar yr artist Dorian Spencer Davies. Mae'r plant wedi creu arddangosfa wych, model 3D ac wedi ail greu darn unigol wedi'i ysbrydoli gan ei waith.
We have been very busy in Dosbarth Lliwe this half term! We have been looking at the story ‘Ar Goll ar y Traeth’, which tells a story about a teddy bear that goes on an adventure to the beach. We have been completing activities and challenges based on this story. We have enjoyed holding an experiment where the children needed to choose a fabric to make a parachute to see which would fly for the longest. The children were very creative when they needed to make a video explaining how to keep safe in the sun and have also learnt some basic first aid skills such as using bandages and plasters. The children had the chance to explore the continuous provision in class such as reading in the reading tent, classroom summer shop and the ice cream playdough area. The children also made their own areas such as beach huts out of tuff trays and a ‘water’ slide. We discussed the importance of keeping safe on the beach before our trip to Pendine beach. We completed lots of activities where all the children were able to ask lots of questions.
In our PE lessons we have enjoyed practicing for the school sports day such as running, egg and spoon, skipping using a hoop, balancing a bean bag and tunnel ball and loved competing during sports day. Well done to all the children who took part!
During our art lessons the children have enjoyed looking at the artist Dorian Spencer Davies. The children have created a brilliant display, a 3D model and an individual recreation inspired by his work. The children have enjoyed making their work their own by putting their own ideas on to the pieces.
Dosbarth Sien / Sien Class
Yn ystod yr hanner tymor yma mae dosbarth Sien wedi canolbwyntio ar 'Y Traeth'. Maent wedi mwynhau creu traeth yn yr ardal allanol a chwarae yn y twba tywod. Maent wedi cyd-weithio i adeiladu pentref o gestyll. Newidodd y Cegin Fwd mewn i siop Sglodion a Physgodyn gyda 'drive through' i archebu bwyd. Roedd y bocs blociau wedi newid mewn i gar i fynd a phawb i'r traeth. Hefyd, cafwyd siop hufen ia gyda'r plant yn creu posteri a labelu ac yn datblygu eu sgiliau rhifedd drwy ddefnyddio arian yn bwrpasol. Cafwyd cyfle i ail-ymweld a gwybodaeth a ddysgwyd hanner tymor diwethaf am ddiogelwch ar y traeth cyn ein ymweliad i Bentywyn.
Yn ystod ymarfer corff maent wedi bod yn ymarfer ar gyfer y mabolgampau drwy taflu, rhedeg, cydbwyso a sgipio. Maent hefyd wedi bod yn brysur yn datblygu sgiliau pel droed yn dilyn y sesiynau pel droed yn ddiweddar. Yn ystod yr wythnosau diwethaf maent wedi mwynhau datblygu sgiliau taro pel gyda raced. Maent hefyd wedi mwynhau chwarae rownderi.
Yn ystod yr hanner tymor cafon nhw gyfle i bod yn rhan o Sesiwn Stori, Del, Dil a Daf gan Lowri Sion. Cafwyd hwyl yn gwylio'r sioe a phwysigrywdd byd natur yn ein byd. Gwnaeth hyn ysbrydoli y disgyblion i gydweithio i greu gardd trychfilod ar iard y dosbarth gan ddangos dyfalbarhad a gofal a pharch tuag at pethau byw eraill.
During this half term Sien class have been working on the theme; The Beach. They have enjoyed creating a beach scene in the sand pit and creating a village of sand castles. The mud kitchen was transferred into a fish and chip shop, with a drive through service build from pallets and building blocks. The creativity continued with the blocks box changing into a car to transport everyone to the beach. We also had an ice cream shop, with children creating posters and labels and developing their numeracy skills using money to buy ice cream. A re-cap of beach safety was all important prior to the trip to Pendine beach, re-calling previous information about the flags on the beach.
During our physical education sessions the pupils have been practicing for the school sports, developing their technique. Following the school sports they've enjoyed developing their ball skills during football sessions. They have also been developing their hitting a ball skill whilst using rackets of different sizes. The pupils have also enjoyed playing games of rounders.
The pupils were very fortunate to be a part of and watch a show about looking after minibeasts and the importance of them in the world. This inspired the class to work together to create a mini beasts garden on the class yard. This showed perseverance and also care and empathy towards other living things.
Llun Llanast
Mae'r plant yn Meithrin, Derbyn, Blwyddyn 1 a 2 wedi bod yn brysur iawn yn ein gwersi Llun Llanast.
Yn ystod y flwyddyn mae'r plant wedi bod yn brysur yn plannu tatws ac yn ystod un o'n gwersi Llun Llanast roedd y plant yn gallu gweld eu holl waith caled yn talu wrth iddyn nhw dynnu’r tato o’r pridd i weld faint roedden nhw wedi tyfu. Roedd y plant wrth eu bodd yn gweld eu tatws yn dod allan o'r ddaear ac yn methu aros i'w pwyso i weld faint oedd ganddyn nhw. Ar ôl iddynt dynnu’r tatws, defnyddiodd y plant nhw i wneud mash. Roedd y plant wrth eu bodd yn bwyta'r tatws ac yn meddwl eu bod nhw'n flasus! I werthu'r tatws, gwnaeth y plant hysbyseb deledu i berswadio pobl i'w prynu. Gwerthodd y tatws i gyd, ac roedd y plant yn hapus iawn bod eu holl waith caled wedi talu ffordd!
Gwneud Barcut
Yn dilyn ein thema ar y traeth fe wnaeth y plant greu barcud. Cyn gwneud y barcutiaid, dyluniodd y plant eu barcutiaid eu hunain gyda'u hoff bethau a phethau sy'n eu gwneud yn hapus. Yna roedd angen i'r plant weithio fel tîm i ddilyn cyfarwyddiadau i wneud eu barcud eu hunain. Yna cafodd y plant ras gyfnewid i weld eu barcutiaid yn hedfan. Roedd y plant i gyd yn gyffrous iawn.
Cwrs Rhwystrau
Cafodd y plant eu rhoi mewn grwpiau i greu cwrs rhwystrau. Yn gyntaf, roedd angen i'r plant gynllunio eu cyrsiau rhwystrau a chasglu'r holl adnoddau yr oedd angen arnynt. Penderfynodd rhai plant ddefnyddio hoops, peli, beiciau a cherrig camu. Penderfynodd eraill ddefnyddio adnoddau naturiol fel coed, meinciau a cherrig. Yna cafodd y plant gyfle i fynd o gwmpas y cwrs rhwystrau eraill i roi cynnig arnyn nhw.
Actio Stori
Cafodd y dysgu sylfaen amser hyfryd pan ddaeth Del, Daff a Dil i'r ysgol i gynnal perfformiad. Yn dilyn hyn cafodd y plant y dasg o actio stori yn ystod eu gwers Llun Llanast. Roedd y plant yn mwynhau actio gwahanol gymeriadau, gwisgo i fyny ac actio eu hoff rannau o'r stori. Y tair stori yr oedd y plant yn actio allan oedd 'Ar Goll ar y Traeth', 'Ar Goll yn y Coed' a ''Dyn ni yn Mynd i Hela Arth'.
Messy Monday
The children in Meithrin, Derbyn, Year 1 and 2 have been very busy in our Messy Monday lessons.
During the year the children have been busy planting potatoes and during one of our Messy Monday lessons the children were able to see all their hard work pay off by harvesting them to see how much they had grown. The children loved seeing their potatoes come out of the ground and couldn’t wait to weigh them to see how much they had. After they’d harvested the potatoes, the children used them to make mash. The children loved eating the potatoes and thought they were delicious! To sell the potatoes, the children made a television advertisement to persuade people to buy them. All the potatoes sold, and the children were very happy that all their hard work had paid off!
Kite Making
Following our theme on the beach the children made a kite. Before making the kites, the children designed their own kites choosing their favourite things and items that make them happy. Then the children needed to work as a team to follow instructions to make their own kite. The children then had a relay race to see their kites flying. The children were very excited to see their kites flying.
Obstacle Course
The children were put into groups to create an obstacle course. Firstly, the children needed to design their obstacle course and gather all the resources they needed. Some children decided to use hula hoops, balls, bikes and stepping stones. Others decided to use natural recourses such as trees, benches and stones. The children then had the opportunity to go round the other obstacle courses to try them out.
Acting out a Story
The foundation learning had a lovely time when Del, Daff and Dil came into school to put on a performance. Following this the children were given the task to act out a story during their Messy Monday lesson. The children enjoyed acting out different characters, dressing up and acting out their favourite parts of the story. The three stories that the children were acting out were ‘Ar Goll ar y Traeth’, ‘Ar Goll yn y Coed’ and ‘’Dyn ni yn Mynd i Hela Arth’.
Dosbarth Gronw / Gronw Class
Yn ystod yr hanner tymor yma mae’r plant wedi bod yn mwynhau dysgu am lawer o wahanol agweddau o Fathemateg. Mwynheuon ddysgu am onglau gwahanol, roeddent yn medru dysgu eu henwau, ei drefnu a mesur. Cafon y cyfle i ddysgu am dymheredd, cymharu tymheredd a gweithio gyda rhifau negyddol. Yn fwy diweddar, dysgon am ffracsiynau rhifau cyfan. Roedd y plant wrth eu bodd yn casglu data o fewn y Dosbarth ac yn creu amrywiaeth o dablau a graffiau i ddangos eu canlyniadau. Yn ystod ein gwersi Iaith, cafodd y plant y cyfle i gynnal trafodaethau o fewn y Dosbarth, trafodwyd llawer o ddatganiadau gwahanol ac roedd y plant yn medru rhoi rhesymau synhwyrol dros eu hymatebion a defnyddio iaith Mynegi Barn. Yn ystod ein sesiynau Saesneg, mae’r plant wedi bod yn dysgu am synau Newydd o fewn ein sesiynau Read Write Inc, rhai efallai byddai’n peri gofid er enghraifft; ‘qu’ ‘y’ ac ‘i’, maent yn swnio’n wahanol yr iaith Saesneg a mwynheuodd y plant darganfod geiriau oedd yn dechrau gyda’r synau yma ac yna defnyddio nhw mewn brawddegau. Un genre Newydd maent wedi dysgu amdano sef Erthygl Papur Newydd. Roedd y plant wrth eu boddau yn darganfod nodweddion allweddol ac yna yn mynd ati i greu erthygl eu hun. O fewn sesiynau celfyddydau, mwynheuodd y plant creu cardiau Sul y Tadau. Cafwyd y cyfle i ddylunio eitem i gael ei Uwchgylchu yn Dilyn ‘Wythnos Gwyrdd’. Cafodd y plant y cyfle i ymchwilio mewn i wahanol bethau oedd wedi cael eu uwchgylchu ac yna mynd ati i gynllunio rhywbeth eu hun o ddefnydd ailgylchu a’i chreu. O fewn sesiynau Gwyddoniaeth, cynhaliwyd arbrawf i weld sut oedd y System Dreulio yn gweithio, gwnaeth y plant rhagfynegiadau synhwyrol ac ysgrifennu beth wnaeth digwydd yn yr arbrawf.
During this half term, the children have been enjoying learning about various aspects of Mathematics. The have enjoyed learning about angles, learn their names, organise and measure. The also had the opportunity to learn about temperature, they were able to compare temperatures and work with negative numbers. More recently, they have been learning about fractions of whole numbers. The children enjoyed collecting data within class and created a variety of tables and graphs showing their results. During our Welsh language sessions, the children had the opportunity to hold discussions within the class, many different topics/statements were discussed and they were able to give sensible reasons for their responses. They also used the appropriate sentence starters.
During our English sessions, the children have enjoyed learning about new sounds in Read Wtrite Inc Programme, sounds that may prove challenging to pronounce and read for exapmle ‘qu’ ‘y’ and ‘i’. The children enjoyed discovering words that began with these sounds and writing sentences which included them. A genre they learnt about within our English sessions was how to write a Newspaper Article. They were able to disbover key keatures and set out creating their own article.
Within our Art sessions, the children created Father’s Day Cards. The opportunity was given to design an item to be upcycled, following ‘Green Week’. The children went at it to research items that were upcycles and then went on to design and create their own using recyclable materials.
Within Science sessions, an experiment was carried out to demonstrate how the digestive system worked. The children made sensible predictions and recorded their findings.
Dosbarth Cynin / Cynin Class
Yn ystod ein gwersi Cymraeg mae’r disgyblion wedi dysgu am drafodaethau a wedi cael y profiad o fynegi ei barn a chynnal dadl mewn grwpiau am bynciau llosg o’i dewis. Yn ein gwersi Saesneg maent wedi dysgu am erthyglau papur newydd a wedi ysgrifennu am ddigwyddiadau eiconig ynghyd a twrnamaint yr Ewro 2024. Yn ein gwersi Mathemateg mae'nt wedi bod yn defnyddio ei sgiliau geometreg wrth adnabod a chategoreiddio siapau 2D a 3D a adnabod adeiledd a symudiad siapau. Maen’t wedi defnyddio ei sgiliau mesur ar waith onglau a thymheredd. Yn Gwyddoniaeth rydym wedi darganfod am beth yw organ ar organau gwahanol o fewn ein corff. Yn ystod ein gwersi Ymarfer Corff rydym wedi bod yn paratoi ar gyfer y Mabolgampau a datblygu ein sgiliau taflu, dal, batio, bowlio a chaeu wrth chwarae rownderi.
During our Welsh lessons pupils have learnt about discussions and have had the opportunity to express their opinion and carry out a debate about hot topics of their choice. In our English lessons they have learnt about newspaper articles and have written about the iconic events of the Euro 2024 tournament. Within our Mathematics lessons the pupils have recognised and categorized 2D and 3D shapes and identified their structure and movement and have used their measuring skills when carrying out angles and temperature work. In Science we have discovered more about what our organ and the various organs within our body. During our Physical Education lessons, we have been preparing for Sports Day and developed our throwing, catching, batting, bowling and fielding skills while playing rounders.
Ditectif Dysgu a Gwener Gwyllt / Learning Detectives and Wild Friday
Dros yr wythnosau diwethaf mae disgyblion o flynyddoedd 3, 4, 5 a 6 wedi ymgymryd mewn thasgau a heriau amrywiol yn dilyn ein is-thema ‘Fi, Ti ac Eraill’. Cawsant y cyfle i...
Over the last few weeks years 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils have had the opportunity to engage in various tasks and activities following our sub-theme ‘Me, You and Others’ and have had the opportunity to…